Ask two people who are unequivocal junkies (heroin addicts) who’ve shacked up and recently shot up anything

Ask two people who are unequivocal junkies (heroin addicts) who’ve shacked up and recently shot up anything.

Bored and making the best of this hell.

>Inb4 u should overdose immediately
>Inb4 degenerates
>Inb4 stoopid junkies.
How dare you say things that are true?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pull her tits out and post with time stamp

Is ist really like a warm blanket over your body and mind?

you degenerate stoopid junkies should overdose immediately

I’m just waiting to finish taking a shit before I do my first shot of the day.

Where are you two located? I’m in Vancouver myself.

Do you do black tar or powder?

post cawk

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How long you two been junkies and what general part of the globe do you live?

I wish I can go back in time and uninvent narcan so all the junkies can actually overdose forever.

How is you general day to day life?

That’s a fairly accurate summary of how it feels but it’s more than that. If anyone’s curious, I can go into more depth.

I wish I could go back in time and murder your mom and dad so you’d never be born.

Are you cool rail riding junkies or lame ass city junkies

It’s this plus a good amount of euphoria.


How can you be bored with heroin tho?
Also, how hard are the craveings if you really want to quit?

If you had no money for dope, would you blowbang homeless men for it?

feels like being in a cozy bed on christmas eve when you were a kid.

withdrawal feels like being in a warzone

Stupid drug all in all

Thanks and sounds like that would be right up my ally.

In what city are u rn?

Other junkie here, the cravings are bad but by far the worst part is the physical withdrawal symptoms. Think of the worst flu you’ve ever had and multiply it by a good ammount, and add things like restless leg syndrome, non stop watering eyes, mental anguish, and a bunch of other really fucked up feels.

Wishing I could find heroin to buy is aus so I can finally OD peacefully.

Do u GSO fuck? Whitney kindm0f Bender do u identična yourselves?

How did you get hooked? Or any other addict that wants to answer is cool too

Just find some fentanyl.

What's your story? Abused by parents?

We’re in Atlanta, Georgia and we do powder. I’m assuming it’s tar in Vancouver since it’s on the west?

See above.
Junkie user 1: I’ve been a junkie for almost 3 years now.
Junkie user 2: I’ve been a junkie for a little over a year.

Cheers, m8. Me too.

It’s mostly figuring out how to achieve our singular goal: scoring. Aside from that, we go to libraries for fun when we don’t have money to spend. When we’re blessed with disposable money, we go to goth parties and shows. I (junkie user 1) have a lot of depression and regrets and am currently devising a pan to gtfo outta this hellhole of a city. Don’t get me wrong, I love this city, but there’s too much pain and feels to carry living here.

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Did you get any deeper insight on yourself?
I never drank much, just a social drinker but one night after a party i was like..." drinking really worth it, my stomach annoys me a bit afterwards and the general hangover just sucks"
Since then i reduced my dosis, and just got a tipsy and stayed there. Doing it since about 8 years, with very rarely drinking more and small hangovers. My body needs less alcohol to get tipsy, i'm staying there now.

get yourself clean or kill yourself
being a junkie is no way to live
And withdrawal symptoms don't last forever

>goth painted fingernails
I don't mind you being a junkie.
But being such a pathetic cliche? GTFO.

Not OP but: started snorting heroin with a friend who was into it, and then met a girl who shot it up, she injected OxyContin into me the first time and after that I was basically hooked. It really doesn’t take much.

No Vancouver has always had powder. Nothing but fent up here now though.

nice trips!

Oh hell naw, just pictured all of that. It IS like REALLY bad, fuck that crap.

basically the way any drug problem forms is from being a miserable person, malcontent and using the drug as a medicine to make the bad thoughts and feelings stop.

>thank god I'm not an obsessed loser junkie
>omg trips!!!

Have tried even tried buying online but has been banned in dream market :c

>most of societies problems are rooted in women

Welp...If not for whores, most drugs wouldn't be even a thing. People would consume way less and better stuff, with responsibility. Just look at how many young men get into drugs at parties just to get in touch with some chick.

I just meant that it wouldn't be a drug for me. I hated hangovers already but that thing sounds even worse.

I wish I could go back in time
to help you murder his mom and dad.

Not OP but started snorting Oxys with a friend, his dad script. Dad had been banging for decades, we started banging after a couple years. 10 years later I still prefer pills, the Jones from heroin is worse than any pain pill.

