Here we go again Pennsylvania

Here we go again Pennsylvania

Attached: penn_photo_edit.jpg (900x600, 131K)

570 cord GSvQQgY


Yo man this fuckin area sucks. I need to get out. Only good thing is the drugs sometimes but not the price

Erie Erie Erie

There's boobs here too

Attached: Screenshot_20190313-183817.png (1440x2880, 1.81M)

That's true too. Seen some good country tits in my time. Unfortunately not all from women.
I'm out in the woods more and the only women I see daily or old and/or psycho. I keep my dick out of crazy which sucks cause it's 50/50 out here

>I keep my dick out of crazy which sucks cause it's 50/50 out here
amen to that!

Bump for Erie!

Post a few I post mine pretty regularly and never get any in return some kind of sick of doing it