Why are people so fucking mean to fast food and retail workers we’re honestly just trying to do our best but people...

Why are people so fucking mean to fast food and retail workers we’re honestly just trying to do our best but people just constantly belittle us.

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shut up and make me a child sandwich wagecuck

stop whining and go find a real job user

I mean to be fair it’s a real job it’s just not very mentally stimulating working fast food

>trying our best
by merit of your career choice you are clearly not

I sympathise with OP having worked in retail, bars, pizza shop/pizza delivery driver. Currently work as a repairs planner in social housing.

People can be real shitty, inconsiderate, self entitled and downright mean.

I fucking hate people.

I just want a job where I don't have to deal with customers.

Get the orders right (do your job) and people won't bitch. And after school get a real job.

Because life is shit and they're miserable. Blame greedy politicians for why life is shit and the retards that vote for them

Not everyone had rich parents, top education, or maybe simply the opportunities afforded by being in the right place a the right time or being born at the right time. Fuck you.

Just get a better job xD Just stop being poor xD Don't expect any help just do everything yourself xD

The truth is most jobs aren't. I'd say a good 20% of jobs are bullshit busy work that exist for tax reasons, 50% are mindless drone work like truckers, clerks, warehousing, etc that are being automated away, 20% require degrees but suck because millions of chinks are pajeets are imported to compete with you and 10% are positions that only nepotism can get you into.

Factories typically pay well.

Because you are one or more of the following
1) a child
2) stupid
3) drunk
4) on drugs
Prove me wrong fast food workers. And just in case this isnt clear, if youre above 21 and working entry level food you qualify for point number 2.

You right af family 10 internets for you
Minus 2 internets for falling for the automation meme

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Yeah, I was thinking of maybe going on a course to get my fork lift truck license and looking at getting some factory work.

Even on a burger flipper’s wage you can go to tech school or trade school. You can get degrees online nowadays without leaving your home. Stop having pity parties and take some initiative.

Because they look down on you and they look down on you because your work involves serving people

I belives working sucks more than any thai shemales (got the joke)
I understand what u mean becose i allway spit at the macdonalds workers when they bring me nuggets

Faggot will say "FiNd A rEaL jOb"
Most fast food workers are kids in high school or retards so that IS a real job. Most places LEGALLY CAN'T HIRE ANYBODY UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE.
I forget most of you are retarded too and probably work at a "real job" slaving away in some dusty cubicle making $1 over min wage so grats.

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Look in to corrugated paper manufacturing. Depending on your area it pays well to exceptionally. Westrock, international paper, Pratt industries to name a few.

Temp agencies dude. Peopleready. Quit believing in tropes and do things that will actually get you somewhere. Get that forklift cert, get a cert for every blue collar thing you can imagine. Working at temp places will open your eyes big time. Say goodbye to bullshit job apps and go where you are needed for real money. You do that, plus keep stacking blue collar qualifications under your belt and youll be on top of your life in 5 years easy

That would be more of a sideways move. I’ve worked in both fast food and warehouses, they both suck. Aim higher.

People that are stuck in the rat race that have their boss shit on them and are sad/depressed/numb most of the day find a chance to feel good by thinking that they are superior to you. Nothing wrong with that imo

See point number 1

user I didn't wanted to be mean

I worked as a clerk at a sports ware shop, job ok but people were shit, shitty payment and corpo like requirements

did grow balls and did change job, transport/logistics so people are still shit but the payment is great + co-workers and boss are golden

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These literal retards can't imagine anything different than what they personally experience and they judge the entire world based on that perception. It sucks because most people are this dumb and that's why the world is so fucked up. This world is not a place for people with special minds

Yeah, 70k last year is really shit pay. You should do better.

>not making six figures
Yeah, its shit. Panhandling bums make more than 70k.

both kinda true, but if you stick in the same place and do nothing to change the situation you are in you are not moving forward

though if he is under 20 it might be hard to find a better job, but still he can try or just do something about his education/skills

because they're insecure

Zoomer detected
I deserve 6 figures for my hsd and subsidized health care!

People are just jealous ass holes that's why. They jealous of someone else better than them. Or their wives go and fuck someone else. All their problems they take it out on you, make you feel insecure and sad. fuck those people Yea Forums they broke my mental health, don't ever let them do it to you. We are all equal in this fucking clown world. Be proud of who you are my autist friends.


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I work at Pizza Hut and everyone is pretty nice

Some people are stuck because they get no help. Trying to work to pay for school, pay for mental help, pay for fucking everything; it's overwhelming. This country is a joke and people had it better when they died young and lived in nature and not playing this stupid fucking money game in today's society

Why are fast food and retail workers so lazy and stupid?

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>Why are people so fucking mean
Because people are shit. It's not difficult to just be a nice person. There's no justifiable reason to be a fucking twat.

But 99% of people are. In the developed world anyway.

I'm not a US cit so I don't know everything

Still if no fight, no struggle there will be no gain

I know it is hard esp nowadays but we shouldn't give up just because life is hard atm

I've tried to ahero myselfe in the past so I kinda know how hard it can get but since then i came a long way and believe me life still can ba a bitch but there is so much to gain if you just keep on fighting

Because there’s no consequences at all for yelling at service work people. In fact if you yell at them they’ll usually get in trouble with their boss. Yelling at people who can’t fight back is how cowards deal with their emotions.

you think it is exclusive to you.? Wrong people are just dickheads deflecting on some lv learn to be smart with words

I'll keep fighting but I have issues that will never go away no matter what I do. Just have to try my best do make it manageable. If that doesn't work then I may an hero

most chads go one with their lives like this
some go getters as well

sad thing is that being polite and nice requires you to be mentally stronger, which kinda makes you look like a pussy on the outside

>on some lv learn to be smart with words

I work in cad design and 3d modeling for a custom wheel shop and our machinists/millwright staff went from ~120 in 2009 to 15 today. All jobs that paid $50,000-$100,000 per year.

