Hello fat Americans

Hello fat Americans,

How is your poor country doing today?
As a Dane I earn above the average wage of $16 USD, I earn around $19.44 an hour and if I lose my job I get guaranteed benefits to match my wage for 1 whole year, making it easy for me to pay bills and to find work again.

All because we love our country and pay reasonable taxes, not only that I can be safe knowing I do not have to mortgage my beautiful home to pay for healthcare.

Our food is delicious, fresh and quality produce. We do not eat mass produced cows anus burgers, which makes you sick and fat at the same time.

Also we do not need to tip our waiters when we go eat our reasonably priced high quality meals, we tip if we feel like it. Usually we just round up to the nearest 10.

Also our benefits to working is great, we get 5 weeks paid vacation, 52 weeks paid maternity leave which can be split between both parents. Our government also puts money into a bank account for our kids for when they reach age to get it.

So why is your country so poor to not do these things America? Why do you live in a shit country?

Attached: happy-denmark.jpg (960x540, 517K)

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Freedom ain't free.

Ahh Americans thinking they are free. Tell me something you have freedom of that we Danes do not have?


see you in 50 years

Your country is large majority white

Actually we have guns, but our laws are strict so no idiots can have guns.

And our gun crime is very low.

How is that working for you America? Aren't your gun crimes high? Oh yes you blame all the blacks for the high number of white crimes also don't you, because you use the magical per capita reasoning because you are too cowardly to talk the truth.

HAHA America you are definitely the land of the poor.

What else do you have we do not have?

I would say look at the top 10 countries in terms of population and look how well they are, in terms I know America is shit and will never deny its not but I think if a country is put under the weight of over 100 million people then it would be extremely hard to have a country full of wonderful benefits as such Denmark is. People born in the U.S are either born into a middle class home or are born into literal dog shit like super low class situations and to be honest you won't find the richer people roaming sites like Yea Forums however you will find many low class or barely middle class being the the thing that catches the eye of other countries and to no surprise it is all full of fat greasy Americans who literally can not afford to move out of shitville. To answer your question is that fat fucking Americans could not even imagine moving to some more developed country probably because they would not be accepted there for being a fat fucking pig or probably couldn't fathom the prices of moving to a more stable country and getting a decent job soon enough. I know this a memepost to mock Americans but what I am saying is mostly true.

This is success in Denmark

Japan is doing ok, yes the economy is fighting back from major debt, but it is secure.

This is not a memepost, I just wanted to know why Americans actually think they are rich when they are not, and why they think they have the best country in the world when it isn't.

There is a lot of fat sheep in America it seems.

It isn't success it is a decent living salary that people can live on, pay bills and still have money to save.

What is the average wage in the US $11-12?

"Denmark has pervasive rape culture, says human rights group Amnesty"~ EuroNews.

"Denmark Seeks to Ban Mosque Support"~SputnikNews.

"Denmark charges 14 people - including 13 YEAR OLD - over sharing of backpacker beheading "~ Fox News.

You faggots have a freedom problem.

>Why do you live in a shit country?

The USA is a country run by, and for, corporations.

Humans are their farm animals.

So, a single illness can make an American bankrupt? Is that normal? Consider how one broken leg makes you put down a horse. Of course it's normal - for their alien overlords.

How is your tiny, insignificant country that has zero influence in the world doing today?

Americans have freedom to shout Heil Hitler and state the Holocaust never happened.

>be Danish
>go to jail for stating a belief
>go to jail for speaking a certain phrase
>think you're free

Don't know. I have skills. I haven't made $11-12/hr since I was 16

No freedom problem, because we understand what freedom is, unlike Americans who think it is something bigger but they do not know they don't have what they think they have.

Fox News as per usual not telling the whole story, they tried to post it on social media sites in full public view to drum up hate against all Muslims, they were charged with that. (something you can be charged with in the US also)

SputnikNews is a pro Russian network, who hates Denmark. What the story is about is a far right politician trying to ban everything Muslim in Denmark. Despite what you have heard, most Danes do not hate Muslims and are not idiots to fall for far right lies.

You know in scandinavian countries they artificially inflate the rape numbers so people pay attention, right?

As in any false rape claim is added to the statistic and not taken off if proven false, and they consider groping a woman rape?

