>acne thread
i literally saw this a day ago without the censor. nice body but awful face. try harder op.
Liar shes never been seen naked by another humans eyes. And she never will be
Her? Again? All that will happen is someone will post the xhamster URL.
At least you didn't start a retarded "roll for her nudes" thread today, OP. But you still need to fuck off for your lack of originality
>Liar shes never been seen naked by another humans eyes. And she never will be
Oh, do fuck off. See
And when the acne clears she is kinda okay looking
yeah, no one saved it i bet because of that face, too bad, hopefully she grew out of it. (or mastered makeup)
Bitch look like a crunch bar
more like a pound of foundation, concealer, and shitty lighting and filters.
>3 half empty water bottles
Dirty fucks. How about you get your shit straight and stop wasting so much plastic before showing her soggy body
So covered up. And she'll stay that way
hahahahaha thanks for the laugh buddy
Who the fuck cares
exactly, passed it up because of the pizza face
Nice nails.
She looks pretty old to "grow out of it"
A little less
shitty, grainy, flip phone picture, hiding the acne and makeup
Imagine being exposed naked and getting made fun of for bad acne, the humiliation never ends for her.
Heres your
Bro you might as well just upload a picture of a black box. Would probably be better looking that this
And I love it! How embarrassing for her
Is this from a bad celeb site?
Post picks ov her pusi m8
she sent me these
This chick is Fucking ripped. Any pussy I can jack off to?
Sho her cunt m8
She covers her tits because she ruined them by working out. Has none to show
Haven't her pussy pic, sorry
She didn't ruin them. She just never had any
Is proud to tell everyone she is a B cup
Fuckin irish shit u ain’t got the fucin botle m8
Is this girl the same girl as acne girl?
No acne girl is Jaki Montanez
Ugly face but a beautiful asshole. Would have her ride my face any day
Shes not that ugly
Sho her fucin pussi m8
Click the link dude. It's all her nudes
I know she's not. I'm just talking shit. She's cute....but that butthole tho!
fuc of u nonse
mate, xham is pretty legit. More US compliant with their content than mless.
yeh woteva u nons scumm