My crush just deleted my comment on her IG. Why is life so impossible?

My crush just deleted my comment on her IG. Why is life so impossible?

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kill yourself and then her

Probably because it was along the lines of "Mmm you look nice. Bet you smell even better ;))"

how'd you know?


I only said I love her lips and before that I was only sending hearts and she didn't delete those.

Do a flip off a roof?

Kill yourself

>I love her lips
just be glad she hasn't blocked you

Because she knows You like lolis maybe? You pedo weirdo

I mean at some point I have to go for the bigger game, I can't be sending hearts forever.

That’s not what you comment on a girls Instagram picture, especially if she barely knows you, life isn’t impossible, you’re just a beta

I'm pretty sure she knows. She didn't block me, though. And my previous comments are still there.

How exactly am I suppose to go for it then if I can be in touch with her only through IG?

dm her instead of posting comments like that dude

Don’t say stuff like that, just initate a normal conversation and go from there.

Also this, always DM

I DMed her and the last time she reacted was like three months ago so I thought I would go for the comments.

I tried, but she only responded once. Then she favorited some of my comments. And then silence. So I thought I would do the comment.

don't worry about it op, she is rancid swine

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Then why doesn't she block my DM or my acc completely? Or my comments. I mean she has daddy issues, I just don't know how exactly and when to probe her on it.

message her one more time and see what happens. if nothing comes of it just move on, she probably isn't interested in you

Well I just know she gets really sad sometimes and she won't respond because of that. And then she responds to new shit when she's out of the bad stuff.

fake & gay

Because you're a hateful asshole.

Why the fuck am I hateful asshole? I do nothing but love for her.

>emotional baggage
jump ship bro

>bigger game
>sending emojis

No man, I'm interested in her also because of that. Kinda what to help her.

I'm not going to start sending my dick pics.

>Orbiting this hard
Just accept that not every girl you creepily compliment will suck your dick

I would fuck off and not orbit, except she sometimes replies and even favorites my comments.

This thread is big yikes

She can see right through you, and see who your truly are. A disgrace of a human who only cares for himself and pretends to be nice to get what he wants.

Patently untrue, I would kindly fuck off the moment she would tell me. But she returns to me with replies and comment likes.

>Patently untrue
Calm down, Jim Acosta.

Yes just kill her as ghost

I really don't like how few people actually pity me in this thread. What is wrong with you, sociopaths? You should show a little bit more empathy!

All because she favorites your comments doesn't mean shit

She responded to my DMs, too. Who the fuck does that if it doesn't mean anything at all?

Post her IG

There comes a point where you have to make a move, and no, a creepy comment about her lips doesn't count. That is the move of a beta that is in the friendzone and trying to non-commitally get out of said friendzone. You have to be more direct than that. Chad would send a dick pic. Be Chad. Send that bitch a dick pic. Bitches love dick pics.

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Work out ,get a job , and stop chasing girls .make females seek your approval,stop being that nice guy,take fucking shower ,start a hobby stop fucking staying in your house and stop jerking off on Friday nights,learn an instrument stop depending on woman for your happiness . Only act on females who see you as either a 7,8,9 or 10 stop feeling sorry for your self and gain confidence .females have a sixth sense with seeing who is confident or isnt

I mean if you're a desperate moron thirsty for sex, sure, do everything what you just said. I care for a specific trophy because of the interests I have in her.

Someone trying to be polite, face it dude she's not into you. The sooner you realise and get on with your life the better.

Get Snapchat get Instagram feel confident and add people add pictures of yourself get fucking ripped get off ya ass bro,bottom fucking line is females don’t like nice guys accept it and be a fucking alpha . Get a job get ,money get a car ,get a house, meet lotsa people, don’t chase girls ,let females come to you don’t act as she is the prize act as your the prize ,I’m not saying tell her straight up hey you don’t deserve my dick .but don’t act over interested, don’t give any signs of interest, once she start giving sign like asking you a lot of questions ,playing with hair laughing at you often ,being nervous around you ,going out of her way to see you.

Bottom line is she doesn’t like you bro and you have to move on you seem desperate for her approval and you are blind to it because you created a fictional relationship in your head .trust me bro I’ve been there

You're not suppose to be polite to strangers unless you're interested in them. Especially on your personal social media.

I'm cool if she doesn't like me. Problem is she keeps returning to me.

The fact that she deleted it is a sign that she sent to you to say that she isn’t interested move on ,if this doesn’t scream that idk what will,if she says hi simple hand raise and a look in her eyes not to long don’t seem sad ,and don’t seem to desperate to see her ,be an alpha

How is she returning?have you dated?

I think she's going through waves with guys, always responsive to certain group before moving to another. I'm simply in one of them and it confuses me to get responses and then not and then again yes.

