Hey /b did I fuck up? She hasnt texted me back since that last text. 8 hours ago. Did I come off too strong? Help!!

Hey /b did I fuck up? She hasnt texted me back since that last text. 8 hours ago. Did I come off too strong? Help!!

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You did user, a lil too strong. She’s probably gonna ghost you.

>not waiting a few days to ask her out
You fucking desperate nigger

didnt come off strong seems pretty normal. probably just not intersted

I read online that I'm supposed to set up a date asap. Fuck

These dating gurus told me to get it set up asap man fuck these dating gurus

na you did fine, text her tomorrow after noon and ask her whats up maybe ask about her day, tell her to text you memes or recommend movies to you. get to know things she likes and move on from there

So if she ghost me do I still text her?

Nah, homie. You're overeacting. Give it till tomorrow, then maybe shoot her another text around 10:30 if she hasnt responded to you yet. If its still silence from there then just let it go, man.

say bitch reply

Worst thing to do would be to send more texts, just wait and she actually wants to see you again she’ll message. If not then she’s ghosted, just move on.

So dont send her another text? Ok got it.she ain't even all that. Nice body I did a little stalking and she got a mugshot from 2009 on mugshot.cm hahahaha

On the same boat homie was talking to this chick just left me on read haven’t texted back in a week

^what are you gonna do?

>tell her to text you memes

Jesus man, you fucking child!...

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dude...bitches love memes

send hueg dick pic

Just give It a few days also call don’t text

She "admires your braveness".
That's it.

Sorry, kiddo. You're not getting that date.

Shes an ex chola type chick but nice body. I just want to fuck her that's all. I'm just upset I fucked up after 2 text

You can shoot another text some other day like you said you would in the text, and if she ignores that one then definitely ghost.

Send her your severed penis. Works Everytime

you fucked up by obsessing over it. your text is fine. the ball's in her court. she'll either send it back or there's nothing to be gained. don't sweat it either way. keep throwing darts.

Yeah, 9-19 year olds. Wtf is this shit? If you can't hold a conversation and be funny in your own right but instead share crappy picture jokes to each other through messenger...Then you're a child.

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Why would she admire my braveness and hope to hear from me soon? It cant be both. It's either or.

Who gives a shit if she doesn't respond?? Stop putting all your eggs in one basket. Start texting several other girls and getting more numbers.

Femanon here, inb4 tits, I'm only here to confirm what this guy said. You said you would call, so wait a day or two and call, ask her to lunch or a movie or whatever. If she doesn't pick up, leave a voicemail, but don't follow up with some desparate text or call to see if she got your first message. She did.

Voicemail? What are you, 86?

Don't you fucking voicemail, user. Wait til tomorrow night to call/text again.

You're fine
People get busy
Call her on Friday night and ask her to lunch Saturday

user here. Nice to get a female perspective. I'll call her either tomm or Friday just to talk

Na just give her a call in a couple of days.

It's not really something someone can respond to. It's kind of a waste of time to just say "ok"

This is the only advice you should follow.

Wait, that's her response? "Not a lot of guys have the courage to ask for numbers these days"
What kind of literal Starbucks drinking legging wearing basic bitch did you find?
Move on

Ok guys I will call her tomm. Anyone have a time suggestion?

You told her you would hit her up, what do you expect her to say?

^I expected a. I look forward to it. Or here's when I'm available or something. Not silence

Should I text her goodnight?

She's playing with you to show she has power in this and it's not all just you. They always play dumb games like this, learn from the experience.

Just text or call her sometime and then you'll know. You are overthinking. And you were overthinking when you wrote that last text. Keep it shorter and don't get hung up on the details, work those details out later when you get in touch with her.

Kinda stupid to be playing games considering the fact that shes in her late 20s

she probably just read "i'll give you a call sometimes", and took it as an end of conversation
just wait till you thinks she's off and call
Next time make clearer questions, or just don't ask, only declare what you're gonna do (so in this case something like - "i'll call you in the evening so we can talk").

How old are you? They always do this shit.

well he might get the date, but probably not getting her

Move on to the next. Unless you look ugly as shit, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone else to talk to. Yes, its really that simple.

Wait until Saturday.

Real answer right here.
I knew some chicks that would call this the "desperation test"
They ghost you for a day or 2 and see how fucked you are
The point is to see if you're clingy or angry through your texts/calls
The only way to "win" is to wait for her to respond back
Make her feel like you have better options by maintaining silence.
It shows confidence
Women are stupid, don't play their games

Yea I think it is a test cause when I told her I like her. She said she like me too.

1. There's no right answer here. Everyone is different.

2. She wants you to call her. Call her.

3. Who gives a fuck, move on. If you keep trying, someone hot is going to eventually fuck you. It's a numbers game.