>Ban mosque support
This isn't freedom of citizens this is disallowing entities to accept donations from foreign powers. This kind of thing can and does undermine democracy. It's a good thing.

>Sharing backpacker beheading
You can't share cp in America. It's the same kind of legal censorship only adding one thing, which frankly is just respecting the victims and families.

Sounds like you are upset and ignorant to think Denmark has no influence. You can go back to crying if you wish.

People can shout Heil Hitler in Denmark if they want, but if they say it while trying to get people to hurt Jews along with it, then that is hate crime.

In the US hate crime also exists. Again Americans have no clue about their own freedom of speech.

Why are people being trolled by the most obvious bait? Some American is larping as someone from some shitty small country.

Hate crime in the U.S. must involve violence. No such thing here as illegal "hate speech."

Let's see you post on your social media that the Holocaust never happened. You will be arrested. In the U.S. we have the freedom to say whatever we want.

Try to be more like us.

Må ikke græde fedt dreng.

Insignificant city-state pouting again?

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That is wrong, it has been up to Judges to show how partial they are to think Hate Speech is protected or not.

But in most cases in the US they have chosen to prosecute.

Oh yes show off your fighters that will hardly be used, and doesn't protect you against ISIS.

Because spending an extra 600+ Bn a year on a budget to give profits to corporate people in your congress and senate, must mean you have a strong Military.

When the American military is very weak, and why they require help in most major offensives.

Who pays for your national defense?

I've always thought mandatory tipping was retarded. It should simply be a fee included with the bill and labeled as something completely different. Like a mandatory server fee or entrance fee or something. Tipping really should be for excellent service not just an implied reward regardless of service quality.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Reddit have you returned? Are we just going to shitpost the same pedantic hivemind bullshit because it's extra le funny ex de? if so consider this my upvote! if only i could upvote this as many times as that of aids contractions in africa

Weak and predictable

Through our taxes.

Your gun crime is so low because you're a village of idiots with internet. I think there's houses in the US bigger than your country. Seriously, how are you even proud of your country when you can't even staff a Walmart?

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weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Ahh the old ignorant American who has never been outside his country and is very angry that his fantasy world is shattered.

brb creating a second account to farm some more upvotes for you

That's easy for you to say when your country has 5x less people than we have in Texas alone.

>list every US product you use
>list every Danish product a US citizen would use

How much shorter is the latter ?

weak and predictable

You'll never own a home in your country, you're too poor.
Also you make less than I do and I'm only lower middle class. If you're going to try to be an elitest, at least have a simple grasp of costs of living.

How’s those highest depression rates treating you?

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Lmao what contribution has the Danish given to the world?

I know. if they have it so much better then why are they here complaining all the time

Oh yeah go with that "typical Americans" argument. So good and original. Go on and tell me more about your big country that everyone is jealous of!

Pastries lol

This triggers the American mutt

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Aircraft (yes Aircraft because Americans aren't building your Stealth Fighter)
Cured Ham
Computer components

Shall I continue?

I will make it easier to understand for you.

We export over 500bn a year to the US, we only import 150bn from you, because we don't really want your shit.

Also most of the world doesn't want your shit.

I said the old Ignorant American at no time did I say typical Americans, but Americans do assume shit a lot when angry.

You also have a smaller population. Guess they didn't teach you basic math there retard.

Also Denmark owes no money to any country for any debt.

How is that working out for you America?

We get others to build our shit for us. We aren't going to import shit from China just to sell it to you. However when you import shit from China that is owned by an American company, we still get the money but doesn't count as an export for us.

Smaller population = smaller income from taxes, but yet we can have subsidized healthcare and decent salaries, decent benefits system, excellent schooling, great exports. And as said no debt to any other country.

Things the US doesn't have.

Also our women look like women, not round boulders of fat with 100 layers of make up like you have in the US.

Attached: American Beauties.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Well good for you, we could have nice things too if not for niggers and spics.

>digs shit out of the ground

lol ok. Your people know how to shovel things and put blocks together
Oh sorry forgot HAM for our cold cuts ffs lol

You get others to build your shit, because your people are too dumb to do it themselves.

