Should I just stop being a pussy and get on with it?

Should I just stop being a pussy and get on with it?

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No. A pussy would take the easy way out.

Why do you want to do it?

Do it

Don't rob the bank

What getting rid of that faggy plastic pea shooter and stepping up to a real piece?

dont do it OP

what a crappy gun. guess it is fitting that you would use a crappy gun, to end the crappy life, of a crappy person.

p.s. don't forget to do a back flip and live stream it

you know the rules, pistol with timestamp, in pooper.

True. I would be a pussy. I've fucked up so much in my life, fucked up so many opportunities. That's my idiocy! And I don't blame anyone for me being where I am today. Yet working month to month, paycheck to paycheck on a very loose end job, knowing you could be homeless the next month, an ex on my about helping out with her daughter (not mine by blood, but I cared a lot when we were together, still do) just don't have the funds. blah blah blah. A bullet seems like an easy out. So fucking easy in theory too! I can just pick it up, put it against my head, pull the trigger. It's thinking that fucks you up

That pea shooter would pass through you like butter.

It sounds like you have nothing holding you back from making a life change. Join the military, join the Peace Corps, do that farming internship program thing whose name I can't remember. Why not?

bro that gun looks cool
Can I have it?

Yeah, blow the shit out of some targets. Shooting is fun. I like shooting cabbages. They explode everywhere.

Lift, aim, pull. Can be done in a second. Lift, aim, pull.

Take care Yea Forumsros!

Do it op

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If you're a pussy than do it with helium

just go off into nature, either you will find peace or you will find death. either way mankind are only intelligent animals after all; animals dont belong in these concrete cages most folks call home, we too once lived among earths simplicity

It's a .45. That's a pretty unintelligent thing to say.

Are you looking for validation?

OP wants to hear people say they don't want him to die.

I don't, I hope OP realizes that that'd be a really stupid solution to his problem.

I'm all for new rekt content

Of course, purchasing a new gun is never a bad idea!

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Go find out who's doing all the robo-dialing and kill them first

Don't do it, just don't. I'll level with you with the whole crappy life situation. If you have nothing else to lose, why not join the military (just get pass the psych exam by not looking too depressed)

No Op, that’s an HK and you’ll just become another statistic for antigunners.


You must be a fanboy of the 1911

Since when has HK been “crappy” handguns?


He's a retard, just like everybody that complains about "plastic" guns or unironically believes in the brain-damaged boomer "muh fowty five stoppin powuh" meme.

t. noguns who cant spot an actual airsoft gun

45 suppresses great tho.

Have you actually ever seen a HK45?

Have you? You can see the mold injection clearly lol

or you've never really seen an actual HK45. I know airguns can mimic real deals pretty well, but look closely at OP's pic, sure he could've jacked the pic, but the gun in the pic is very real. whats sticks out, newfriend? try!

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No because I have a G45 and not an outdated hammer fired fudd gun.

It looks identical to an HK45. Doesn't appear to be anything but. Also, I own 5 weapons, but keep doubling down. I'm sure you'll look less stupid next time.

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No, YOU'LLlook less stupid the next time

>doubles down on an inaccurate slide stamp
Good job retards, not to mention the paper covering up the rest of the factory numbers lmao
should've got a g20 tbh

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Why would
I get an inferior handgun? 9MM is the peak round and everything else is garbage

I own several guns and legitimately can't tell if OP's pic is airshit or not. If it's airsoft, it's a fantasticly accurate replica and you can't really anyone for not being sure right away.

That it does.

Look at it! Crappy grips, hokey ass flimsy magazine extension. Thing looks like a p.o.s.

Interesting that you don't disagree that op is a crappy person, just that you disagree with that being a crappy gun. Buy a Sig.

>covering up the rest of the factory numbers
Airguns come with factory numbers??
Fuck you're dense...

I think you should wait.

Tell us your story anonster.

post the ex's nudes then faggot

You’ve never used an HK have you?

Nice airsoft gun you dumb nigger

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Cops I know don't trust Sigs with their lives. Neither do I.

Now be a man and post a picture of it with a loaded magazine while the breach is open. Fake gun is fake gun. Neck yourself faggot.

And why would op cover the factory number if he wasn't a nogunz like yourself who thinks it's some registration that can be used to doxx him

The only *decent* sigs are the 220 series

Stop samefagging

We get it, you're jealous OP owns an actual gun and you don't

Yang 2020 get that bag and kill miga shills

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The fuck is miga supposed to be? Did I miss something again?

Fucking kek'd. I'm sitting here with 2 real ones within 5 feet.

Don't be jealous because I actually own real ones faggot.

Trump has proven to put the Israelis before Americans.

