why aren't you smoking heroin right now?
pic very related
Why aren't you smoking heroin right now?
I value my life.
Because im not a retard
I'm actually doing just fine on weed right now guys holy CHRIST!! Haha what the fuck! You've got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed!!
Because i use a needle like a real drug addict
How does one score in a city where they dont know anyone
Cuz I'm not white trash.
Because I’m don’t have unsolved personal issues
Hello Alfonso
blazin foilies? what is this 1998?
>Because I’m don’t have unsolved personal issues
Who said I wasn't
I won't let myself do anything "hard" I know I will get addicted and will bring me nothing but shit. So instead I dab, drink, and hate my life.
God stop I miss g
Heroin. Never got hooked. Smoked it every weekend for 4-5 months. Stopped and haven't done it since for probably 1.5 years. Might get some off the danknet but kinda broker these days
im broke and I inject like a man, gtfo kid
Don't have any.
heroine ruined my aunts life and my life inadvertently so why don’t you fuck off and get some help you junkie cunt
heroine ruined my aunts life and my whole entire family’s lives inadvertently so why don’t you fuck off and get some help you junkie cunt
Whats the best way to make use of dilaudid... I have all these 8mg dilaudid ive been snorting one every few weeks to kick it back for a night but should i be smoking them? Im not injecting...
ok now we have the next level of kek's
sounds so nice you gotta say it twice
suitcase them (up your poopchute) . not even kidding. if you can't get yourself to do it, then just bang em. you're already snorting hydromorphone. who gives a fuck?
Hahah serious? Imma try shoving one up my ass tomorrow and it better get me fucked up
tbh i am worried. is it really that good? are u addicted?
Good year
Dont know about anywhere else but you can order H on the darkweb and get it to ur door the next day in canada
My grandfather is dying in the hospital right now and they have him on drip dilaudid. The second they object it his eyes roll back and he passes out. Then when he finally comes to he thinks he’s doing things like having coffee with president trump on air force 1. Hydromorphone seems like some whack as shit.
Because I'm not a complete loser.
Cause they are basically giving him heroin so hes comfortable til he dies
Yeah it’s kinda sad but I guess I’d want that too
it will. not even fucking with you bro. I used to put double stacks rolls up my ass when I was in HS. much cleaner high and hits you so much quicker. all the capillaries and nerve endings in your anus makes for an excellent drug depository. do a Google search for yourself at least but generally I'm not looking to shitpost in a drug thread. a friend of mine used to bang those 8mg dilaudid boys two at a time and he swears they're the best of the best. I've only eaten them a few times but they're pretty neat.
yeah '98 was alright for sure
I shot heroin for the first time about a month or so ago. Wasn’t all that great. Like i took alot of vicodins. I’ve always heard it is incredibly addictive “oNe ShOt, YouRe FuCKed FoR LiFe” but i have no desire to do it again. Cocaine(sometimes speed) and lsd is way better. (Obvi not together) i was also raw snorting lines of meth and drinking vodka with my buddy so i suppose it isnt the full high?
It would have been worse without the meth
Amphetamines/cocaine marijuana and lsd. Recipe for disaster
Eh everyones got preferences.
Ive done it all and i prefer opiates but i used to think they were overrated too. Just takes that one good high
My drug of choice is meth. Thanks though.
Im anxious to try meth
You sound like a real catch.
Because I'm not whitetrash lmao
because i'm not too scared to IV it.
fucking pussy.
I’m a weekend warrior. Work 45+ hrs a week and take care of my shit. No addictions (except cigs). I maintain drug use better than most.
buh i got that same keyboard
Any drug use implies you have control over nothing
i've also IV'd heroin and found it to be entirely underwhelming.
if you already have a drug of choice near and dear to you, heroin is not that good imo. i knew i could one & done it because my entire life is reserved for ketamine.
i'll take a shot of K over 100 shots of H any day
anyone who knows how fucking destructive heroin is and still chooses to do it is quite literally the definition of a retard. you deserve everything you are doing yourself and you deserve to destroy your family who loves. congratulations.
Ehh that was enough for me. I prefer being up so i can drink/socialize all weekend. My buddy had some so i said fuckit line em up one time. I’m 27 and have done nearly everything already.
Amphetamine/cocaine will ruin your lsd high. Esp. coke. It wil conpletely kill your lsd high. Although molly/thizzles are great with it. Just candy popped for my last bday off two hits of lsd and a molly. Shit was way dope.
Pretty much what i said to first user^
When you have to tell everyone you smoke weed like a fucking vegan
lol heroin is not that destructive compared to say, alcohol.
