Daily reminder: Socialism has never succeeded in the history of man kind. Not once.
Daily reminder: Socialism has never succeeded in the history of man kind. Not once
Real socialism has never been tried
Daily reminder: hating AOC won't help you not be a virgin.
>my unique brand has never been tried!
there is no such thing as real socialism.
We get the point. Now please fuck off
a daily reminder that the op is an uneducated idiot who doesn't understand what socialism is and how most successful western countries are socialist.
are you sure op?
You’re the idiot. They are all market based economies with varying levels of social support mechanisms.
that child is breathtakingly inept.
St Petersburg is working overtime.
Daily reminder that idiot MAGAs like OP don't even know what socialism is.
if 100% of attempts end in failure and mass death, then the idea is flawed and bogus
reminder that Trump still is still president, 2+ years and tens of millions spent trying to uncover da colluzions! lmao
Neither has capitalism
no capitalism works. the problem is it works exactly how its supposed to.
None are socialism
Like most socialist regimes membership is compulsory.
oh no jeff bezos is gonna miss out on a couple extra million how will he survive
I don't remember choosing to live in the capitalist hell hole that is this country
Jeff Bezos can hire politicians to draft his own personal tax breaks. Can you?
Shut Amazon down! We should make our own clothes!
I guess he'll only have enough money to buy 503 instead of 504 luxury yachts. Why even live at that point.
If we were talking actual socialism Jeff Bazos would be lucky if he's allowed to live let alone keep any of his ill gotten gains. But this is "socialism" for the gullible masses where the government gets more powerful the wealthy keep the means of production and distribution and the poor keep their station in life maybe being uplifted to the falsehood of middle-class.
Notice how it is the Liberal Socialists calling for censorship of the internet and subverting free speech to push their Marxist agenda.
Reminder, If you socialize with anyone around you... You are a socialist...
you literally cannot have socialism without the cia coming into your country, fomenting and directly funding a violent rebellion, killing you and installing a dictator who will privatize all nationalized public assets to make them available for capitalist investment
>Real socialism has never been tried
then what is real socialism you brain dead twat?
It works fine in Alaska.
It's fine though those of us who believe in free speech and have the ability to thinks for themselves have migrated to the Dark Web.
Don't worry capitalism is successful at everything they will take care of communism loosers who surrendered and implement fully automated communism . Capitalism seigt an Allen fronten
Or socialism
Can someone give me a quick catch up of what about this bitch? Story? Name?
Search for Social Credit Checks in China to see how fun it is to live under Communism.
Yeah I don't understand why anyone would think that western countries are socialist. Most western countries are mixed-market with government funded social programs. That isn't socialism.
And as a reminder no matter who you vote for you are voting for the already established elite, once elected they will take care of their problems and give you the crumbles
In other words not much will improve for the bottom of the pyramid slaves
accept for the fact that places like cuba and the ussr had actual chanced for people to advance. the truth is not a lot of people want a higher station in life theyre just content
Remember these lyrics "Land of the Free, Whoever told you that is your Enemy" - Rage Against the Machine.
Lyrics written by a spic faggot that ran and hid after 9/11 like a bitch
Your entitled to your point of view even if I don't agree with it unlike Socialism where you are not free to think for yourself.
The poor got used to be poor and it will be a problem in their life time as all of the low skilled jobs will get automated n the poor will no longer be able to work. He won't be able to upgrade to engeneer in most cases. Thus billions of jobless ppl might become a problem if not anticipated properly
You have obviously never spent any time outside of this country.
Fuck! Where is auto-correct when you need it.
Daily reminder: Unregulated capitalism brought us 14-hour workdays, seven days a week, children who lost limbs working in unsafe factories.
If you work for a living, if you depend on a paycheck, you should educated yourself about these things. A workers' party, a labor union, collective bargaining, a social safety net--these have all been called socialist.
Regardless of the label or the word, if you depend on a paycheck, you need to use something to stand up for yourself.
Libraries, police departments, fire departments, all these are provided by a society collectively. You can call those socialism too, if you like.
Let's institute fair policies and worry about what to call them later.
Peace, user.
tl;dr cuckfaggot
Look how scared these boot licking shills are. They have to make up shit that AOC never said. All they can do is post poorly shopped pics of her. Kek. They’re the biggest crybaby pussies. A fucking freshman member of congress has them this scared. No one but paid shills does dumb shit like this.
Worthless uneducated white nigger confirmed. Guaranteed boomer senior citizen. Go change your Depends you fucking idiot. Kek
Stfu faggot
Uneducated dumb white nigger thinks socialism is the same as communism. No wonder these pieces of shit are so poor and hated.
That’s what America is. Proposing a higher tax rate on those who make more than $10M per annum is not socialism. It’s what we did in the 70s before the right convinced dumb white nigger laborers that free market capitalism was helping them.
Honk honk
Worthless uneducated white nigger crybaby confirmed. Socialism is an economic system you fucking trash. It has nothing to do with speech or anything else. Go push your mop, white garbage.
Neither have you, dumb white bigger crybaby.
No such thing as real capitalism either.
>being such a fucking white nigger loser that you gloat about a reality tv star winning an election over two years ago
You low wage monkeys provide the best comedy. Now go mow my lawn you nigger.
“Imagine a world where we could legally destroy white men.”
Her actual quote
That’s because you’re a worthless dumb white nigger. That’s why you’ll be relegated to shit tier manual labor your whole pathetic life. Enjoy
Says the dumb low wage white nigger so conditioned by his corporate overlords he will do their bidding while sucking his bosses cock all while making less than $20/hour. Yeah sure kid, corporations are our friends. Kek
Fake news. Imagine being this scared of a congressman. Kek
Walmart corporate shill confirmed. How are big corporations a good thing? Please explain. Oh wait I forgot. You’re a moron who can only post idiotic pictures. Not much to be expected given the fact that you come from a family of lowly corporate slaves.
The longer these idiots push AOC the more she is front and center. Love it.
Ohmygarsh! Anudder picsure! I’m convinced guise srsly. Brown girl bad!
Samefag poster count remains 40. Busted kek
Stay mad, ass wipes, your tears are delicious.
Then stop using it as an excuse to be lazy red niggers and demand "the state" rob people for you.
>Socialism has never succeeded in the history of man kind.
Neither does capitalism. Both systems, in their pure form, are complete failures. FYI, America is not a pure capitalist system and none such thing has ever existed.
Socialism doesn't work. Stay on topic, tranny
You mean the way they rob me to pay for other people's kids (tax exemptions), their care (child care tax credits), their education (public schools/vouchers) and your house (mortgage interest deduction)?
Climb down from your high horse you self-righteous prick, you're sucking the government teat just as hard if not harder than anyone else out there.
yugoslavia retard, it died because tito died