Whats Your thoughts on weed user
Whats Your thoughts on weed user
It's pretty cool.
Hungry, horny, and happy. I want H.R.420 to hurry up and pass. It should be regulated like alcohol.
its the reason i have a gf.
she told me when we first met she thought i was creepy but she kept hanging out with me for free weed.
I like it
haha nice one user
It’s ok I’ve only smoked once in my life but the people who constantly talk about smoking are fucking annoying
Give very few fucks about weed. Potheads I genuinely despise.
what You usually do while stoned anons
good stuff
tobacco can fuck off
shit i'd normally do but funnier and slower. sometimes get depressed but eh
thats fucked up lol
why I think its fair deal
here in the UK you roll the joint with tobacco to help it burn better but most people who smoke weed here also smoke cigs but I now only smoke it in joints
get a gf that gives YOU weed.
yeah its shit in UK You have to mix it
not really. most people here prefer it with tobacco (even people who don't smoke cigs) cos when i roll blunts (just weed no bacci) it feels like a waste. i can get 2 big joints out of a 10 bud but only 1 mini sized blunt.
>here in the UK you roll the joint with tobacco to help it burn better
only chavs who don't buy enough to make a proper joint/bowl do that and tobacco makes the weed high feel muddied anyway. not to mention how addictive nicotine is and how tobacco will royally fuck your body up
your dealer is shit. growing good weed isn't difficult by any measure. stop buying half damp malnourished
Can’t afford.
Please kill me.
play vidya, walk around the old bike trails behind my house, do shit with my gf, try to play my guitar.
normal stoner shit.
Legalize it.
It smells awful. I think I'd rather eat a skunks asshole.
and just for reference recently I've have a gram of "imported" dispensary packaged shatter that I bought for £45, a gram of gorilla glue #4 shatter for £35, both >70% thc; an eighth of strawberry cough that completely fucks me up with 0.3g in a vaporiser for £35, and a £110 half ounce of fruity pebbles dry sift hash that legitimately looks tastes and hits better than most bubble hash I've had. find a better plug if you're paying £60/q for poorly grown weak ass cheese/haze as most people apparently are.
Americunt travelling to Ireland soon. Tips on scoring some weed?
The best thing on Earth
It makes me want to believe in God
But then I get high and realize why god can't possibly exist
You smoke too much user
trips have spoken, plebs. answer user
and by recently I mean in the last 6-8 months or so, obviously I don't go though 2 grams of shatter (so... maybe 8g of weed?) and 3/4ths of an zip in like a month, that would be almost impressively excessive
yep, plan on driving all over the island. Galway and Cork too
Play video games, listen to music, eat k junk food, jerk off
fucking gross. i think it’s nasty so i don’t go near the stuff, but to each their own. i dont judge
Its a loser drug for loser people.
Weed makes 1-2 beers more than enough. Lowers alcohol consumption / hangover for sure.
I hate it. I have an extremely sensitive nose, and when I was going to college, the dorms reeked of the shit. Even though I commuted, it bothered the hell out of me, and the fucking stoners were always hanging around acting like fucking retards.
It should be restricted to medical use only.
especially edibles
more fun than alcohol in my opinion
the godly combo is vodka and weed though
Floridaman reporting. It should be legal so people chill the fuck out.
bunch of cuck incel non smoking faggots here..
probly against guns too
and in a few moments retrospect you're probably right still, lol. I go through about 3 grams a month on average which stills works out to being high almost every evening. it's not particularly healthy but at least I'm not smoking cigarettes and lying on my sofa watching tv all night I guess.
maybe don't be such a pussy, faggot
>Even though I commuted, it bothered the hell out of me
This isn't a cringe thread.
I was smoking for 10 years, daily
Never had a problem, until a year ago. Haven't smoked since then.
Started seeing shit and hearing voices- it was awful. Landed in a psych ward for a few months.
Once I stopped, so did that schizo shit.
It really depressed me though, man- I miss it sometimes, but it isn't worth the risk.
that sucks bro.did u try high cbd strains?
nay that's just people being inconsiderate, I have drunks being loud on the streets every friday night at 2am but I don't want alcohol prohibition because I can mind my own business and not let a minority of annoying uni students ruin it for everyone else
Sucks. Modern weed is so potent, that risk of schizophrenia is real. How much were you smoking?