Which is why most of shuttle components for NASA comes from Europe, because we have skilled craftsmen who are taught and apprenticed into successful technicians and engineers.

How is that working for you in the US, oh thats right you mostly rely on immigrants to do it all.

>upset I gave him list of exports to the US
>"but but but I am sure you don't but will not check it up, because I will be upset with fee fees if I do"

Oh because the point still didn't get across? Dickmarks must be a literal culture.

"You didn't say the same thing I did."

Oh yes that other American pasttime of blaming minorities for your own problems.

>ask op to do 2 things
>only does one part that makes him look good

C-check m-m-mate

You sound angry because I made you look stupid for your own ignorance.

It is ok, you share the same accolade with another 200m+ Americans.

>being this stupid
>not understanding the things on that list Americans do use

"but hurr durr dat not what I mean"

Look, a video of a beheading is different than child porn. One is the sexual exploitation of minors, the other is spreading a horrible truth about the savagery of extremist groups. The fact you dont allow People to post hatred is idiotic. It's their right to hate people. The fact a CHILD is arrested for hating a group of people, is retarded.

Again the video isn't what got them arrested, what they said did.

This is similar to Scotland when that guy got arrested for saying "gas the jews" but everyone cried that he got arrested for his dog doing a nazi salute.

>can u list US products the Danish use

wE dOnT WaNt aNY oF iT

Sorry nigger, didn't mean to offend you.

Feels good to have the money to do so. How does it feel to have to rely on us for work?

Interesting did you forget what was written originally, it asked what Danish products Americans used.

"must swap it about because I got pwned like my mom in the rape bar"

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More assumptions from butt hurt people, guess you haven't been following the thread snowflake.

That's why I said you only did one thing out of the two you fuckjng retard

How does it feel that you don't get much work nationally, and your country has to rely on others to do it?

Your country contracted us to build your aircraft, because we get the job done, not sit in corners and cry all day and try and union strike when someone drops a donut.

>cannot comprehend the list answered both questions
>"hurr durr how does that work? this does not compute"

Look even your own government knows how superior our economy is


Where do you fagots get your cars from or do you fags just ride bikes and eat butter cookies

Why do it yourself when you can pay others to do it and rather enjoy your time doing other shit? Do none of the work and reap the benefits or do all of the work and be tossed aside? Hm... wonder which one sounds better.

>Asks for 2 distinct lists
>Combines the two
>"you're just a hur durr for not getting it"
good thing you guys have welfare for retards

Enjoy fighting off that Muslim hoard. Don't worry tho, when they behead you, you can get the government to sew it back on for free!

>Americans can't do it because there is no trained engineers and technicians
>"but but... we just want to pay others because... America"

You are very delusional aren't you. Do you not understand you do not produce the professionals to do the work. So you have to pay more than you would for national professionals.

Meaning more cost to the tax payer. Americans really are dumb.

>pretends to ask for 2 lists
>never said that at all
>just made it up because got pwned.

Any country that bitches about the USA needs to remember if our economy crashes you and your tiny economy are fucked too

We do not have a Muslim problem, you should stop reading breitbart etc.

Deutscher hier. Dies ist sehr richtig auf Europa.

We make our own or import from the Germans and Italians. American cars do not sell well in Denmark, as we like to have quality goods.

this works all fine and good at the scale of Denmark, but horribly at the scale of the USA.

What does a decent sized house cost in Denmark? How much do you pay for utilities? What is an average monthly grocery bill?

Nice google translate attempt.

>list every US product you use
>list every Danish product a US citizen would use

Man I'm either talking to a legit troll or a legit retard. Maybe both. Guess I lose in that aspect.

I'm mentally ill and do not have to work.

Excellent Sharia law any day now

What cars does denmark make?

You should look around you. You're fucked.

Attached: 1509541235744.jpg (500x562, 44K)

Enjoy getting raped by Mohammed


We price houses by size taking, by square meter, but average outside of busy cities would be $1,600 per square meter or 14,000 Krone per square meter.

However flats are even more expensive usually 25,000-30,000 Krone, $3,400 per square meter.

For utilities such as Energy, we pay around 29 cents per kilowatt hour. We pay about 7 euros about $6 per cubic meters of water used. But for all Utilities I pay around 1,200 Krone per month, so $140 but I have a family of 3 kids plus wife, so energy usage is quite high.

