What would you guys consider the worst state in America

What would you guys consider the worst state in America

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Florida. Hands down.

New Jersey


South Carolina


they have become living shithole third world states

please help me get out of here

Arkansas. Easy. Nothing but fat, trailer park bitches and negros.

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No reason other than they are destroying the country by allowing Mitch McConnell to rule the senate

Mississippi. It's too dependent of federal taxes to even be considered mediocre

New Jersey. Just wait, it's going to be getting a lot worse in the next 2.5 years, too.
t. NJfag


Both of those states are huge and have shitty parts and great parts. Unlike Georgia. Fuck off Georgia. Florida is the annoying drunk guy at the bar who everyone tolerated but Georgia is his friend who he brought one night and now is trying to fight everyone and saying how tough he is and how he was a Marine Special Forces Sgt.

recently I drove through many states essentially a U of the lower 48 starting in washington and ending in maine and california was by far the worst

California, cant wait to move to Georgia

Arkansas or Mississippi.

You people who complain about Californi and New York are so spoiled

new york, then new jersey


Lol when shit states like Arkansas and Mississippi exist nah

I do Comcast tech support over the phone for the East Coast. NJ has, by far, the worst "human beings" I have ever spoken with.

Don't...we full....

current state, definitely

California and its nature is stunning but the people happen to be the fucking worst people on the planet.

lived in GA my whole life. it's pretty shit.

Never been there but Im going to go ahead and say New York.
Also fuck North AND South Carolina.

New Mexico. Bunch of druggies and drunk natives.

New Jersey. What a shithole.

why? it's a fucking wonderful red state with great laws and a beautiful coast, and then ice mountains on the west side. it has a decent amount of blacks but they're a much different type of black compared to northeast niggers. they at least have the potential to be nice. weather is awesome too if you like it warm. winter blows


the nature of the north was fantastic but the majority of the roads were total shit and the people were even worse. Also awful drivers worse than vegas

Here's the list:

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I wholeheartedly agree with this

not even close

Not from merica, sounds shit. Is there even a single good state?

Having traveled a lot for work and living in California all you niggers who said Cali have never been to Florida.


I've lived in GA on and off. Its actually pretty decent compared to this shithole. Living here made me hate Mexicans and blacks even more.

Florida. I live here and its terrible.

We have three kinds of people
>Old, wealthy, sad retirees
>16-40 year old drug addicts
>entitled little trust fund shits

Everyone else leaves as soon as they can. I am currently trying to get the fuck out.

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California. It’s full of liberal faggots. I keep hoping for a big earthquake to come and make it sink in the ocean.

>posts image of movie character from LA

the state of america

New Jersey

It's everything bad about America packed as tight as possible into one shithole with barely any nature, sandwiched by 2 giant urban sprawling cities, with a culture where being a fucking complete moronic douchebag is celebrated, liberal nanny-state laws, INSANE FUCKING TAXES, and lots of minorities.


The most annoying part about New Jersey - They always claim to have the best school system, but, I have NEVER in my life met 1 fucking person from New Jersey that wasn't a moron. This is not a joke or an exxaggeration. If you live in the Northeast, take note next time you talk to someone from NJ. Steer the conversation off of the beaten path and bring up a specific topic, whether its news or current events or science or history....they will stare at you blankly with NO idea what you are saying. It's a literal culture of ignorance.

Why? Disney is there. They have the nicest beaches. Miami and key west are there. Tropical weather. What's to hate?

This especially applies to the women.

Sounds like long island but with long island you have to deal with liberals, corrupt politics and a huge influx of immigrants.

It's all the same, boah

North Dakota shit never warms up and always snows even when its close to spring.

The state of America is the worst state in america



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Same. It's been pretty great.

They do have the best school system though. I lived there in middle and elementary school and the teachers were the best. I really did learn alot. The teachers work hard to design an educational path that works for all the students. The kids in the higher level classes are very smart but yeah most kids don't care about current events at all.

Shitty public transport, some of the worst schools in the nation, drug addicts everywhere, high crime rate for a relatively small state, backwards thinking from locals , roads sucks ,fat people suck, everything here fucking sucks....except for Charleston


Hear me out...