Happiness is a warm fun, folks.

Time to get high! (Forgive no time stamp I just wanna get high quick.)

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thanks op appreciate it
have fun on your faggot goth parties

I hope it kills you lol

Still alive, eat it faggot.

Not OP

You’d be doing me a favor. I am curious as to why it triggers you so much, though.

Lame ass city junkies. William Burroughs-esque sans the shooting wife in the face to the William Tell Overture in Mexico.

We’re bored because we’re hungry and waiting for food and trying to pass he time till it gets here and then later the next shot. Once you’ve done H for as long as I have, it just becomes part of your day nodding off.

We had tried to quit multiple times to appease other people and get back on track in life financially but the withdrawal + cravings make it impossible. Even suboxone only helps physically, mentally you’ll just.want a shot as soon as the novelty of not being physically dependent wears off. The withdrawal is the absolute worse thing I have ever felt. Junkie 2 has the “traditional” wd Symptoms like the worst flu you’ve ever had, shaking, etc. however, mine are a little abnormal: Painful muscle spasms, pain throughout entire body especially joints, headache, priapism, feeling hot and cold at the same time, nausea, some vomiting, sharty diarrhea.

But that pales in comparison to the cravings. If I lose my dope or something I will literally start crying and screaming and throwing shit. Addiction is scary.

I often find myself in desperate situations. Neither of us have hooked. I have other ways of getting money in a pinch. Also, Why would a homeless man spend his money on a junkie blowjob?

Basically yeah. I’m going to ask Junkie 2 to describe how it feels for the next post so you can hear it from both of us.


English.exe has stopped working

I started hanging out w punks but even they, being white kids, didn’t have access to H. I was the only one among them who knew how to use TOR, which impressed them, so one of them agreed to have it sent to him if I paid. The moment I did that first shot I knew I was fucked.

Do you have a job? Disposable money? Wouldn't that just go to more smack? What about food? I know it suppresses your appetite but it's unhealthy to not be getting the nutrition you need.
3 years of one singular goal? No other ambitions? Come on. There's so much more to life. Find a hobby.
1 year could be a drop in the bucket, or the heroin could become the bucket. Don't let that happen. You both probably have family that care for you.
What's it all going to accumulate to?
I sort of know where you're coming from. I love opiates. Never done heroin, but i really hope you both try to get back on a better path.

>calls him a faggot
>youre the pathetic junkie shooting up

user, if thats the case id rather be a faggot than you any day. Just think how pathetic your life is.

>Why would a homeless man spend his money on a junkie blowjob?
Homeless genetlemen need suckies too :(

You know nothing about me other then that I do heroin. I’m not a pathetic junkie, I happen to be a functional addict with a full time job that pays very well.

Does it feel good to know you’d be missed by nobody?

Did your face not change so far? Most junkies I've seen, showed very clear signs on drug abuse.

My mom and dad, and many friends would miss me.

No, I’ve been a heroin addict for 12 years and my face is fine. The whole face change thing mostly happens to homeless junkies who have to weather the elements.

how much do you spend on h? how much of an overall financial burden has it been?

How much does your addiction cost you daily?
You into any other illegal drugs?

Right now I spend roughly 2-300 Canadian a week.

to my knowledge, the worst drug-related side effects are generally from impurities. with face stuff it might be the result of them using shittier product than what you use

I don’t buy daily, I spend $215 for 1.75 grams of heroin and a 20 rock. I do rock once a week, though not always. I also smoke weed and cigarettes.

Keep telling yourself that
Your death would be nothing more than a weight off their shoulders

Yeah that’s fair. But in my experience the main contributing factor is homelessness, at least where I live where winters are not easy.

Again, you know nothing about me.

How do I find a seller? Specifically for pills since I can afford them and I am afraid of needles.

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OP 1 here. I want to describe how it feels because that’s always what people are curious about and I’d like to set my perception straight:

Imagine every warm hug you’ve ever had, every instance of fingers running through your hair, every massage, every feeling of warmth from love sans the heartbreak, combine that with the pleasure of every orgasm you’ve ever had and you’ve got how the “rush” after shooting feels. It’s debilitatingly euphoric. You have to sit or lie down or you could fall from sheer dopey pleasure. It feels so warm. It’s as if God Himself put his hands on your shoulder and said “everything is going to be alright” and you can feel that it’s true. It’s like being engulfed in a warm ocean of non-sexual orgasmic pleasure and unconditional love. You feel no pain be it mental or physical. You could have just witnessed your mother dying (like she will if you don’t respond to this post) and you’ll feel 100% fine if you Shoot up.