Grocery, we pay about $200 a month in fresh ingredients maybe $100 in pre made foods.

Again you believe far right sources, but I live here, there is no problem.

Size doesn't matter, but in Americans heads it does. We do not have any trouble, we do not have Muslim problems, we do have a far right political group who say there is problems but they lie.

We do not owe money to anyone.

We have comfortable living.

Again all the things you do not have.

Tell me how is all that military working for the US? You have attacks all the time, does it save you? Not really because they happen. Including the fact most of your attacks are from your own people.

Attached: west-europe-terror-deaths.png (1184x589, 41K)

I dunno man, I didn't make the rules. I was just born here. All I can do is vote on making it better when the opportunity arises. Happy for you though.

Americans thinking their military will save them, so have to spend all the money, but yet still get attacked, while others with a small budget defend well.
Ergo, Americans cannot defend their own country. How sad. Problem with having a nation of 72% fat people.

"Free" healthcare. They have an 8% deduction on their paycheques for healthcare. Plus income tax is 60.2%. Damn comrade!

>talks about military
>answers with healthcare
>being this desperate for a win


OP do you own a gun or a car?

As a U.S. government employee you can't say that you boycott Israel though, not if you want to keep your job. So, yes you have total freedom of speech AS LONG AS YOU DONT CRITICIZE YOUR OWNERS. You are also obliged to pay an annual tax tribute to Israel and you have no choice in the matter. If you have any friends or family in the armed forces they may also be obliged to die for Israel should Israel feel the need to start another war. Ah, all that freedom, the rest of the world must be so jealous.

I have a rifle yes, it is mainly for hunting. And yes I have a car. For my job I need a car to get there, as I live outside of the city, so my living costs are a bit more.

I make $60 an hour, just for being American

But yet you are not telling the truth. Why lie?

Isn't your guys auto tax extremely high?

This is BS. Your post will be deleted and if behaviour is repeated the worst that can happen is a fine, which is still unlikely unless you have lots of followers and make use of that.
The reason why we do this (and it's rather exclusive to those racism/antisemitism/nazism-related delicts), is that we don't want anybody to be able to revise the sad history our continent has. We learn from history and try to not repeat it.

Only for expensive cars over 180,000 Krone

How can an American become Danish? You're making it sound great!

Hahaha, I make (and keep) more than you just delivering pizzas for 6 hrs a day 5 days a week (with days free).

Attached: 1541259251454.jpg (480x480, 24K)

I make $27 an hour and get time and a half for my overtime. I average about 80,000 a year. I've never seen any violence or had a problem eating healthy or dirty here. Whatever you want it's here. You guys must be watching to much sensationalist media. They focus on the problems the drug and violence problems that occure amongst a population of 350 million. It's a tiny percentage of the population. I've been around for a while and never witnessed anything other than a few fist fights in high school. Posting this on a $7000 computer hooked up to a $27,000 entertainment center. Can't say I have anything to complain about. I own a 3800 square foot home and I'm having a solarium installed in April for a cool 50K.

Compare it to whole europe then. The gun-laws are quite similar for most eu-countries. And the count of inhabitants is much higher. Still less gun-related-crimes.

what's yout. maximum tax rate and from. how much income does it start?

To bait you. And because it's annoying, that you think that your country is the best, when in reality that was a decade ago (at least in social-terms)

The US has a fucking trade-deficit and even beloved Trump can't fix it, because (Spoiler Alert!) China does not want to get fucked over and has (and had for many years) the economic power to refuse trade with the US and rely on other countries.

You are generalizing that everyone in America thinks they live in the best country. You come off as jelous and petty.

>we still get the money
You? Or the average corporate scumfuck that bleeds your country since the 60s?

At 27 per hour you get 80k per year would hit you at 60+ hours per week. Why the fuck would you have a 7k computer or a 27k entertainment center. You need to do math before lying

I get time and a half and work 50 hours a week. It comes out to 77K a year. I have a nice computer and entertainment center cause I want to.

no arrest.
When a kid shows beheading videos around at school there better be a way to punish the parents (by charging the kid).