>Takes a day or so just to drive through
>The entire drive is the exact same scenery: desert, rocks, dead brush, scrawny pathetic trees
>People everywhere are ugly af and usually overweight
>Cant walk anywhere without sweating and feeling sticky skin, almost wet-hot air
>Absolutely awful drivers
>80 mph speed limits are ONLY seen on toll roads
>every fucking house in the state is made out of the same red brick shit
>cookie-cutter neighborhoods with 0 appeal

Also, living in a military town everyone around you is incredibly ugly, poor, ghetto, or all of the above

>hurr durr muh gunz, cheap gas, housing, etc

Because no one ACTUALLY wants to live there intentionally/ sober

yeah Charleston is nice as shit. I'm actually moving there in September. Been planning it for a while. I'd like to be near the coast and mild winters, and hunt some alligators

Doesn't Texas have a bunch of "dry" counties too?


American ideals are better than the people in any of the states. Most of the worst ones have governments that are trying their best to stifle those American ideals and are full of citizens that support them. It's like a house, the foundation is solid, the plans for the rest of the structure were written perfectly, but now it's being put together by people that have no idea about construction throwing in their own ideas. By the time the roof it on, it'll collapse. It's like when they tried fixing spongebob's house, the country

>liberals, corrupt politics and a huge influx of immigrants.
The last politician we had that took a stance against drugs was caught snorting cocaine in a bathroom, hatians and cubans are all over southwest Florida, and our college campuses literally have social justice clubs

FGCU hosted a class called "white racism"

buttmad fargoposter


>Of Texas' 254 counties, 5 are completely dry, 196 are partially dry, and 55 are entirely wet.

So yea. Also no alcohol on sunday

>shit internet
>try to go outside, polar bears everywhere
>dark forever sometimes, light forever other times
>sarah palin is our queen

>Old, wealthy, sad retirees
They all stick together in their gated communities. You can easily avoid them.

Can't really talk about the rest as i never went to school there.

most of us in alaska also hate sarah palin you dumb faggot

Maryland or West Virginia


then why do we re-elect as our mayor?

What's the best state?

North Dakota. Extreme weather. Flat as a pancake. Nothing to do there. Fracking boom has led to a bunch of single guys making money in oil and gas, so the rent has gone way up. There is literally no reason to live there.

You sound just like the entitled cocksuckers that wander around in this swamp ass of a state

Fuck Miami, Disney is full of tourists, key West is full of fags however, the weather is great and there's basically no laws governing cars and guns so that's pretty cool

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Nebraska is pretty nice

>low crime
>omaha has stuff to do
>cheap housing
>midwestern people are generally friendly

Honestly it’s not a bad place.

> Commiefornia

West Texas

I think we all know it's Commifornia. They already have masses of starving homeless people in their streets.

New fucking JERSey

Constant Fear

Why is that? You mean tourist? I don't live in florida do i only know about it as a toutist destination.

Alaska is the best. Worst state by far is California, we're last for everything and it sucks because Califags move to different states in droves and fuck up that state and move on. Them call them washifornians.

Because they are being fed instead of starved and shot


No, they are still starving and being shot, you guys just seem to be replenishing their numbers at an alarming rate.

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Georgias not bad, Ive seen alot worse. Theres coastline, islands, mountains, open plains and farmland, a little bit of everything for different tastes. Just stay away from Macon. Its like a shitty black hole consuming everything around it right in the middle of the state.

Are commiefornians the new carpetbaggers?

Disney is great but not all of the fucking stupid tourists that can't drive and the impatient local Fuck holes who can't drive. Key west is fine of your comfortable seeing a 90 year old man in a thong at the beach getting wasted. Some of the beaches are nice and others are garbage with cars or drunk college kids. Miami is a hellhole if you dont speak Spanish and you better not give a shit about your car because most of the drivers don't have licenses. The women are all trash; either entitled bitches or whores who think they are hot shit. The weather is even worse, its always hot with no seasons except the occasional hurricane. The schools are terrible and once you get into the middle/panhandle all you will find are retarded trump loving hicks. I have lived here my whole life and am trying to escape. I hate this place and i hate the people; fuck Florida. The only thing i enjoy is the nature, history and the sunsets.

California and washington

oklahoma hands down
shit beer
shit road system
just an all around bad time


Exactly, you’re just focusing on the tourist parts that you like. Living here is a entirely different thing

nj here, it's because politics aren't important. north jersey may as well be its own state due to the severe cultural change from south jersey.

