WWYD W/ this ass, Yea Forums?

WWYD W/ this ass, Yea Forums?

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ask it to stop posting

D: ... ):

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continue posting please.
also do sexual things

shove a stick of dynamite inside and light it on fire

put an egg in your asshole and push it out like a good little chicken

C4? or good old TNT?

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Kinky. I like. Also will do, and there's also a discord :P

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I might actually try that one day :D Thanks for the suggestion! :D

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post discord NAO


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lemme watch tbh

Oh you'll get to watch it ;) I'll make sure of that!

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w-what's yr pornhub name?

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pornhub.com/model/abwa-moha/ ;)

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horse-man, what's your opinion on bestiality?
and also, on an unrelated note, do you have any pets?

asking for a friend

going to dig in

No pets. Also, of course you are ;)

You do! If you have an account, leave some likes or whatever, or feel free to give suggestions for new stuff? I planned on releasing a new video a couple of days ago, but it was a colossal failure when editing :(

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Lemme guess :P The streaking video? One of the two?

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the decade-old one :)
moving on to the new one soon.

thanks, cam whore

You're welcome. I need to find some more places to go because I love doing it but don't plan on getting in any trouble ;)

Cam whore you say? Well if it loves me... ;)

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public parks are usually great destinations at night. they're completely empty.

Yeah I got moved on by the police on my last park run at 12:30am!! Also I prefer a little light ;) I don't have a night vision camera ... yet! Else, I'd go EVERYWHERE!!!

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i used to get naked at work when i had to stay late and no one else was around, but they installed security cameras :(

I wanna work in a kinky place where nudity would be allowed :3 not necessarily a burlesque house or brothel ... maybe a farm or something?

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Take it from me, don't do more than three eggs. Three is the hard limit, after that they WILL crack.
But you can do up to three pretty safely.
Or you can just boil them hard and do as many as you'd like. But when raw, stop at 3.
Eggshell shards are rarely sharp enough to cut too deep, but it does hurt like a motherfucker nonetheless.

I may start off with just the odd one or two then work up. Hard boiled sounds fun. I could eat them afterwards! :D

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>I could eat them afterwards!
sure...you could do that...

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I'm actually getting ... pardon me... egg-cited about the idea :D

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I'll stop now :P

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