Hey Yea Forums do you hate gay people

Hey Yea Forums do you hate gay people

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gay ppl hate themselves more than any "homophobe" could ever do

No, but I hate the homosex subculture. It's not about characteristics, it's about values.

t. half-fag

Nah, I don't give a shit. What other people do with their dicks isn't my problem

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With'a passion !

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another gays for trump thread


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>Yea Forums
>think of the children
what happened, Yea Forums

I would not say I hate them. I rather dislike them. Mostly because they constantly parade and just keep force feeding you how gay they are. Its like the only thing they live for. I understand its not a choice but a mental dissfunction, but there is no reason to advertise it the way they do. Breeding is a norm because with out it, mankind would end that's a social, biological and natural fact. But you don't see straight people running around all the time parading how straight we are.

No. The lesbians I know IRL are super nice, and the gay men are super fun to be around. I don't care what people do in the bedroom.

>I am gay
>I've fucked more guys than I can count
>I'm a vers bottom
>And I hate faggots like this.
If there's nothing more to you than, or your biggest personality trait is "I'm gay", you're probably a shitty person.

True, there are some gays that "being gay" becomes the entirety of their existence. This gets on my nerves too. Just remember.... there are plenty out there just doing their thing.

If you felt hetro people were under attack, having to fight for rights, or just coming out of hiding for the last 1000 years.... you'd parade around too.

You leave iDubbbz out of this!

a faggot dead is a problem solved

They gave Freddie Mercury AIDS.

Don't steal my birthday meme

I wouldn't say "hate" as that implies I actively think of them, and they invoke some kind of emotional response.

I don't have any use for gays. Interactions between gays and myself are few and far between, and kept as brief as possible.

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I don't hate gay people, but I fucking hate faggots. Like I don't mind gay people and I want them to be able to get married and adopt etc, but if you're a fruit basket in my face wearing rainbows and shit then you can go fuck yourself

Once they reach a certain level of annoying faggotry, yes.

>Hey Yea Forums do you hate gay people

No, but I hate clowns, and in this case there's some overlap.

Depends on the gay person, they are like vegans I don’t care if you are vegan but don’t shove It In my face also don’t sexualize children

We fucking ruined a guy because he was mean to his pet cat. Newfags these days don't know shit. You tards get in a tizzy when Yea Forums defies the expectations you got from your favorite subreddit.