But it doesn’t last forever, as soon as you wake up the next day without anymore dope or money the pain will come back and you’ll feel worse than you could imagine if you’ve never experienced it.

OP junkie 2:

“It feels like skydiving in slow motion into an eternal hug with fingers of warmth penetrating your heart.”

Can you tell we’re gothfags?

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It really depends where you are located.

Why don't you go into a drug government exit program? You live in Canada with free healthcare. Did you give up on life?

What the fuck language is this

I’ve tried quitting multiple times with mixed success. I just always go back to it, and as I am a very functional addict I find little need, though I would like to be completely clean one day.

OP here. I’m not this
guy, btw. Just wanting to clarify there are several junkies in this thread.

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This is a so fucking scary description I know I would get hooked instantly

What make you come back to the drugs? Sound like an underlying serious untreated mental issue.

I have bi-polar type 2 and ulcerative colitis. So yes, a good part of it is medical.

This not true, I never make remark at cat like that, taxi commander is liar sheba will make unpeanutsnus for you

I’ll translate it for you.

“Not OP but started insufflating oxycodone tablets with a friend, his dad’s prescription. Dad had been intravenously injecting them for decades, we started intravenously injecting them after a couple years. 10 years later I still prefer opioid painkillers, the cravings from heroin is worse than any opioid pain pill.“

You have to be older than 20 to understand.

Based on what I’ve learned from this thread, I stand by my original statement. You are a waste of oxygen, and hard drugs are great for people like you, a way of population control if you will, to let the weak-minded idiots kill themselves.


#1 in suicides. Seems fitting

I mean this from the bottom of my heart . I hope you fucking die. Soon.

There’s multiple junkies in this thread, so you’re probably an idiot at information gathering.

Well, i see why you are bored, well, i can say from my perspective, i def would not be bored. Holy shit, the amount of aids you have to go through just for the high, oh HELL NAW. But i fully understand quitting it being impossible. Even people with a full on reha and support struggle, some go back to it later on again.

Come up to Vancouver. We have a large open air drug market. You really shouldn’t kill yourself tho.

We both have jobs that we work at a few times a week. Stagehand type gigs for one, art gallery cashier for the other. Yeah most money goes into smack but if we’ve just bought a big bag and have a little money leftover for some reason (rare) we’ll go have fun because we’re both 20somethings and like to dance and drink like lots of people do.

It actually for some reason gives us the munchies. We are sent grocery store gift cards by our families often, so we are able to eat. That said, we only have 1 or 2 meals a day.

I do have other ambitions. I want very much to have a different life but now that I know what smack is like, I don’t think i could ever stop. My hobby is learning, lame as it sounds. I love to go to libraries and read for hours. I also love to go on Google Earth and go to random places and fantasize about traveling there. That’s my ambition, travel. One day I will travel internationally like I used to. I would also like to be a good enough person to feel worthy of Christianity.

I feel you. The current plan is to move states come August. We’re either going to NYC or SLC. A lot o what we’re running from is pain from our social situation and past traumas here.

We’d miss each other. My best friend who lives far away would miss talking to me everyday. And that matters greatly.

I’ve got the dark circles. Both of us do, actually. We kind of own it with our goth junkie style, sort of “heroin chic” if you will. When life gives you lemons...etc.

I took a calculator the other day and did some figuring. Between the two of us, we spend ~3,500 a month. It’s hell.

Vancouver junkie here, that’s a fucking lot. What are your daily habits?

It’s awful, man. I often wish I never tried it but it was my alternative to suicide. It still is. And that’s what this all boils down to. Imagine being suicidally depressed and coming across that feeling. We’re fucked.

Why not learn how to coock your own shit? Well not heroin but similar stuff maybe?

I mean, if you do it for yourself then you can make it as pure as possible and the sideeffects would not be worse than from H. Maybe not meth, but other stuff, i have no clue about that tho, but you get what i'm saying.

OP here, I have schizoaffective disorder plus PTSD. The psychosis and depressive features, in addition to the flashbacks and nightly nightmares, are almost impossible to live with. It’s a break from the almost-constant suffering. I often wish I was dead. I’m waiting for the day I overdose in my companion’s arms.