Can attest to califags moving and ruining other states. Droves of them are moving to Idaho and turning alot of it into liberalfags and raising our housing and living costs. They are turning in most cases a good place to live into the shithole that they moved away from.

west coast is best coast.

Kansas and North Dakota are pretty shitty overall

Came here to say this. New Mexico is trash

ha, you have no idea what's coming

Stop smoking crack, Texas is great

you are all retarded. you don't even know it.

This is exactly whats happening here in GA. With all the movies and TV shows being filmed here in the past 10ish years and all the Cali folks flocking here weve been dubbed "Hollywood of the South". Its almost to a tipping point, we came very close to having a far-left socialist governor.

Don’t forget corrupt as fuck cops

Its fucking sad to see like leave us the fuck alone. We didnt fuck up your state so dont move here and fuck up ours. Shit grinds my gears.

Sauce on image?

South Florida fag. I can honestly say, this place is utter shit. This state is the poster child for supporting apartheid and racism.

Imagine being this autistic... Point us to the rule where it says the image you post must line up exactly with the words you write. Are you incapable of keeping 2 different ideas in your head at the same time? Are you retarded?


Lol you definitely win on politics but holy fuck the ms-13 gangs are a really big prob here. Also a state as blue as new York sjw's are really rampant with no escape in site.

Lots of niggers. Not that bad, overall. Your food is absolute shit. Let's turn the grill up super high and burn the fuck out of everything.

Ikr. Celebs on the left were pushing hard for Stacey Abrams too, and it almost worked. Alot whove probably never even been here honestly. I mean god damn Will Ferrell was here going door to door campaigning for Abrams. Who the fuck asked you who you wanted as the governor of Georgia? Dont you live across the country in a $10 million mansion? How the fuck would you know whats best for us? Not every state wants to be an sjw shithole like California.

Lol Arkansas is Walmart country. Id choose Mississippi or Alabama

Yea the cops are fucking bullshit here, its probably the most bible mad and outdated state in the country

No trust me, I moved to Florida from north jersey while halfway through college, the prof asked a girl from my group to write education and she couldn’t even do that properly I was dumfounded

If thats truly the case then how come they have any sort of first world living standards in Florida? how come it isn't Detroit?.

Sound like a bunch of commiefornia transplants bitching and moaning and wanting to turn it into the shithole you fled like always.

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cali / Ny
people are just fucking stupid, too much traffic, rent way to expensive for what you get...

Fuck you

New Mexico is a corrupt shithole
Worst place to try and raise a family

true though.
you guys deserve to lose all your representation after this shitshow. fuckin kentucky...


Colorado. Like California, but cold. Too fuckin expensive. Too many fuckin idiots

Mississippi. But for different reasons that most people would talk about in public.

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Anyone live in Idaho?
Curious about it and thinking about moving there from los angeles because i fucking hate California
California is like Yea Forums but if it was only log/loli/fbig posters

Having been to or lived in the 48 continental.b I'm not going to mention the ones I have no opinion on.
From worst to best
Florida and Pennsylvania these two are equally bad for differing reasons.
South Dakota and Montana thousands of miles of nothing
Ohio is so riddled with drugs because there's nothing to do
California... Actually all these States are equally horrible

Good places to live, new York State but not the city
South Carolina

Everywhere else has saving graces or I just have no opinion.

dont forget safe injection sites and right to squat

best to worse by people for states I have spent 24+ hours in
>Arizona, Nevada
>South Carolina

for geography
>Arizona, Nevada
>Georgia, South Carolina
>Indiana, Texas, Maryland

Why is it worst?

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so the people in idaho are cool?
i need info on the state
looking at twin falls particularly

>making Deadpool look like a preppy sorority girl



Idahoans, along with Montanans and Coloraders, are the best kind of libertarian
>idgaf what you do or say, so long as you don't force me to do or not do anything
although I haven't been to Colorado for ~20 years, so the liberal immigrants might have knocked it down a step or two

every one else on the list is either is a massive "I know what is best for you" cunt or just a straight up asshole

>looking at twin falls particularly
People are ok, terrible drivers though. A lot of people moving in from other states, so cost of living, especially rent, is on the rise. Where are you moving from?

Kek u answered your own question.

The political state

Not much going on in Indiana except cheap housing. It's called the crossroads of America because you just want to drive through the state to go somewhere interesting. Also the roads are terrible and pothole-laden.

