What would you do if the world had giant crabs?

What would you do if the world had giant crabs?

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Offer a better resolution of that great picture.

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Make a shit ton of crab rangoon

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Buy a giant pot

Attack its weak point for massive damage, obviously.
Fucking noobs.

I would buy giant crab insurance

it would be crushed under the weight of its own exoskeleton


Tame one and use it to take women and use them as sex slaves to my new crab regime

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There's literally an entire storming book series about this already

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Crab legs, boys.

I can already tell how trash tier it is with that fantasy sword.

I will kill it using my kitchen knife

Not that guy, but even the people using the swords pictured acknowledge that they're ridiculous. Cause they're made from dead faeries or something, I can't remember. Great books though.

>Build flamethrower
>Melt butter

Ok, I'll bite... What do they do with the giant crabs?

Hunt them to near-extenction because they grow giant gemstones inside their bodies.

Other than that, they try to avoid them as much as possible

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Probably a nice crab bisque.
Facilitated by a GM6 lynx.
If .50 BMG doesnt do it, then an excavator might. Theres a CAT 365b going cheapish near me, so thatll probably be big enough.

Sounds legit

eat lots of bisque

I have to imagine there'd be some sort of Crab Resistance League. I'd probably join that

scratch a lot

The people here are too young now to remember that meme.

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I would fight it while saying I've fought mud crabs tougher than you

Buy an extra large bottle of Kwelada lotion

Protip *Only nasty boys who stick their dick in filthy wimmen know what I'm sayin'

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Tame one then build a home on it's back, free walking real estate.


Rip fiero

If that were the case, I would be...
Pretty Crabby!


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Crab time


You mean literally giant crabs or do you mean cancer?
Btw, 50% of males will have a cancer at some points of their lives.

This is more scary than some fucking giant crabs.

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That's not real crab lol