Is she dry texting or dry dming ?for example 3 word messages 2 word messages or 1 one meaaages?also when texting females stop texting back fast , make it seem like you have a life of your own

If she is dry texting move on

I just wish she would block me or mute me so I couldn't send her anything. If she's so much not into me, why the fuck does she keep me around?

Haha serial killer tier bro

Cause she is an attention whore ,stop seeking her validation and ignore her don’t block just simply stop commenting her photos and move on .you have to snap out of it please take my advice above too your feeding her ,stop feeding women your approval make them make them feed you their approval . Please bro

And stop commenting do t compliment any women make them compliment .

Stop messaging back too

If you see her in real life don’t ignore simply say high and don’t seem desperate to see her and don’t be nervous

lol you fucking retard, SHE DID. She removed your shit. She is trying to hint at you. Hilarious.

That's kinda hard for me to do, since I'm fapping over her daily. I guess I can just stop commenting, but I still want to plaster her a like for every new pic at least.

So many virgins giving stupid anime style advice.

Then why she didn't delete my previous comments? It was just this one. Also she could block me or hide her IG stories from me. And none of that happened.

Because she doesn't want you. She is human, so she doesn't immediately press the nuclear button. It's a hint that she doesn't like what your doing. Ever been let down easy? Because this is a "nice" way to tell you to stop.

But you are going full blown stalker here, so I doubt you could even imagine that she wants different things.

If I'm such a full blown stalker, she would go nuclear. Since that is not happening, I have to conclude she's just having a bad mood or some shit. Why are you so trigger happy to ruin my crush love? You sound jealous.

Well stop get a job get ripped and stop worrying about females,only then will females come to you

What did you say?

She keeps you around because you help her in keeping a higher social value, now dont get me wrong, there might be other reasons, I dont know you and I dont know her, this is just the most common scenario, also not all females you can so some degree "befriend" keep you just for that reason, but if you actually like the girl as more than a friend and shit, and she is clearly uninterested then move on as best you can, work on your self, and find another girl or better girls to focus your interests on, but mostly work on your god dam self before you start laching onto some supposedly dream girl, also there's not such thing as dream girl, there just girls and they are awesome and fucking shitty just like all other humans:

Wach this video, and real The Rational Male, by Rollo Tomassi, best of luck brother.

I don't care about random females coming to me. I want this one.

That I like her lips. It was also a first comment like that.

This man speaks the truth.

I have already done everything you said and I found her to be worth of my all focus. Your advices are not sound and sound hysterical, like advices for some unexperienced neckbeard virgins. I'm none of that, no matter how hard you will now try to convince me that I am.

I'm married you fucking moron. I don't have to watch somebody on IG from afar and dream. You have a crush on somebody and you "send harts" and say creepy things like "I love your lips". It's not that far fetched to see that your Captain beta on the slow bus wishing upon a start that she will fuck you. Life is easy if you interact with people like a human being.

Jealousy is what you have, because you can't attain something you want.

By the way, other people have been inside her vagina. You haven't. Oof.

Nobody is trying to ruin your crush your simply ignoring , very obvious signs ,I know sometimes Yea Forums gives but I promise I’m giving good advice,stop seeking her validation frankly your in denial I know it hard to hear but it’s true I. Only saying this because I MY SELF have been in your situation idolizing someone who has zero interest in me

Probably because she's not interested in you.

Basically she's just being polite and telling you to "fuck off".

You're married to a random female, obviously. I aim to marry a female I found myself, not some bitch that ran to me because I hit the gym. Your advices are bad and not solid.

This. This is what normal people do to stop interacting with a retard without confrontation. Your not worth the time and effort to argue with.

Your situations are not my situations. Stop projecting your failures on my dream love. That is very wrong.

Wrong, she didn't block me nor did anything else. I can even still DM her. And she replies back. You're delusional.

Glad you are so stuck in that stalker bubble, super funny to see how you're internally justifying this as if you actually have a relationship with this person. That person who deleted your comments, because they don't want you.

You know what I do to people I want to fuck? Delete their IG comments. Bitches love when you play coy!

It's funny you call me stalker and horrible human being, yet she never touched the nuclear option and I'm still on her IG. Funny, I wonder why. It is almost as if that one comment deleted is actually not the end of the world.

You can do whatever makes you happy. My intentions are never to harm anyone.

So, so deep in denial.

Fucking hell dude, just read your own comments as if you were a normal person. This is not how normal people try to find love. You are alone. Can't imagine why.

She doesn’t care. I know it’s hard to hear but listen ,listen to the other anons she’s turning you down nicely .i know you have feeling. I know you think she the prettiest she the smartest ,blah blah blah but she doesn’t like you and there’s nothing ou can do please listen I’m only saying this to save you months weeks years etc from idolizing someone who shows zero INTEREST IN YOU this the last time I’m gonnna say it please wake up bro, I know your better than fantasizing about ONE female please take this advice from me because I have been in your shoes STOP chasing if she is clearly sending you signs that she doesn’t like you ,stop being desperate bottom line is you can’t force anyone to like you this is ,not to put you down but the best advice I could give you is be a man be on our purpose and stop idolizing women period please take my fucking advice it will save you a life time of confusion

Usually people who are not normal are calling other people not normal. All I want to is to be happy with my crush. But you want to ruin everything for the shits and giggles. You will not steal my crush from me by your hateful remarks! I will keep my eye on you.