Nah, haven't touched it regularly since then.
I've had a few puffs here and there, but just scared that shit'll come back.
Heard CBD does wonders compared to the heavily THC-filled stuff they have now.
Whats doubly shitty is its legal here in Canada now, lol
Honestly, not even much. I knew people who were buying ounces or pounds and finishing it within a couple weeks, or less.
For me, it was like a quarter a week- around a gram a day.
I found It to be boring.
Mixed feelings. I used to love it, smoked about an ounce of club shit a week. One day I just couldn't do it anymore. It was burning me out. Havent smoked in almost 2 years now and I feel a lot better. Much more motivated and lucid, and I enjoy day to day activities a lot more sober. I get how it's for some people, but it's not for me anymore. That being said the people who only ever want to talk about smoking it are super annoying. I'm friends with tons of people that do it but keep it on the down low. Cant stand the people that let it consume their entire life and make it well known that they are a stoner before anything else.
Should be banned for everyone except me.
1/2 ounce a week habit. Gave up for lent, first few days were tough. Ok now tho don’t even miss it really.
I probably smoke 4-5 times a year, but I wish it was legal so I could get dabs in my area when do want to partake.
Stay in a hostel, it will find you.
sorry if it's macabre asking, but what are these hallucinations actually like?
is there any way to convince oneself that they are hallucinations or is it 100% real?
speaking truth there
i knew some retard who started at 15 and couldn't talk about anything fucking else ever again
didn't talk to him since graduating, i heard he's on hartz IV now (basically german NEETbux)
It's fun. I dont see why some of my friends start fiending after a day tho. Thinking about getting a dab pen next check.
fact: joints are shit and you waste your weed by not using a bong or vaporizer
Heh, not macabre at all. I'm a big philosophy/psychology fan, and it was sort of- unsettling- seeing yourself go through it...
It seems very real. I was convinced people were in my head, looking through my eyes and hearing my thoughts. I was afraid I was going to get fired, I was going to get evicted- hell, at one point, arrested because the police were coming to my place.
It was rooted in a much more normal place than some of the other patients I met at the ward- some thought they were aliens, and being mind- controlled. Some thought they were God's...
I had somewhat of a stable mindset, compared to others.
But, luckily, I live with my brothers, and they sort of brought me back to earth.
It was sad, man... They would cry when I told them this stuff, because I was so certain it was real...
One day, it became too much- I counted over 6 people in my head, and I was in something of a catatonic state- wild look in my eyes, stuttering and unable to function- I told my brothers it was too much, and got immediately admitted...
> Comes from UK
> Brags about his weed-habit
> Spends +40 euros pr gram for dat perfect hit
I thought all your sandpeople imported prime stuff like here in Denmark where you pay a max of 15 euros for the strong strains, and 5 euros for decent hashish?
Grindr. App used for gay hook ups primarily, but all the gays do drugs or have a hook up and will probably help you out.
if you're a fag yourself you might even get a good fuck out of it, win win
Yeah this too. I mean I'm not sadly (dudes are much, much easier than girls) but idgaf about sending a dick pic to some dude for some weed.
I'm an ally. Best I can do. I'm gonna have my wife there too, so maybe we can find some homos who like woohoo american women. Usually the flamers eat that shit up
Should stay illegal
True facts! I always smoke 0.2 a night on my pipe and get just as high as I want to. Joints get you baked quickly but its like smashing 6 beers in a row. Sure you're drunk now but give it an hour or so and you'll have sobered up. If you'd drank like 3 beers over that time you'd be just as drunk but more pleasantly!
I'm living in a US state where medical weed was legalized two years ago. Two years. And we still don't have access to it.
More than likely, as long as you're respectful most people in the UK like Americans. Hope you have a good trip user.
fuck off nigger
i meant it more in the sense of how much thc is burnt up instead of inhaled, where combustionless vapes rule supreme ofc, but your point is valid too
my vape also takes about an hour to go through 0.3 completely so i stay high for the entire evening when i start at 8 or so
It's a fun recreational intoxicant, similar to alcohol. Should be treated the same under the law.
Found the loser
run to woods
get naked or semi naked (never full naked innawoods, that's creepy)
do stupid shit (fall on floor and have "seizures" to writting potion seller script five times in a row)
listen to metal till my ears bleed
watch plenty of japanese media saturated by large breasted females or, in contrast, loli semen demons
Thanks user!!