Not really, elaborate?.
Also I hear they have very low taxes and are very republican/racist as fuck and literally no gun laws lol.

Dindus break in and you got free reign to light em up.

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Mississippi or Arkansas

Washington state, pacific northwest


T. Jefferson state hellbilly




notice how Maine isn't on this thread

fuck kansas, Illinois, and Florida. Also fuck California. Missouri numero uno

texass and floriduh

Yknow what no, fuck this Florida hate, we live in the most un-American state with barely any laws. It's almost a fucking free for all, you hate us, because you ain't us.

California may be beautiful but man can it suck dick and spread aids faster than a fag in key west

pick any random red state and there you go.

What military town? Was it WF?

I hope you kill yourself and your parents are stuck with the bill no one who lives in Florida wants more Yankee cunts even the spics and niggers dont want you besides your grandpas tax dollar

Can anyone sauce this, please???

overall? cali
north cali is fine as no one is there, its more of an extension of oregon at that point, which is OK, not great
florida is fine as a college student or if you have money to live in a gated community, even the ethnics in these places are fine here
north dakota is a barren wasteland, so that sucks
illinois is a lost cause, bankrupt state
rhode island and delaware are welfare states to the federal government, too small to hold any power to control or have control of businesses so they are for poor people and businesses to rape them
new york is too congested and just angry, it is a cool place to visit though
the real question is...
>what is a good state for a white person?

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Nah man there is alot worse ,think of every state bordering on FL, they're boring as shit ,Missouri is disgusting and inbred af with absolutely nothing and dont get me started on Texas. Florida can be lit af if you know the right people and whatever you do no matter how much you wanna leave ,travel around there might just be your area ,avoid Polk county as much as possible except winter haven it's kinda nice but whatever you do DO NOT JOIN THE ARMY.

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Idk Nebraska, Kansas, one of the plains states

Lol yeah the turtle is the Antichrist


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Lol byefag

>most un-American state with barely any laws
Isn't that as close to true American as it gets, isn't the rest of American supposed to be more like Florida?.

Asking as someone thinking about Immigrating.

The people in idaho are great just avoid Boise and meridian for the most part. All the fucks from cali are moving there. Along with their crime and drugs.

Imagine being so assrammed by political tribalism that you can't enjoy the natural beauty and culture of a place.
T. Californiafag who's family is southern. I love my trips to miss and Alabama, sure it's even methier than where I live in Humboldt, but the folks are funny, the boiled peanuts are delicious and the hunting ain't too bad

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It's Mississippi. Several others are really bad, but Mississippi is the worst.


Best state: Oregon
Worst state: California.

Damn straight. Ever want to learn how to surf go to Seaside, free parking at the south end of town, plenty of friendly locals at the point!

These are 5 states with the highest poverty levels. Bottom up for some reason.

Lots of Fox news viewers here, anti-California propaganda drones.

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>spot the jealous commiefornian
This is accurate. Everything Midland and beyond can eat a dick

I hate California to an almost unreasonable level but I'll admit if everyone there died, it'd be the perfect place to live.
Bias aside, the worst state is probably Alabama.

Isn't Oregon packed with mountain lions that'll eat your fucking pets and probably kill your family if you live anywhere remotely outside a town/city?.

You don't know how statistics work do you?.
>All states with the highest non-white/black demographics

So if you're white, its another story.

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Good bait

And bears and racists too

Oregon's pretty nice but it's unfortunately either granola as fuck or inbred methhick as fuck depending on where you are

Racists are fine my non-white immigrant unwelcome compadre, but the mountain lions....need the drop on that situation, its a make or break deal that one.

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Washington. All the hillbilles of the south, but cold and wet. Oh, and the big city rents are like Frisco, with none of the charm.

What can y'all say about St. Louis or just Missouri in general? Not from America, myself.

Any recommendations for a state to live in your early 20s ?

No, I was just born, raised, and still live where theyre moving in in droves and trying to make people think, vote and act like them. Basically just turn it into another Cali. But hey, first hand experience doesnt mean shit eh?

Hawaii, Louisiana, California, Colorado, new Mexico

Good states: Texas, Colorado, Massachusetts, South Carolina
Anywhere else isn't worth your time.

Nope. Hawaii is good, but it's a colony, not a state. It was one of the independent nations that the US stole.