90% of our CNC machining has been automated.

And we're one of the few shops that casts and cuts wheels in the states. Almost everyone has moved that to China. Even several brands that have "American" as their namesake.

On top of that, our customer service team has been cut in half because everyone uses our website to place orders and our tire delivery service is going to be replaced by Embark driver-less trucks by 2022.

Because you are not doing your best. It's easy to belittle you when you do a shit job at doing a job that will be replaced by robots one day soon.

Guess where they don't get belittled? at Chick-fil-a; you know why? Because they are respectful, do their job well, and perform hospitality that is uncommon with garbage fast food workers like yourself.

You sure can make some mental leaps there dipshit almost like your whole brain is memes

imagine looking down upon people who provide a service that you demand. honestly people justvl look down on people too feel a little better about there own pathetic lives

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Can i get a driverless truck to live in user im really tired of dealing with traffic come on hook a Yea Forumsro up

dude an hero is not an option! you will get another chance in the next life (if it exists) but for now struggle and do what you can in this one

just think about what makes You feel good and what You like, base some babie step goals on those things and try to achieve them

after a while go and make bigger goals and try to achieve those

i.e. I like camping and nature so I did make small goals

first: buy camping gear and go camping. checked

later: plan a hiking trip and go on it. checked

before I knew it I started going camping with friends and going traveling with them cuz traveling with friends is great

life can be good just thing about what you want and then think about how to realize it

Whoo! thinks was him...!?

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Half of them are unconcerned assholes themselves.

I'm not depressed, I just can't function around people. I need to find a job that I can do from home or I won't make it on my own

Most people are nice, some people are shits to everyone, but they know it's easier to be a shit to people "serving" them. Just jizz in their food and remember that machines will replace your jobs soon anyways.

Shut up faggot.

Walked into a Chik-Fil-A today, where they usually hire groomed, nice, and young people. It's a first job to almost everyone. Other restaurants idk, the the people in their 30s and 40s just learning the register for the first time make me sad. They're clearly overwhelmed, part of them is dying fron the embarrassment of needing the register explained to them, and the rest is just pissed that this is where their life is at. But when customers are normal and the coworkers tolerate or enjoy each other, I always see them goofing off and having fun way more than I ever did at any call center

Get a night time job or something like that.

That's my plan. Just hard to get there with no car and the bus runs only during the day

Call centers are the worst fucking thing, well phone sales. Fucking hell that's a shitty gig.

I work fast food and never have encountered shitty people. No one rude anyways. We got some weirdos yeah, but they never cause a problem.

Buy an electric bike or scooter. There's always a way. Instead of making excuses go for it.

Same goes for Jimmy Johns. Always upstanding people working there.

The right crew in any job makes all the difference. Everyones had that job where there just one or two really actively shit people. Almost lways the managers, from the reason you just explained. The late 20s to late 30s person whose been there for 10 years and makes $2 more than everyone and knows they can get away with whatever they want because they are the absolute bitch of the people above them and do whatever they ask with a smile and tons of brown nosing.


Well good luck with that

Drug dealers and whores my dude.

Because they mess up the simplest of tasks...”no onion”....9/10 times there’s onion on my burger...god help them if and when they get a job that requires skill and talent or a job we’re a simple mistake could cost them or someone else they’re life

Walk 2 miles there and 2 miles back. Tough but I guess that works

In the words of slipknot
>people = shit

the majority of people are small minded enough to feel that: while they arr in the moment they are in, to them it is important enough to complain about. its part selfishness and part just them being in the moment.

the majority of people are emotionally reactive. they will live life as they feel life. if they had a bad day they will push that feeling onto people around them.

and another reason is that some people literally never had to work in a service type job, so they have only the expectations and experiences of being a customer

Shit thats an hour each way user that aint a damn thing.

People are always gonna be mean to you in any job. Get used to it. People can be dicks especially to whiny little bitches

Because some people are petty
On the contrary why do i have to deal with lazy or asshole service sector workers?

Yeah probably no hope for me thx anyway

True, could be worse. I used to walk all the time anyway

Just buy a cheap ass electric scooter. Will shave off plenty of that time, cheap "fuel" and fun as hell too. Xiaomi m365 is great, but there are cheaper similar knock of models as well.

Life is way too short to not make gains man you gonna be glad you took initiative even if things dont pan out for a while. Dont ever let you hold you back.


I work fast food as well. We goof off alot and have a good dynamic because if you come in being a dick, well we'll be entertained throughout the day making fun of your stupid ass for being niggery when it's you who needed us for something.
I have. The thing is people just want to exploit you to get free shit. So even if I know you never fucking said no onions bitch, I'll make this happen for you so you can get out of my face and we can go back to laughing at you.

And yeah I have a bit of pride in my work, so fuck you.

True. Thanks man

something about them thinking you need to pull up your bootstraps. its a republican thing.

Also high key say fuck work buy a sleeping bag and walk out of your town. Hold a cardboard sign at busy stopsigns for cash. Learn an instrument even if its just banging some shit drum. I used to make 80 a night on weekends sitting in downtowns banging on a drum. Now its a grand or two a week if i push myself. And ive seen the whole fucking country. Be a god damn tramp user fucking do it fuck working fuck everything go see some shit and get paid doing it

Somebody would steal it for sure