Why does she have to go nuclear in order for her to show you that she has no interest

She does care, because she replies to my DMs and favorites other comments. Why is this so impossible for you anons to understand? One comment is not the end of the world! I still have her full attention, I just fucked up with the one comment. You should pity me, not to advice me to abandon my life's love.

You know what the longest river in the world is? DE NIAL.

Because she's clearly showing interest still, except for that one comment.

Whatever makes you happy, user. You're probably unhappy your own crush never gave you BJ. I will work on mine and remain victorious.

This coming from the retard who started this thread saying

>My crush just deleted my comment on her IG. Why is life so impossible?


Stop arguing and take our advice

Your projections are just sad. Stop it. Your terrible at this troll game.

I'm very sad about that one comment. Your meltdown (calling me nervously with mean names) suggests that I have completely secured my victory argumentation over you. Back to bed with you.

You will never steal my life's love.

Melting down already and calling me a troll? This only confirms that one deleted comment is not a big deal. I will continue to pursue my love.


I must admit, I never thought I would make so many anons jealous of my crush. This makes me only stronger to keep loving her. One deleted comment will never stop me.


Someone is melting down hard. Further replies will be ignored for the benefit of sanity of other anons reading.

This nigga trolling lmao everybody stop replying haha goodlaff

We all know your just trolling you retard. Whatever makes you happy. (Except your IG crush of course, since she doesn't want you)


You are a living joke.

Take our advice

Funny how nobody was talking about trolling at the first half of the thread. Only when I discovered your plot you have been exposed. I have fully secured m victory.

Say it with me ya'll. Denial.

I commented on this insta post
>would be nice to shower with her
Or similar in her native and got blocked. SAD

You cant spell "Denial" without "Denial"

Anons, if you admit you're trying to steal my love, I will stop commenting on her profile. Further bargain can be made, you must show your true colors.


>kill yourself and then her

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Dude that’s not what you say, you must contain the perversion/autism and disguise it as calm cool and nonchalant.

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She has beautiful fucking lips. Fucking morons. Fucking hate yall.

It's not even a good troll anymore dude, just delete this shit.

if she even cared slightly about you then she wouldn't have deleted your comment or would have asked you to delete it but she doesnt care about you. she hasnt blocked you because she likes getting likes/hearts from you, which isn't sinister but thats the reason. post more shit like that and you will get blocked.

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Holy shit this thread. How do people like this exist?

Op you are being the stereotypical creepy, neck beard stalker. And you are in full denial of it.

Can't wait until this story ends up in some YouTubers channel, pulling from reedit, as if they actually produce content...

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You're melting.

So fucking what. I will keep getting her hearts, if she likes it. I can accept she didn't like the comment.

>Problem is she keeps returning to me.
Ok now I know you're trolling

Listen user I understand that but you can’t just post that shit on a public picture out of the blue. That’s some shit you have to work up to man, the way you did it just makes it creepy and desperate

Fuck you, you don't know who I am!


Your meltdowns about trolling will be ignored from now on. If you don't want to help, fuck off.

It wasn't my first comment to her. I made tons before and she even liked some of them.

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Yeah she liked them because she likes your attention and validation you’re giving her. She cares nothing for you, you are nothing but a means of making herself feel better. You could stop existing now and she probably wouldn’t even realize.

I mean if she likes my attention and validation I'm giving her, I'm ok with that. I want her to be happy. If that is all I can give her, what is so wrong about it? I just don't want to lose her completely.

Why exactly did you come here? Did you want our approval that your crush likes you? I doubt this is serious, but you should stop you're making a fool of yourself either way.

Jesus Christ have some self respect that’s what’s wrong with it. You can lose what you don’t and never will have. You’re living a lie and you’re wasting your life. Stop putting women in a pedestal they are not above you and they do not deserve to be able to use you for validation

can’t lose*

I wanted anons to pity me and give me courage to continue to keep fighting for my crush. It is obvious you have never been in any serious love involvement in your love. One day you will get it. A true love is madness and I have shown that perfectly in this thread. You know nothing about true love.

Fuck my self respect. I love her to death. If you don't sacrifice yourself for your love, what's the point?

I refuse to believe you are this much of a cringelord

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I don't give a fuck if you think I'ma cringelord. She didn't block me, she still replies to my DMs.

How do love someone that doesn’t love you back wtf

>I wanted anons to pity me
Well that's where you fucked up. Or would have fucked up if you weren't trolling

What do you talk about in the dms?