Been in FL since 2004. Fucking hate it. Nigger capital of America.

appreciate that. Colorado seems really nice

You're going to need to give more info than that.
Going to school in your 20s?
Looking for work in your 20s?
Leaching off your parents in your 20s?
Cooking meth in your 20s?
Doing meth in your 20s?
Dying your hair and chopping your dick off in your 20s?
Different states will be ideal depending on your goals


South Carolina is fucking wierd dude. One of the richest cities in the u.s. less than a mile from one of the poorest and most dangerous. No public transportation, for some reason beach parking is pricey af, and everything is a gated community.


Expensive, nanny state, series of islands isolated in the Pacific Ocean.

Alaska is pretty bad too, the weather is terrible and it's also isolated, but the government is more sane at least.

They hate Cali transplants up there.

Im about to finish school up here soon. I would like to move to a place where my videography business can flourish and eventually want to get into film. In the mean time Im okay with having a job in marketing or film. I would also like a place with hot girls that are wild yk. I basically wanna ball out lol

Cook Meth duh

Nah fuck off hawaiis nice and Tulsi gabbard is the hottest rep in the house

You say "isolated" like it's a bad thing.

Lol that's what happens when you repressed your homosexuality. It leaks out the seams of your tight society in the form of pedos

Stay in Cali, no one wants you.

Clearly none of you retarded cunts have lived in Indiana.

What’s up with Alabama or Nevada? Heard they both have loose building codes, wanted to schedule early retirement and try country living. I’ve enjoyed both places but don’t know intimately.

foreigner reporting in.

you hear mixed things about most states, but I've heard nothing good about Mississippi. it sounds like hell.

It's all the old ass Eastern Kentucky rednecks that keep voting him in. The only sane part of the state is in Louisville.

Too bad I'm from fornia faggot


I voted for him and I live in Louisville.

Take that, fuckers.

It's not just them, the GOP is very popular throughout the state besides the big cities.

Best State: California (5th largest economy on earth)
Worst State: Any red state (they're all welfare states)

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With that they have a rat/rodent problem that is spreading disease. It could become a bubonic plague type shit. I hope it eats up the bureaucrats. The ACLU wanted mass de-institutionalization back in the 1970’s. Most homeless are mentally ill.

Dude that's like stabbing yourself because someone you don't like doesn't like the sight of blood

Definitely California particularly Los Angeles county. Infest with homeless, niggers, rampant liberals that have no clue how reality works.

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Im califag too but TX does pay its own way tho


He may have clogged up the senate with pointless posturing but he's also helped stock the judiciary on all levels with judges who will hopefully respect the Constitution. I'll forgive him his failures for that alone.

Apathy. The whole damn country is full of it.


Hawaii. Sure, trust fund brat? Colorado is the top tier choice. Very low nigger population.

CA is the best state if you're wealthy

Alabama is amazing if you are middle class. Which doesn't take as much money as most statea. If you are poor, btfo. There are things that could be improved on. The government is ran by fucking socialists. R or D next to someone's name doesn't mean shit here.

Blame the Paterson and Newark niggers, along with the spics in passaic. My town literally sits between all of them ffs.

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Got to find those pockets of caring. They’re out there. First? Education. Career. Money.


Can confirm lots of methheads in OR. Also lots of guns. It's not uncommon to see open carry pretty much anywhere you go and lots of private property, tresspassers will be shot twice signs. This is because of the californians. Sort if like a west coast texas actually.

why do so many people hate California?

Interesting mix.

Worst state? I haven't been to all of them, probably 35 ish.

Worst I've been to? Maybe Mississippi. Whole state is too hot, too stupid, and too humid. Sort of like the gulf coast there but everything else sucks.

Honorable mentions: Illinois (boring and Chicago is a failed state); Nebraska (what's the point?); South Carolina (basically Mississippi but with more and nicer beaches).

Northern is ok.

California has its pros but it also seems like a mega cuck state run by mega cucks like Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsome

>Muh craft beer
>Muh "the mountains are calling and I mucst go"
>Muh climber culture
>Muh slack Sundays
>Muh trust fund ski bums
Fuck off Hawaiians are based enough to scrap when they have problems.

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Guns in Oregon? Wow. Learn something new.

Too bad is right


many people consider where they grow up to be a shithole and idolize other parts of the world purely because that's where they're from.

Trips. With the shitiness comes the cheapness. Trade offs.

Nail that thinks out the most gets hammered

If you make 100k+ a year Connecticut seems nice. Blue-state taxes though.