Don't you mean the other way around? Alcohol intensifies cannabis.
call me degenerate fag but i really like chastity and other gay shit while stoned
also gaming and watching science-ey youtube vids like TierZoo or exurb1a
cmon i don't want names of communist dictators and the word nigger all over me
smoke pot
>Started seeing shit and hearing voices-
You mean while sober, right?
synergy intensifies both effects really
I get ridden of motor controls from little alcohol and weed but I'm pretty stable when just high
likewise I get a surge of happiness and laffies from alc and weed but no happiness from beer alone and plenty but not too much of a flood from weed alone
>Brags about his weed-habit
I hadn't meant to brag, I was trying to give the dude I was replying to an idea of the variety of the good weed that's available in the UK when you're looking in the right places because he said the weed here was shit.
> Spends +40 euros pr gram for dat perfect hit
a gram of shatter lasts 2 or 3 months. it's pricey but a half rice grain sized hit of shatter is about equal to smoking a joint. a little goes a very long way.
>I thought all your sandpeople imported prime stuff like here in Denmark where you pay a max of 15 euros for the strong strains, and 5 euros for decent hashish?
that's more expensive than here. even the best weed is never more than 10-11 euros and decent clean moroccan/dutch hash is around the same price if not a little less. the uk is filled with imported hash ranging from cheap to one-bowl-will-make-you-fall-asleep grade, well grown indoor flowers and american made concentrates, which was the point I was originally trying to make.
Both while I was sober, and high.
Eventually it became the norm for me. I can't even tell you when it began, since it sort of slowly started.
I get you. I had to ask because there are a lot of long term smokers that take an edible or something for the first time, think they lost their mind and that they no longer can consume it.
What age did you start smoking it? I imagine that has something to do with it because I don't think sudden psychosis is common once your brain is fully developed.
I think it's more like the effects just combine together. What does truly intensify it is if you consume alcohol and then take an edible. Your liver will be dealing with the alcohol and more THC will get converted to 11-hydroxy-thc down the line than normally. As far as I know, it doesn't work the other way.
Oh, definitely. I was 13, up until I was 23.
Its been a year since I've stopped.
I always tell younger people to wait until high school's over, to really start smoking or drinking (if they choose to).
I was way too young. Still, its odd that it came out of nowhere, and so suddenly I suppose.
It's fucking great. Helps relieve my anxiety and eases my neck pain. Love the stuff.
Never done it myself. Probably never will.
Legalise it though.It's fucking stupid people are getting arrested for smoking it these days when people get shit faced on alcohol and literally damage themselves with tobacco.
I like smoking weed, I used to hate it because the first drug I ever tried was acid and it was when I thought drugs were just like - ugh omg guys I’m so high - I didn’t quite grasp the concept that they nae nae your mind but I had a terrible trip and i kept on doing drugs cause I loved it when my mind just got constantly fucked by like a ten inch pure drug dick but I only smoke weed now and shits great
now despite attending pharmacy classes for last 4 years I know very little about pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and all that good stuff
I just know about the effects of two drugs and how they might cooperate
thc has antiemetic effect (unless you are a kind of person that will actually throw up from couple smokes) so you can stuff yourself with more booze without getting your insides out
alcohol cause vasodilatation and thins the blood, making absorption and effects faster and stronger, not to mention the psychoactive effects the ethanol has so it adds up or multiplies with thc's or it's edible metabolite (some say it's cbd and some say it's 11-hydroxy-thc, doesn't matter)
so I guess you could say it helps a lot with the edibles, I can """confirm""" it on my own accord but those are just anecdotes, and plural of anecdotes is not data
yeah you are probably right in a sense, I'm just data dumping
study, jerk off, take a walk and spend hours on random instagram videos
I cant get any good weed near me. it fucking sucks
It's a good drug for kids but once you hit your late 20's people start to perceive you as a retard and a moron.
It’s some good shit. If it’s legalized recreationally when I turn 21, I’ll be a loyal customer.
i need to go get some :c
is there anywhere i can order online?
onion marketplaces
Right calm down your not the fucking Gordon Ramsy of weed. I smoke it to chill out not fucking go on a sperg spree like you
you sir, are living THE life
nowhere i would trust