...said no one ever
I've been clean for 6 months. Smoked it it for a few month then started shooting up for 3 years. Went from having a nice house, car and girl to homeless on the street. Getting clean was the best thing I ever did. Can't say I won't use it again but for now I'm all set. Get help m8
You’re naive and ignorant. Too much of anything is awful for you. I know my limits nerd.
Sure bud. Lmao
have you researched the topic at all or are you just blindly following popular belief?
this thread just shows how bad the opioid epidemic has gotten, where all these fucking dipshits think SHOOTING UP FUCKING HEROIN IS NORMAL.
is this real life?
haha i know right fuckin idiots
brb gunna down the nightly bottle don't worry i'm good to drive bro i do it every night
It’s pretty normal in California. Idk about anywhere else.
Yeah because you and all the other fucking heroin addicts are fucking genius researchers. Lmao
my research is called life experience. had a couple friends throughout the years absolutely fuck up any ounce of their lives. fucked their families up too. shit is so fucking dumb. Im not saying alcohol is the holy grail or some shit...you made that comparison....but heroin is well known as being the end of the end. have fun with that.
fucking research lmao come on bro
HAHAHAHA I fucking love this thread like wtf is this whitetrash shit. I hope its not a giant troll because its given me too many keks
because meth is better
Cant find any in my city recently moved
Is it amateur night tonight? Let me guess, you vape too?
cause im not a chemical dependent loser
whats fucking funny...actually is fucking scary....is that some dipshit OP posts a picture of himself smoking heroin and all these other retards, who dont realize how powerfully destructive that dumb shit is, all start chiming in with "durr hah yeah bro I like to shoot it up my asshole, that's the only way" and dude literally said that "HEROIN IS NOT THAT DESTRUCTIVE COMPARED TO ALCOHOL". I would laugh if that wasn't just so fucking sad.
you dumb mother fuckers need to get your shit together. go outside, go to the gym, educate your damn selves before you fucking throw your lives away. so stupid.
I have better plans than dying alone in Italy
^ posted in a thread bragging about smoking heroin
Just cuz it ruined her life doesnt mean it will ruin yours. You can do heroin and still be a functioning member of society. Show everyone it's not bad and your not just some pussy who let's a drug ruin your life. Your a faggot who wont even try it though. Kys
calling someone a pussy and a faggot because they don't do heroin.....now that just might be the dumbest fucking shit Ive heard in a long time.
thanks for that.
LOL idiot
>only faggots don't try heroin
thanks dude
cause im black. i dont do white trash drugs cause i can afford weed, xanax and codeine.
^ this guy is smarter and healthier than 80% of Yea Forums
This is true but idiots here don't know anything
dont worry little buddy....I'll throw you a couple quarters some day in the future, when your stinky ass is sleeping on the streets after pissing your life away. have fun.
Oh yeah? How many successful people shoot up heroin during weekends and then look like complete normal people and keeps being a normal functioning part of society? Thats right. Fucking none. Lol
Good fpr you OP. Smoke more heroin and be happy. I've lost 4 close friends to heroin abuse so I dont fuck with the H. but I will admit that it has opened up a number of dating opportunities for me.
I'm quite thankful for this heroin epidemic.
Because I'm not a dreamless fagot that doesn't know how to do anything with my life and know how to have fun without having to use drugs
aka you are to poor to afford it.
You don't know what you are talking about.
>idiots don't do heroin
I wish I knew where you "lived". I've lost two friends to heroin. You're better off dead than encouraging others to follow suit.
I could kill you by mailing you cash. You'd kill yourself.
>too poor for heroin
fucking what
You know nothing about how heroin works in your body. Clearly you are a low IQ buffoon incapable of critical thinking.
Alright. If you want to seem so fucking intelligent about this topic, show us the actual researches that can back up your lowlife whitetrash addiction. Lets face it. You are just spending your shit time trying to cover your addiction and trying to make yourself feel better by acting smarter than you are. Literally no legit scientist ever said that heroin is less harming than alcohol.
Unlike, say, your average 400 IQ heroin user (like me, of course): a genius
Im sure you are the fucking genius with an IQ of 180 to do heroin? Everyone laughs at you
I mean they did, before they realized how addictive and deadly it was. Google "medicinal heroin". It was popular around the same time as "fainting couches" and cocaine-laced soda. Science tends to be self-correcting.
Enjoy the alzheimers from that aluminum.
Heroin LAWS ruined your life, not heroin, you spastic triple nigger.