It was 70 degrees today O-o

Solid dad joke. I'll give you that

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New Mexico I've only seen two other states because I love in new Mexico and holy shit it's terrible wind all the time and it's either too cold to do anything doesn't snow in most parts and is hot as shit the rest of the time like 115 degrees like what the fuck how and he had a tornado literally just yesterday I fucking hate it here

Puerto Rico

You realize being on fire, swimming through homeless people and being out of water isn't normal, right?

Ohio is miles of trash.

Gotta be Alabama. I've never been there, but just the thought of it makes me vote for it.

same with Utah, but fuck Utard too...goddamn Mormon Mafia is real

The only sucky thing about south Carolina is too many niggers

true ^5

Anyone live or lived in Chicago ?

I'm from Pennsylvania. It's realllly popular to move out and go to Florida. You have no idea how good you have it. I've lived there for about 5 years. Always lived in New Jersey. Florida is by far a heaven compared to up here.
>always nice out
>lazy rivers
>thots, enough pussy to go around for everyone
Jeez, when you move out you're going to see how shit the rest of the world is compared to Florida -- unless you live in North FL or some shit, i.e. hicksville. If you live in Central/south, then you're just a whiny bitch

>has to pay "rent"

hahaaaaa how does it feel to be poor white trash
keep voting republican you scum!!11

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Hollywood has been doing this for the last 20+ years. Why? TAXES. I heard they’re going to Canada to film shit. It is the people and the politics that make a state. Sure, climate factors in of course.

Is that a picture of one girl with her legs over her head or two girls one laying atop the other. My heads confused but im aroused

have fun with the Somali in Lewiston and moose is not an industry

What? You realize how many people pay rent? Not everyone invests in real estate

i second this fuck them

Nvm i found her twitter

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And the hot, humid summers. Fuck that. Poor, miserable drug addicts and add that heat rage? NOPE.

Tats ruin it

Sad bait.

Arkansas is beautiful. Awesome views and there's virtually no liter on the side of the roads. South Arkansas kind of sucks tho, it's basically Louisiana with less potholes.

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, like night and day, literally.

She is pretty hot even with

people write songs about how much they hate California. Their number one export is bad Ideas and it's always on fire.

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I'm pretty sure that user meant that he still lived with his parents while pursuing his lifelong goal of smashing the patriarchy

Anyone here from Montana, North or South Dakota? I’ve never been up there. Heard that it just vast amounts of forestry and no people. Sounds nice.

I feel like there are a lot of... wasted states. Backwards places where nothing worthwhile ever happens.

Like Arkansas, Georgia, Montana and Mississippi. I mean, Texas is just as backwards but at least they get things done.

t never been to LA

More people write songs about how fucking lit California is. Even if this wasn't the case, at least people take notice of it unlike your irrelevant flyover shithole

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Lol all the ppl saying Florida and these states exist.
>stand your ground state
>loose gun ownership laws
>no vehicle inspection
>no insurance needed to drive motorcycles
>no emissions laws & 80% car mods are legal
>can get a job anywhere if you know the right ppl
Please tell me a con of florida beyond the fucking old ppl

How about worst state for the country? Honestly disliked NY for a long time. Builds shitty ugly towers poorly. Towers fall down easily. Cause war that never really ends after the people who knocked them down long gone. Sours the countries reputation for over a decade. Causes laws that lets the government spy on everything with no warrants. Have to listen to tinfoil hat new yorkers insist it couldnt possibly be because shit tier buildings. Claims to have the best city constantly. Has a statue saying hey every shit person come here. Upset when every shit person wants to come here.

>Texas is just as backwards but at least they get things done.
Sorry that we're not doing enough to institute your communist Utopia, but at least we don't have to spend 60% of our income on a studio apartment in the projects

What about Missouri? Never been

No basements.

>More people write songs about how fucking lit California is
Because Katy Perry is a paragon of daily life in California

Hurricaine target.
Hot as balls
Mosquito as balls
All the worst rappers are from Florida
All that token political mumbo jumbo that you mentioned is irrelevant
Flat and boring
Really trashy people
Port of entry for drugs and criminals
Disney world and the holy Land theme park are cancer
The waves suck

You dont have to apologise, its not your fault.

I just feel that those states could be optimized.

