I hate society

I hate society
I want it to die

Attached: FB_IMG_1550033469255.jpg (765x960, 92K)

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Just so you know there have always been prepubescent boys that are interested in adult men. It's rare but it happens. Do you honestly think that boy in the picture is suffering or something

Nothing new, tbh

Attached: p0217.jpg (600x600, 57K)

Attached: fuck this.jpg (1366x768, 90K)

Pretty sure it goes with out saying are pedophiles are not ok .

Same. Society taught me human life has no value.

He's definently being molested
It's the normalization of pedophilia and feminization of boys.
This shit was a cultural norm towards the end of their culture
It's a warning

Now I absolutely fucking hate that mentality. You simply hate me because I exist. Yes sure I'm a pedophile and it's not going to ever change. I am who I am and I will always be that person. They'll always be pedophiles in the future just like there have always been pedophiles in the past. We aren't Lezzer people and we are going to fight this goddamn stigma because like I said we are what we are and we will never change

u sure?


I wonder if you'd go all "KILL THE PEDOS!!" if it were a girl.


gotta get progressive and claim your gender before they are all taken user

You're lesser people and inmates in prison know you're below them . You're predator. Just be careful might get a bullet in between your eyes

You're not a pedophile, you just can't get a woman so you focus your attention on kids. Just better yourself and move on, stop being a fucking victim

Me too buddy.
Me too...

I like how society doesn't give a shit...since he's a boy. This wouldn't fly if he was a girl.

Remember the last time such degeneracy was commonplace?
The Third Reich remembers.

>I hate society
>I want it to die
You fucking idiot. It's just that specific people.

That kid is going to be crazy(er) when he grows up
I would not be surprised if he winds up killing himself

It's only ok if it's heterosexual pedophilia

If it were Trump throwing that dollar down it would immediately be wrong and the left would be letting out their retard screams.

t h i s

Who says so? Society? Ever crossed your mind to think for yourself and not be a braindead sheep?

Link? I wanna see him dance

Eventually, something is going to snap and the other half of society is going to beat some sense into them, I just have a feeling.

Nobody is going to stop you.
But i'm sure it would also help if you would reduce your media consumption and focus a little more on the real world and the people around you.