I am definitely not FBI post youre illegal activeties in this thread please...

I am definitely not FBI post youre illegal activeties in this thread please. I will also add a picture of a frog person wich is hip and cool with the young persons that visit this site.

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hello here

Hello, do you do any illegal activities? I am only asking because I am curious, I am not the FBI you can trust me.

why yes, i do indeed do illegal activities

Do you smoke the illegal marijuana? I do smoke the mariuana, because I am hip and cool and not the FBI.

I sometimes drive without my seatbelt on.

no, i do not smoke the Mary Jane

i open the milk and drink it at the store but i don't buy it


I do not know this female called "Mary Jane" do you do the sexy times with this lady person with out conscent perhaps? Because that too is very hip and cool thing todo.

Mary Jane is my wife and there for i need not her consent for sexy times, tho i do not need her for sexy times at all...

I double dip when no one is looking

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Hello OP who is not the FBI. I helped the sitting President collude with Russia, a very hip and cool thing, but illegal to do.

Soo...he was behind of all that...

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hello there

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I respond to bot posts

I start threads I know will create mass arguments and never look at them again

i break rule 10 all the time and get away with it

Indeed person called user. Very hip and cool of you. We should be friends, I am coming over. I will be brining my friends. They wear jackets with FBI typed on them. Its a inside joke "Federal Booby Inspector" don't run when u see us, we will do hip and cool young people activities together.

Do you wanna sex or not

Hello Forechangers, my name is Tom and I also love Peter the Frog, Warjack and other hilarious memes. Can I have the cheese burger, am I right?
Anyway, hit me up with some criminal stuff. I love sticking it to the man.

Attached: not a cop.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Hello definetly not the fbi, my ileagle activitys are:

Went to walmart and stole a pairhigh proce high kawalitee shoes that costed of 20 dollar.

I also leered at a goat who was making stool. I could not help myslef. It was a beyotifel goat.

Thats all the ileagle activitys ive have sone.


The hippest and coolest of the young persons do not ask for the conscent when it comes to the sexual activities. You might be cool, but you are not hip.

I ripped the tags off of all my mattresses.