>Katy Perry
T. Music pleb
Not my fault your local radio station only plays pop hits from 10 years ago

If a motorcycle hits you you have to pay for any damage it causes.

New Jersey
New York
In that order
Also Colorado pretty soon if the goddamn transplants don’t fuck off. We never should have legalized weed; worthless stoners are polluting everything and just being faggots in general.

What town if you dont mind my asking?

PA sucks ass. Nothing to do and loaded down with heroin addicts everywhere.


What’s wrong with Indiana and Michigan?


Even in europe florida has a bad reputation.

The people in South Cali in particular for the most part act like entitled pricks. It's the best way I can explain it. Not like they feel they're better than everybody else but they carry that shitty demeanor around with them. They're unpleasant in an uncanny valley sort of way, mentally.

Meth and niggers respectively

great britan


No niggers. No immigrants. No white trash. Reasonable taxes. 40-85 degrees. Sign me up.

Aussie here. California. Seattle was terrible but Washington itself was awesome.
When you fly into LAX you can see the smog around the city. Nothing against anyone who lives in LA, there’s cool people there but there’s giant pockets of fuckwits everywhere.

Indianapolis and Detroit, sure.

From an outsiders viewpoint. Probably Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama. They all seem pretty fucked in that part. The only redeeming quality of those states seems to be their music and it really isn’t my thing.

>its not your fault
I'm worried that it is though.
I know I should be gauging out my ears and protesting the hidden racism in having white teeth.
Instead, I'm out in the oilfield, bringing down six figures, being self reliant, and contributing to the productivity of the state.
I know that I can't dismantle capitalism by myself, but I'm afraid that my sustainable lifestyle is harming the efforts of diverse enlightened people on the right side of history

I never looked at Indiana as a meth state. Thought it’s more south.


Because that's how that works.

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Fuck off mislav your band sucks

Yep, fuck off micromanaging our borders. These fucko states have too many people who think they know how to handle our border crisis. Az is getting fucked with benefit payputs to illegals and fentanyl overdoses

Was meant for

The main features in both of their respective states. Not good P.R. But Fair point that they aren’t the only thing there.

Arizonas pretty cool


It's not all bad then?

missouri sucks dick, i've lived here on the edge of kansas for 20 years and it's just fucking bad. Big dope problem in my area, and it's white trash as fuck. Even the blacks are tame in comparison.

I've use to live in CT when I was younger. Everyone is leaving because of the governor and the ones that aren't leaving are the poorfags. I'm helping my parents find a place in North Carolina right now and my dad easily makes over 120k a year and state tax's kill his income.

Arizona was fucked long before by golf loving boomers

Colorado, Utah, Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, California to an extent, there is scenic shit in the northeast as well.
The rest is pretty boring but nice enough in general.

Mexico is so bad Trump wants to build a wall to contain the Aids, It is the worst state in the US and A.

Id take golf loving boomers over drug mules, welfare sponges, and coyotes anyday.

Maine is pretty nice

You sound like one boring fuck.

Negative, the rider is just at fault for damage done meaning simply, prepare to sue there ass for your money, plus un-insured motorist coverage is a thing in most insurance's so yah.

Not really. Right now i can get some decent snowboarding in flag one day, then head down to phoenix in shorts and tee another. I kind of like that, its pretty as shit rn with all the rain and snow we've been getting

Nigs be a problem, especially the ones that get our 15Mbps $10 monthly internet plan for being poor af. Then they call in and bitch b/c it won't work on their PS4, Samsung Smart TV, Xbox One, Tablet and smartphones (that they're so poor they cant afford) all at the same time. Subhumans.

I can't vouch for the rest of Florida, but Miami is the shit. Must be a lot of brokefags in here. Ever stay in a business center condo? Shit is cash. Awesome view, city lights go beyond the horizon at night, best beach with titties popping out here and there, gorgeous 10/10 women, mostly rich Asians or Latinas. Nobody sounds ghetto or acts trashy down there, not even the black chick working at Taco Bell.

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And you sound like you've got some chico's homemade elote trapped between your asscheeks

Gotta be this or Louisiana.

Good list

You're probably one of those retards who thinks that every part of Florida is similar to the liberal illegal wetback nigger infested Miami and Key West areas.

Not 100% sure about the state itself but every person I've met from there is a douchebag. Especially the turkroach Italians.


here you go friend

Yep. Big money.

Nignogs are a plague

We have to let them die off.