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Enough fuck I’m sick of this bitch
I'm sick of this asshat
tough shit cry baby
yeah we all are
Nobody cares some ugly bitch broke your heart. Move on like a man.
if somebody gets a broken heart from that they have some issues it breaks my heart to see people make fun of people with down syndrome but these pics are funny even with her having down syndrome
I'm considering it
Nah not really
Been out for awhile from a wreck. What's the context here b/ros?
sex change man that is being overposted
What manner of virgin shit is this?! You cannot tell yeast infection from a low resolution pic of what might be white stuff on panties! That could be cervical fluid from horniness. GTFO with this virgin nonsense.
What do Yea Forums i found this board and theres no monitors 155ch4n gr /hebe/
Oh. Pretty mild stuff then. I was expecting something pretty fucked up. By b standards anyway
nope just a dude that had a sex change then some guy started fucking it fell in love cuz he thought it was a chick and started spamming her everywhere now it has memes floating around everywhere
To be perfectly fair to this dude. Half of b/ wants to put their autistic dick into traps and animals with human proportions so still pretty mild all things considered lmfao
I’m glad she hurt your feelings lmao prolly cheated on you
Where's the fat ugly waste of sperm telling you to take your meds?
Imagine being this assblasted over a woman this fugly.
well his boyfriend wanted its pics out there now there out there
i would never fuck that beast i have standards i am happily married to a sexy ass milf
I know dude is heartbroken she broke up with him cuz he has a little dick and couldnt please her
Nice tits. She's hot I'd wife