Anyone feel like they missed out/are missing out on life

Anyone feel like they missed out/are missing out on life
All I do is fuck gross girls I hate and smoke

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tbh at least you're getting any

Doesn’t take much to woo a desperate fat girl

Try fucking old ladies and listening to their stories, eventually one with money will fall in love with you and then when she dies you get her estate.

I’m socially retarded only know how to pray on the insecurities of young fat girls

Bruh.. I made $250,000 in a year from YouTube.. I’m 29 this year dating an 18 year old who I met by having a threesome with after swiping her friend on tinder.. I’ve got my own house where I live with her now, My mind is so fucking clear it’s unbelievable.. but still as great as that all sounds.. still feel like somethings missing.. I don’t feel fulfilled and don’t think i ever will..

The one thing I tell myself no matter what is that this probably my only chance to exist.. no matter how bad, I might as well just stick around for this shit while I can since it’s already so profound that I can’t even begin to comprehend where I am and what the actual fuck I’m doing here..

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Christ, get over yourself you angsty millennial fuck. I'm sure people living in rubble in Syria have no idea the hell that is your mundane, insulated existence.

Howed you do that
So I can’t have problems because Syria is being bombed

Your sense of joy and misery is defined by your experience of those extremes in your life. You act entitled to greater joy, when you're just as deserving of greater misery. Get off your ass and find the former for yourself, or be resigned the latter happening of its own accord.

I missed out on a lot because of not knowing how to handle shit. Im almost 30 sickly and still at home while both my sisters, young and old have moved out. Going to depart from this world next month.

Trying to compare one persons misery to anothers. If people feel like theyre suffering, let them vent. Maybe they will, on their own, find that things are not so bad.

Ever time u try I fail
Girls hate me
I can’t fix my retarded personality
I try to achieve things and end up humiliated and reminded of how much Iv failed

I've wasted years waiting for a lost love and now with a girl who's ok.... shes got a job and house, treats me okay. she's not the best looking but we get along pretty well, but I just feel distant and alone still. I drink too much, dab daily, depressed, have fucked up health problems, just lost in life. I've lost everything I ever get in life. I don't even know what to do anymore.

Sounds like me in 5 years

Fall down 9 times, stand up 10.

Be on your own fucking side, no matter what, fuck the world.

Can't achieve "big" things? Then pick something small that you're not doing, but know you should be, and do that. No matter how trivial. "Take a shower". When you've done it, don't just brush it off - ACKNOWLEDGE yourself.

Keep doing this shit, and the small things inevitably become big things.

guys, to all of you that want to end your life, please watch this video
there is hope

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You’re right man
The pit falls are getting deeper and the achievements less significant I’m slowly settling in to mediocrity, maybe this is just what getting older is

Well at least you got a good girl
Feel like I’m gona throw up after fucking the girls I do

What "achievements"? Being rich? Being famous or popular? Having power and influence?

Do you know why celebrities, politicians, and other people at "the pinnacle of success" have lives that are trainwrecks filled with drugs, infidelity and mental illness? Because they've achieved all this shit and discovered they still aren't happy; only now there's nowhere else "up" left to go.

Take that fucking shower, and acknowledge yourself like you just cured cancer. Be on your side, even if you're a "loser" or a "failure". "Yeah, I'm those things? So fucking what? I still rock, and fuck all y'all".

I'm just a lurker but you seem to have a lot of experience and I could really use some help, of course you don't have to but I'd appreciate the time. Email: [email protected]

Nah man just like hanging out with a girl I like, or landing a good job or haveing a productive day. I can give myself false confidence but then I just see a tall happy white guy with his girl and friends and I look at myself and realize I don’t have anything except the thoughts in my own head.

Yes....all the time.

I’m 29 years old
I’m still in college but no friends. Job is ok but it’s really boring. I see people I use to be friends with travel around, bought a house, have kids, get married, etc.

My twenties was so suppose to be experiencing life and having fun. It’s gone. I’m turning 30 in a couple months. I only had sex once back when I was 20 and it wa pretty much out of pity.

I pretty much just wasted my life.

How’d I get a threesome with 18 year olds? Luck of the draw man. I was on tinder and I swiped this chick, she seemed slutty, I invited her over after telling her I had tequila and vodka, I gave her my address and then she asked if she could bring a friend, I said as long as it’s a girl and she said it was. She came with her friend and her friend was smoking hot. I got them both wasted and I was playing their gay ass teenager music, I think it was Kendrick lamar, the really hot one said she was bi.. I didn’t know how to approach this because I had swiped her friend and her friend was all over me haha. Started hooking up with the tinder match on the couch, her friend was right next to me, as I was hooking in I just started grabbing the hot one’s tits, then I started kissing her and then they both started kissing each other. Took them to my room and they were licking each other out even though one was straight lmao, safe to say I pounded the fuck out of them and now I’m in a relationship with the hot one that has lasted over a year now. I actually just mentioned having another threesome a couple nights ago and she didn’t seem bothered by the idea haha so wish me luck

So everything was fine, until you see some random chadbro and make up a story in your head about how great his life is. Suddenly the emotions of happiness you had magically become invalid.


God damn I got a little hard just reading that.
I was asking about the money on YouTube thing though

Pretty much how my retard brain works
I think I’m just lonely , and when life hands me a pretty girl I ruin it with my retard personality and depression

Oh hahaha. Clickbait.. I’ve been editing vids since I was a kid so I can edit extremely fast, allowing me to create lots of content fast. but also again a bit of luck was involved. Mind you, this was just before the adpocalypse.. now you have to request for vids to be reviewed for monetisation ya know