My view. You jealous?
My view. You jealous?
No. Get a life.
not really, here's my view
lol you're a faggot
Tits or GTFO
And better timestamp
Gross she has anal warts have fun fucking your roasty
how about some more ass?
Lol that looks like a deformed front pussy
Hey OP, here's my view of your view.
>fucking a white woman instead of colonizing
Timestamp or one with thumbs up.
Also what are you doing here instead of smashing that... U gay bro?
Proof that not a single Person on this board has a gf (thats not fucking ugly). OP has the Big gay
You're wrong. I do...
No actually looks pretty noice
A sea of concrete. So beautiful.
Looks like the cover for Fugazi's "Red Medicine"
Haha neckbeard OP got owned
yeah, I'm fucking gay bro... look at you jumping to the proper conclusion and all. Good job user!
I meant "End Hits"
Dubs of TRUTH!!
better than OP
still havent seen any actual proof of you having a chick in the bed
reverse search, it's all OC, lucky I'm sharing with you fags at all
No. Her butthole looks blown out.
You live in 5m2 ?
where at?
in that case, share some more and let me get my dick out for a good fappin
Actually, I'm fucking done, enjoy your lonely lives faggots
so fake after all...
even more
I'm the one fucking it, trash me all you fucking want DGAF
You'll be here, I'll be actually interacting with a woman. But hey - you got me!
>this is the normal size of an apartment in an american city
top kek
I could find more than a million different pics just like this one in less time than it took you to think it was a good ideas to post this thinking it would make you some kind of god.
Keep posting more my dude she looks bangin
cmon man, you can do better than this... either timestamp it or have a photo with a thumbs up and we'll all be happy for you.
if not, you're as a pathetic piece of shit like the rest of us and thinking that you are better actually makes it worse
But I do happen to be ENVIOUS.
Learn to write.
Don't you ,mean learn English?
Lets swap GF nudes
Kik jjlee2623
wow shes got a great pussy! not jealous, but i wish i could have a lick
A prison cell sized apartment in a big city. lmfao. fuck that.
Whoo! thinks was him...!?
That's what the statement implies, yes.
Also, learn proper use of punctuation.
Keep posting user, fuck
Looks like most women of that build. How many variations do you think there are of 3 billion fucking slit asses.
The fact you haven't got plastic sheeting down incase you feel the need to cut her if she stops crying and screaming stop.
Where's the fun in that
nice pooper