Okay gays, help me out here:

Okay gays, help me out here:

> being gay is natural
> even animals such as giraffes show homosexual tendencies

Does that mean if an animal does something then it's okay for a civilized society?

Attached: index.jpg (299x169, 7K)

Niggers chimp out all the time, so, apparently.

>Does that mean
You're attempting to use reason either to understand or confront and cure mental illness. It has not, does not, and will not work.

Depemds if you see being gay as a societal norm or not.

Truth is being gay isnt as simple as dick in ass. It comes with a swathe of other issues and its those that are the problem for society as a whole.
Live your life as you wish, and ill stand by you for doing that. But the second you involve kids in your relationship, ill put the bullet in you myself.

I want to know also. How's it work? You just decide one afternoon you'd like a penis in your mouth? You suddenly realize that your asshole isn't just "exit only". The idea of Neapolitan Dick turns you on? Intermittent wafts of shit are an aphrodisiac?

Mы yчим Ивaнa. Bcкope никтo нe зaплaтит вaм зa paзмeщeниe дepьмa нa дocкaх c изoбpaжeниями, тaк чтo oн вepнeтcя нa кyхню для вac.

>Intermittent wafts of shit are an aphrodisiac?
Once saw 2 dudes cybering on WoW and one of them used the "waft of fecal scent" line lmao

We are Ivan. Nobody will pay for the placement of deacons on the boards with images, as he returns to the kitchen for you.


>You suddenly realize that your asshole isn't just "exit only".
Straight couples have used anal for birth control and dominance assertion since time immemorial, and pegging is also a thing. Not exclusively gay, just saying.

Poccия этo yтoпия. Пpи Пyтинe нeт пидopoв, нeт тpaнcceкcyaлoв или пoдoбных. Heт oтcтaлых peлигий.

Russia is utopia. Under Putin, no Faggots, no transgenders or similar. No retarded religions.

The fucks wrong with you?

But... Putin IS a fag.

Attached: putin.jpg (220x293, 13K)

No choice or freedom of true expression...

Many many things. Why?

Using your own logic, is it okay to lick your own balls? Dogs do it

gays being born is nature's way of population control
they exist so there is less reproduction

You want security and stability this way is paramount.


Nazi Germany had it right.

gays are dirtier than feces & should be exterminated

Attached: fag death9227424.jpg (750x445, 277K)

You mean Hitler with his beard Ava, and Goering wearing garters?

Attached: fag761967.jpg (750x963, 588K)

Oh jew... silly willie. You made me chuckle.

Preach it brother! Fags must die!


The fact that homosexuality exists in nature is not a justification of its moral worth, but rather a counterargument to the idea that God did not create and does not condone such behavior.

You're right in your implication that natural doesn't always translate into acceptable. You do need a bit more than that to justify why gayness is so wrong that civilized society should ban it.

No, it means it's natural, not unnatural like homophobes say you retard

Rape and murder is also prevalent in nature.

Does it fucking affect someone else? Does it violate anyone else's rights?
NO? ok then shut the fuck up