Being this retarded and new

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dont be an idiot. climb out of your ego and get yourself to a brain mechanic. you shit isn't a super unique case that nobody's ever seen before, they've spent decades studying how to help you learn the tools to get past whatever shit you're in. they know more about how to help people in your situation than all of us combined know about tying our fucking shoes.

dont be an idiot.

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You know the USA only has anything to do with Israel because it's a good location for a springboard attack if we need to bomb/invade the shit out of Russia or something right? It's a strategical location and a damn good one at that, what moron would give it up because a bunch of faggots when around crying "muh joos"?

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2/3, you still look like a samefag, just a little less faggoty. But still a faggot. Not sure you can call that one a win user...

Lol, then they can stick OP in the mad house and put him on the list? Fuck no.

They are crap when compared to a P226, plain and simple.

Miga shill

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You look at a USP stainless and tell me a 226 is better.

That doesn't explain how I'm wrong user, it just makes you look weak.

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Go on a rape spree

see op? these faggots just want to sell you on the idea that you'll get punished for asking for help. they want you dead. since when have you been the kind of person to be so accomodating? so safe?

nobodys going to lock you up, or punish you for asking for help. obviously you want something other than whatever's in front of you in life right now, or you wouldn't be considering something like this. sometimes everybody around you just thinks your problem isn't as big of a deal as their own, not because they're dicks, they just have so much on their plate they cant see straight. that's why there's people who make careers out of helping people in your kind of spot. they can see what nobody else can, they're not out there on the field. theyre the referee. what's it hurt to see what they've got to say about your play?

You still come off as an autistic spazz who doesn't get the point still. Fake and gay, just like your life. My guns are real as shit, unlike anything you probably have.

I don't need to shill my position, I simply state it and it defends itself. You on the other hand, need to try harder. Maybe type out 'shill' in all caps?

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Not the guy you were talking to, just figured I'd jump in and point out that you still kinda looked stupid.

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get fucked moralfag

Nah, not worth it. Stick around for more luls in 2020 bro

Sounds like a 45 lover

OP is probably dead and here you are arguing over firearms... :I

>>look kinda stupid

Says the incel who is probably proud of how many years he's been on Yea Forums

Trips have spoken, you can't do it. You're actually going to have to work and make your life better, sorry dude.

Think of it as the grand finale to your life. You don’t wanna go out with a whimper, fuck some shit up before you don do it

Whoa there buddy, you sure you want to go around projecting on to others like that publicly?

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Heyyy..he was behind of this..

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Don't shoot yourself. What if you don't die? Too messy. Horrible. Don't kill yourself. But if you do; find a dignified way to carry out out. OD? Fentanyl?

The only thing projected on you is a warm sticky load from your stepfather, faggot.

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Well you've got an exceptional pistol for doing it with. Just ask /k/.

Say something really gay and accuse the other person of being a faggot, genius levels of projection going on. Maybe you should have quit while you just looked stupid.

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Yeah, finish cleaning it and go to bed

Did you type that last comment while crying or wiping splashed cum off your face?

Doubling down on the gay thing, not the way I would have handled it, but I guess you have to stick to what you know.

>>stick with what you know

Making trap loving sissies like you irritated. Thanks for the helpful advice user

>no guns

Ah, trap loving irritated sissy, that explains a lot. They have help for those things you know, but you want to have to change first. You can lead a horse to water and all that.

>do a back flip
>its do a flip newfriend

Y dont u just turn 360° and walk away from this place

Lol, shits fake

But if you put a TQ right under your groin, wait for your femoral to start showing and toss a BB right into it AFTER removing TQ itcould still work, dont worry you'll be dead in less than 120 seconds. Run in place and elevate your heart beat and it could be 45-60 seconds. Do it op

Funniest comment in thread. K is a larpers paradise

I approve of this image

For what it’s worth, I want you to know that I’ve been there and that I understand how you feel. It sucks to be at rock bottom, but I believe in you and I know you can make it through this. Take a deep breath. You can do this, even if it is only a day at a time, an hour at a time, or even one minute at a time. Think of someone that cares about you, or something you care about and make that your motivation to keep going. For me, my motivation to keep living was making music, but it could be anything for you. Go put the gun away, make some hot chockate and popcorn and watch your favorite show. Take a bit of time to remind yourself of all the things you love about life. Yeah, it sucks right now, but there are still reasons to live, and I know you can find them. You really are amazing, OP, even if you don’t believe it yourself right now. You can make it through this. I’m serious, OP, you CAN make it through this. You are strong. This is a really shitty bump in the road but you will come out alright. I believe in you, OP.

Yes. Place the barrel in your mouth and squeeze the trigger as many times as you can.
The highest score wins. Surviving means starting again.