OP fuck yeah, I'm snorting a line of crystal meth as I type this
yeah, heroin laws killed his aunt and made her care about nothing but heroin until she died, to the detriment of her family
t. partial loser
goddamn heroin laws
Way to miss the point, derpy.
way to miss your vein, bulgy
I have my mouth wired shut and have a neck brace ...these Percocets will do for now
crack kills nigger
and heroin kills cracker
I'd like to be, OP. I'd like to be..
Friends I know who drink: all but 2
Friends I know who've died from drinking: zero
Friends I know who do/did heroin: 4
Friends I know who've died from heroin: 3
I prefer to snort it
>my anecdote trumps decades of data
Cause smack is wack fool
It's not as cool as people make it sound. But if youre gonna do it. Get a decent amount like 5g
this! i look like a fucking weirdo when i look for a connect
Geniuses are statistically more likely to abuse substances
Idk I used to be hella against it. But I've been considering it lately.
but heroin is less destructive to a human body than alcohol.
keep saying that, it won't make it true.
Yeahh...Elon Musky..you was all time..!
That’s a cool image friend
Not gonna share my "sources" because Im not about fucking reading some shit right now, but Ive done a fair amount of drugs as well as the
research behind them.
1. The thing that these heroin people are trying to say, which is true, is that heroin is safer for the body than alcohol in terms of toxicity. Your brain, your internal organs are not as affected by heroin as they are by alcohol.
2. Now, even though #1 is true, it makes itself completely irrelevant because of the psychological addiction factor. Heroin might be physically safer than alcohol, but it feels so damn good and alters your reward system so drastically that it dosent even matter if its less toxic, all of the problems seem to come as a result of the lifestyle after people start using, not the chemical itself.
Lots of people have destroyed their lives with alcohol, but if you give the average person with average genetics a few shots of whiskey versus a line of heroin, the heroin is going to make a much more insidious demand on your life and values just because of how good it feels in comparison
I mean, youve encountered lots of people who have drunk themselves to death, but how many would actually fill a needle up with vodka and go, IM NOT GETTING DRUNK ENOUGH so this seems perfectly reasonable. Something that amazing warps your head, even if you can justify it for a while.
Alcohol in terms of euphoria is like, noisily content, at best
FUCK I wish I was toot'n some black rn.......well bangin' it for that matter.
but once pay day comes in ima buy a tshirt fo shoooooooo
i can't wait until I get a hot shot from this shit, it's not cut w/ enough fent where I'm at.
I've actually been driving out N/E for the fent cut shit so it will get me that good nod.
Next moneth my buddy will have his patches in
for now its kratom and hydro 10s, gotta cold water the acetaminophen outta them bitches tho....
I love being addicted to opiate....well I love opiates. I hate the addiction.
I hate everything actually.
kill me
I just gotta go to a park and score lmao
so.... youre in it so deep that youre actually TRYING to find laced product?
if anybody truly loves you in this world you should go to rehab now and stop while youre ahead. And if you only have yourself, well... youre worth more but I know that might seem impossible to believe
Dude I've had it all.
A loving family, rest in peace. Money. Ambition. But I'm done.
I'm ready to move on, and I'm going to be as fucking happy-wasted as I can, while I can.
I've wasted every opportunity, except the opportunity to give my preceding family members a good life while they were still alive. Now I'm going as fast as I can, as dope'd out as I can.
I suppose it's the way it should be.
I really wanted to make art, and make movies and try to change the world through it's message. But it was futile.
So I did the best I could trying to make as much money as I could, to keep my family comfortable in their dying days....which I did.
Now that that's over. I'm fine with dying.
I guess that's all I ever wanted, Idk if it was because of their brainwash or just me.
Don't matter now, I'm just trying to get as high as I can for as long as I can before I die.
This life was never about me. It was about those who came before me, mainly my father who served in Vietnam, and all the absolute BULLSHIT he went through that affected him greatly until his dying hour.
I love this world and everything in it, but I've never felt I belonged, and I know why.
Godspeed dude, I hope the world does good to you.
Its funny, that second last paragraph of yours hit me hard. Feeling like you never truly belonged, yet still admiring the beauty of people and the world.
Half a year ago I was in a hospital- I stared hearing voices, and it got really bad- I was in there for only a few months.
When I was in there, I met some incredible folk, and also some very insane ones.
I kept thinking to myself: I don't belong here, with these people who are doing worse than me- but I don't belong out there with people who are doing better...
Too sane to be in the hospital, and too crazy and odd to be out there with the rest...
Fuck. Well i suppose i feel similar but I just figure anything is better than being that strung out. Hopefully you die before you have to realize you want to live