One of them was a regular here on Yea Forums
One of them was a regular here on Yea Forums
one of who?
How do you know this?
Did an antifag get a taste of the real world?
>ax stuffed in pants
Definitely an autistic Yea Forumstard
what is this shit and why does anyone care??
The fuck am I looking at? What he do?
I have a webm of them doing it, but it's 18MB
They shot up a school in Brazil yesterday
What happened here? Other than some idiot buying what he thought was tactical gear off ebay and thinking it would save him. Chinese airdsoft gloves, regular faux leather belt from ross, a hatchet from his local smoke shop, an upside down gshock watch, a skull bandana from Walmart. LOL
belt buckle from Millers Outpost
nice try faggot
are those supposed to be flip-phone holsters on his belt?
Were you not in yesterday's Yea Forums thread? It was pretty much front page news on this board, gathered a lot of attention. Someone still had the Youtube video of the kids running and screaming from the shooting with audio
>weapon laws changed in Brazil
>kids get ahold of crossbows and axes
>Yesterday, two schooltards went on a killing spree at their school in Sau Paulo, Brazil
>Total of 9 deaths in the incident
>watch media flip out and ban guns
fuckin' kek
this faggot's Facebook got flooded with comments after the incident
lack of tactical ability, definitely a /pol/tard
I forgot to save the crossbow pic from yesterday's thread.
Did anyone save it?
Well, they were all headshots
>six shooter
Dumb as fuck
not with those clumsy hatchet skills user.
Finally we can step up to /r9k. The hatchet proves they were jugglos.
did we ever find out what the note said?
> mad at other kids
> kill kids because autism
> an hero since they are pussy to face consequences
> "users" from dogolachan
Fucking dumb autistc fags.
Fucking cowards, can't win a fight so they have to shoot up a school
they're actually pretty based for killing themselves. Brazilian prisons are fucking gay.
well, where's the video?
I'm from Brazil, here in my city that's all they talk about... But they still deffend that guns should be liberated
Fuck you bitch, you can’t win in a fight either
I'm not so much of a pussy I shoot kids who can't defend themselves, go lurk on some other thread you basement dweller
They are fucking cowards, the master proof is that they /quit after doing it all, it's bc they were just fucking scare about what would happen to them in the prison, they would not survived one single day...
That has nothing to do with one of them being a regular here.
You just made that part up
Why don’t you first cocksucker, We all know you’re dying to get back to your furry and trap threads. You wouldn’t do jack shit in a fight, as a black belt I would whoop your ass in seconds, Kiddo.
Kek he got a boo boo
it was a link to youtube
>as a black belt
Yeah right, you tell yourself that
Yes, yes they are
Hi navy seal
Isn't it pretty brave of them to go through with it? If they were cowards, they'd cry and whine like you two faggot cuck keyboard commandos :'D
If he's Antifa, based on his looks, then we all are mate. Let's be honest here.
You're a fucking nigger
I'm not the OP, I'm telling you who the fucker is since everyone is clueless and OP didn't explain what was going on. The claim of him being a regular Yea Forums before the shooting I'm new to hearing about this, like you guys
>crossbow and hatchet
when the larp ends badly
not clicking that link
>student went back to save girlfriend and ended up dead at the massacre
Then don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And pants from dad's job interview pants closet
>unban guns
>people get shot
ok, but it is actually the footage.
She was cheating on him too lol
Found it
This is that one time when you can click the link, nibba
dis you
that's not a crossbow but ok
shoudve used a boomerang
So what it's a slingshot, same shit you nerd
find it then fagelein!
There are so many fags in this thread
oh wow it actually is
it's a peashooter for the semen I shoot into your mother's mouth
hello, newfriend, would you like me to take you on a tour of Yea Forums
jesus christ user
lol look at this fucking faggots twig arms
the brazilian media already started with the
>he did that because of vidya gaems please brainwash your children into hating vidya gaems
a butthurt retarded monkey scrubbed this list btw, and even the one on the bottom is incomplete
i'm cum lmao
That explains the gay pose he strikes even after death
i don't think there's any pictures of the crossbow, that's all I can find
maybe it's gone in for ballistics, m9
Same guy?
This is him without the mask
It's not him
Looks like a weasel
>taking the coward's way out
Apparently there was a third shooter who managed to escape holy shit his name is supposedly samuel hyde
Probably got tired of being called lumpy ear
he is so fucking ugly
Fucking losers 5 deaths? This will be forgotten in 5 days
lol wrekt
Close to a real life Butthead. No wonder he offed himself
10 deaths, 16 injured
what a cuck
checked, but compound bows are different than cross bows, arrows vs bolts user.
You know the last school shooting in Brazil happened 8 years ago, right?
columbine was pretty lame as well, they only killed 13 while having much better weapons
here's a vid of the actual shooting. what a madman
Crossbow visible in first pic
Nasty faggots
>casually hacking away at the crowd as they run out.
no there were other 3 in between
but that is if you're only counting when it is done in the traditional american form
he looks like a fucking child. Most shooters are children or have the mentality of children. doing something like this is like you want to make a publican announcement of how insecure you are. Shootings are public overcompensation for a lack of perceived manhood. Read a fucking book.
The same guy that goes by the ISIS pseudonym Sam-al Hayadi?
>bawwwww i don't like getting shot at
then don't go to school moran, school is gamer territory now bitch
Omg user, I think I found this notorious gangster you speak of
>hand over the guns, crossbows and axes
> "... Someone still had the Youtube video of the kids running and screaming from the shooting with audio ..." ;
Do you mean this one? :
..... It's still there.
Two fucking losers who couldn't do anything right. Haven't heard that one before...
Yeah, it's gonna get taken down by the looks of things
fuck you
Daily reminder targeting innocence immediately makes you an emotional nigger a faggot. Of course they kill themselves too like cowards.
>killing yourself
>based in anyway
When will assault bows finally vanish?
This is from a low budget Film
Imblying their guns were legal, strawberry faggot
Come and try to take mine
is that shadbase
are you fucking stupid
Provide the said low budget film's name, please
*looks around nervously*
Why is it that thots, even in a mass shooting, can't go any faster than a speed-walk or light-jog?
>weapon laws changed in Brazil
The guns used were irregular
You'd be killed an cannibalized in a South American prison anyway. I'd rather anhero than go through all the boring court bs then be brutally murdered and eaten alive.
Soo...he was behind of that..?
Because of all the fabric they have shoved up their asses
The minor wouldn't even be arrested and the older one would most definitely not spend more than 10 years in prison
respect! where's next?
Good for you, faggot.
Mass shooting in sweden i need go get hold of guns though
We need to kill off our human race faster. These shootings aren’t nearly frequent and massive enough. We need scientists to genetically engineer a super bug to spread more quickly. Or engineer the primordial algae that produces chlorine gas. The meteors aren’t reliable enough to get the job done.