What kind of shoes does Yea Forums wear and why? I've just learned about the barefoot movement and how shoes are bad for muscle development in the feet and legs.
What kind of shoes does Yea Forums wear and why...
>normal shoes
those shoes dont look normal,try not being a soyboy who wears girly shoes
I'm not a girly shoed soyboy....you are
What shoes do you wear?
>normal shoes
>dress shoes for suits
>girly shoes
I think both of you have inherently missed an issue here.
>regain your natural feet
why? then you won't be able to wear normal shoes
i live in muthafuckin east korea nigga and we don't wear shoes
For muscles, mostly for running long distance, but also just because muscles. Strong feet are like springs that help dampen shock that would otherwise travel up your leg, fucking up your knees and hips and back. But keep wearing casts on your feet if you want to...
Flip-flops as often as possible
too bad our feet are fucked but I'm not going to fucking wear flipflops because I'm not a faggot. all man feet look fucking horrible
yeah maybe if i lived in the Amazon, but people with normal jobs need to wear normal shoes
>all man feet look fucking horrible
Because they're crammed into tight shoes and boots and treated like shit. I've got calluses, ingrown toenails, and fungus from wearing shoes.
I'm so glad I don't have a normal job that forces me to fuck myself up
okay, i have an actual question
what fashionable alternatives are out there?
sandals look gay as fuck in this day and age.
vivobarefoot make all sorts from running shoes to dress shoes and sandals
use a search engine, barefoot shoes, see what comes up dumb ass
>Cartoon native feet
>Normal feet
There are a bunch of companies making "barefoot" shoes. Xero shoes, vivobarefoot, lems, just to name a few.
>pic related
i guess sandals aint so bad
Here's a real natives feet. You can see how much more muscular development they have in their metatarsals, and their toes are flexible and spaced normally.
Heres a question nobodys asking
Why the fuck should we care? What are the benefits of having "natural" feet?
>barefoot movement
> go to restaurant, waiter has disgusting feet out
> chef drops knife, lands on foot
>work as doctor
>disease-laden fluids splash onto feet
i mean, its endlessly obvious why that's not practical
Mostly increased strength and injury-free running performance, but also a lack of problems like calluses, bunions, corns, ingrown nails, fungus, and even flat feet. It's simply much healthier to not wear shoes. Only in America is it weird to go barefoot.
Some some regular ol' Adidas. Cheap and pretty comfy to be honest.
I'm guessing having your toes more spread out would help with keeping balance.
Come on, do you wear gloves every time you leave the house, or do you instead only put them on when you actually need to? Why should foot gloves be different?
this is a nice image
What do you need shoes for...
...I go bare feet when ever I can.
There are exceptions - it's no fun going bare feet in snow or in cold rain, I do it but only for short walks.
There may be other cases too... use your brain.
...and You can buy wide shoes.
That would work great in -20C...
How would you do that in an arctic climate? Would lose my feet if went out like that during winter.
Increased strength where, in your foot? What will that do exactly? Make us run faster? Will we see decreased mile times across the board or something like that? Is the fastest man in the world going to be significantly faster if he goes back to having "natural" feet? And even if he does who the fuck cares?
I hate small toenails so much. Literally more degenerate than downsyndrome.
Usually less broken glass and other shit flowing around your hands
Is losing ones balance an epidemic or something? Do people often find themselves in situations where their lives are severly impacted by a loss of balance? Did i miss something?
It's weird in countries that have cold temperatures as well. It's a bit easier to walk around barefoot in Africa..
Only those russian fag kids balancing on top of buildings. When they fall.. they really fall. Funny tho.
I wear boots and dress shoes and sneakers they are nice I like them a lot
>inb4 this is secretly a foot fetish thread and OP just wanted people to post feet pics
"normal shoes" are too narrow for my feet.
There are minimalist boots that allow feet to move naturally.
I haven't seen studies that show an increase of speed, but it has been shown to drastically decrease injury rate.
Glass and needles are why I wear sandals
I wore sandals almost everyday this winter, even with 10 inches of snow. Just needed wool socks.
even if that was his plan, its not really working well
Just need to find the right shoe sizes is all. And don't wear shoes while at home, unless you spend 12+ hours a day out in public with shoes on it shouldn't be an issue.
I like going barefoot
but for fucks sake, my winter shoes are comfy. Feet are not squished inside of them
Dipshit have you ever been to the south? Or anywhere where people wear cowboy style boots? They mostly have this shape.
>I wore sandals almost every day
>Just needed wool socks
If you're wearing socks with sandals that's a whole other issue.
Ain't gonna lie, my foot fetish is partly what led me to the barefoot movement... does that mean I'm biased?
It's not just about shoe size, it's also about raised heel cushioning and arch support, as well as thick materials that inhibit range of motion, particularly for toes. Shoes fuck up your biomechanics, simple as that. Shoe companies are lying to you for profit.
They're probably still inhibiting your feet from moving like they should. Your muscles are likely severely atrophied, like someone who's been in a cast.
Zero fucks given, I can still get pussy
my feet look like natural feet
not them but I just don't care. in fact being a footfag myself makes me feel even more like a faggot wearing sandals and other barefoot shoes
Inhibited eh? So the High jumping I did for all those years indicates I had no muscles in my feet. Nice theory dipshit.
Yeah dude, you literally have ZERO fucking muscle in your feet. I bet you did those high jumps wearing specific shoes, though, and they're actually somewhat minimalist, like track running shoes.