In the US the parents would be called to school to talk to the principal and would get angry and shout at them, until the hopelessly underpaid teacher bursts into tears.

Pretty good danish , we are fat and content. We are prosperous therefore we choose are way of life .We do not rely on neighboring economys to determine the valvue of our monotary fund's,. Hence you convert yours to dollars , you ignorit hick fuck . Please have a nice day !

Cool story bro. Sounds real sustainable.

The only "american" cars which are often used in europe are german ones manufactured in Murica.
BMW f.e.
GM bought the successful german brand "Opel" and fucking ruined it. It is horrible to see how you take something good and turn it into shit.
Now the french bought it! And its GMs fault!!


America is filled with niggers and other shit, thats why its such a shithole.

There is no muslim hoard. Theres immigrants but instead of being afraid of them we try to integrate and train them to fill in HR-gaps in our thriving economy.
Are there problems with immigrants? Yes.
Is it hard and difficult to talk about it, since everyone will call you a Nazi? Yes.

I would still rather live in a country where I know, that I will never ever have to live on the streets, unless it's my choice. When I become sick for a long time my employer has to pay me for 6 weeks full wage. Afterwards my insurance will pay (less). My employer cannot fire me because of my sickness. All the medication, operations, therapy, rehabilitation I get free of charge, since it's already been paid for. Paid for by me in advance. And paid for by all other of my countrymen and -women, since we are a solidary community of adults who know that we are stronger together and that anyone can have a bad time.

Its "Survival of the fittest" as in "fit in".
In Murica its "Survival of the fattest" as in "taking as much as one can out of the pot"

I pity you.

A good english teacher

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This is not true anymore.
1. There is no such thing as "our economy" since most corporations are globally integrated.
2. American economy is a mere shadow of its earlier self. Still it cannot "crash" since see above

This is true!
Though I think most americans can learn a thing or two from people outside their bubble. Sadly most refuse to hear any of it. At least in my experience...

It's not 60% income tax but 60% tax overall estimated.

Are you for real?
I didn't know about this.

Retarded opinion. If the largest economy crashes it pulls the world down with it. Were you alive in 2008? That was nothing compared to the great depression. Hope it stays good enough for yoy

We're trying to Socialize America and bring it up to the modern epoch. We have a lot of inbred mouth-breathing obese white people though, and they are indoctrinated by Capitalist propaganda, believing that brown people are the root of all suffering, when in fact its the shitty greedy government.

Americans are so retarded, that despite the evidence, they believe their country is the best. It's not. It's far from the best.

weak and predictable

sure kid

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

sure kid

is this friendly fire?

seriously kid?

weak and predictable

oof bitch I am from Eastern Europe and even I don't want to live in the USA

Dont you understand, that there is no such thing as "the biggest economy".
Most of american Economy has significant portions of their production outsourced. Corporations are interdependent.
If the economy fails, all of it will fail, yes.
But theres no such thing as a general dependency on something like an "american economy".
Perhaps we kinda mean the same thing?

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Hi, socialist Canada here.

Socialism FUCKING SUCKS. 10/10 rather pay for my medical insurance so I can actually get treated. I pay 40% in taxes due to my bracket. FUCK YA'LL I WANT SOME OF THAT SWEET FREEDOM PIE


weak and predictable

weak and predictable

its that pedo again

And we could send our military over and rape you all like it was a game... rofl...

you enjoy all of that because you pay shit for defense, you have high taxes, and oh ya you copied the USA from years back...

wtf no :(

Treng du hjelp med amerikanarane, bror? Saman er me sterke!

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No Niggers huh?

>makes $19
>thinks he isnt poor


Easy to point out the faults for the country with the most cultural influence in the world. People look to America for a lot of things and pay more attention to American politics than their own. America has many more opportunities than any other countries. America is fat because fucking retarded hicks stuff their face with fast food and it makes me sick. It's sad to see fat fucks having to use carts just to get around because their too fat to fucking walk. It's not a bad place to live and if you did live here you would say the same

>above average
Pick one

I have a cousin who lives in America who works as a nurse. She told me she only gets two weeks holiday a year. Surely this can't be true

Shoulda' let the Germans keep them as slaves.

neet detected

Heyyy! he was behind of this..!

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