Would I make a decent trap?

Would I make a decent trap?

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No. But you could play Elliot Rodger in a documentary.

Yeah probably. How do you feel about being pounded in the ass by grown men?

I don't believe that's you
But yeah that kid's pretty as either a boy or a girl

Fuck you

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yes user... you would... you would -_-

Sounds pretty gay

It me, here's a timestamp

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maybe, ur cute af like that tho

You look pretty gay TBH.

You look x1000 better now than if you were to become a trap


What are you trying to catch?


id suck your dick and im straight

Beaver and opossum

Honestly, you look like a girl with short hair.

This tbh, stopped for a minute to think if an ftm was trolling us


Really? Am I too masculine or something?

I want a sugar daddy

Sounds pretty gay

the real question is, are YOU gay.

Do what you want. All faggots will be purged when the time comes.

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You look like a reverse trap.

Post ass?

and sick?

Maybe. I've never had sex before so I don't know who I'm attracted to

Thanks I guess

No u

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Maybe. Def a desirable twink. I’m in my late 30s, I’d take you on as my catamite.

the thing is when it comes to traps its not just about the face. the body has to be right as well

Isn't OP just a larping female?

I definitely see the feminine in you. Edgy trap for sure.

You already look kinda like a chick. So yeah 7/10 would skullfuck

if you put in the effort, you could probably do it.

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You're the one trying to be a trap, I just wanted to rate the boipussi

Why don't you dress up like a girl, put some effort into it and figure it out yourself.

People posting random pics of themselves asking is retarded either nut up and be a faggot or don't

t.a flaming homosexual trap