We do it as often as possible. It’s $40 minimum to get us both high. Here’s an example of a day:
>Wake up
>Do morning shot, ~$15 each
>Get munnee
>Get a bag worth, let’s say, ~$120
>That’s Five shots each.
>Try to make it last
>It’ll probably last till the next day

Our guy has the strongest stuff in Georgia. He charges a lot and has a minimum of $40. We’re hooked on this strong shit. Idk what others call it but it’s mostly sold by people in the Mechanicsville neighborhood of Atlanta. We call it DOA.

Okay but what is the weight of a shot that you do.

You missed a vein lol

Lack of resources and space primarily, but also see We need the stuff that’s hella strong. I’m not sure if it has lots of fent or not cause it’s not white.

Ok, i see your point. I'm a cheap cunt, If i were doing some drug's i'd start researching pretty fast how to manufacture them or substitute products. Fun hobby actually.

Take DMT

1/6 gram probably. Just an estimation because we’ve been seeing the same dealer for awhile and we just deal in prices not weights unless getting a gram.

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Do you like Andy sixxs logs?

Have you seen the Vice (pre SJW) Video Report about the junkies in the Czech Republic who make morphine out of culinary poppies and camp out for this weird junkie vacation? It’s wild.

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No, I’m not a scene kid from 2009.

please describe the feeling more in depth

ATLfag here. Pittsburgh. Right under Mercedes. Ex junkie. 6 years on, 12 years off. I can say from experience, you're missing out on a lot. The world is so much better than you'll ever know constantly changing a nod.

All you junkies make me sick. I am at drive thru at best sub shop in clearwater right now. Going to go home and eat this bomb meal. Then play division 2 and smoke some weed. While all you smack heads suck dick for half a gram of cut smack. Kill yourselves you fucking junkies.

As I said here >Imagine every warm hug you’ve ever had, every instance of fingers running through your hair, every massage, every feeling of warmth from love sans the heartbreak, combine that with the pleasure of every orgasm you’ve ever had and you’ve got how the “rush” after shooting feels. It’s debilitatingly euphoric. You have to sit or lie down or you could fall from sheer dopey pleasure. It feels so warm. It’s as if God Himself put his hands on your shoulder and said “everything is going to be alright” and you can feel that it’s true. It’s like being engulfed in a warm ocean of non-sexual orgasmic pleasure and unconditional love. You feel no pain be it mental or physical. You could have just witnessed your mother dying (like she will if you don’t respond to this post) and you’ll feel 100% fine if you Shoot up.

But it doesn’t last forever, as soon as you wake up the next day without anymore dope or money the pain will come back and you’ll feel worse than you could imagine if you’ve never experienced it.

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>best sub shop in Clearwater
What’s that? Xenu’s Cosmic Subs?
I may be a junkie but at least I can walk through downtown without being followed by Scientologists who could kill you and get away with it.
>mfw they even own your police.

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Do you get diminishing returns from the H?

I am Jk btw I don't care what any of you do. Was bored at drive thru is all. Its seminole subs friend. And yes scientology is REAL SCARY STUFF

On methadone now after banging dope for the past 14yrs. Snorted oxy's for a few years before that. Can't believe I'm still alive.

>clearly not an addict
Addicts use/drink when they feel bad/good/neutral. They use/drink when things are complete shit/ok/fucking spectacular.

I wish you would just get together and give each other aids in the ass so we wouldn’t have to read what passes as witty to you faggots.

Yes, and it sucks major ass.

Is it as scary, their presence in Clearwater, as I’m made to believe?

With the way things are, i could almost guarantee you are both on fentalogs. I just kicked a couple months ago, hopefully for good this time. And if your shackin up try meth, shit makes sex unlike anything you've done before

Things might get better one day keep your head up (even though youre usually nodding out)

>Inb4 u should overdose immediately
>Inb4 degenerates
>Inb4 stoopid junkies.
>How dare you say things that are true?

Only you are saying that. Hang in there, brothers. I'm currently in med school but I'm an aspiring psychiatrist.
I love you guys, my life mission is helping You. You've been ostracized and criminalized for so long.
If only people knew that heroin/opioids isn't bad physiologically, the withdrawal is what's bad.
Hang on in there. And seek therapy.

Your life is trash because you act like trash.

where do you inject?
do you use long sleeves or something to hide the marks?
how often do you see your family?
have you spoken with psychiatrist?

have a good life anons