I caught my wife sending nudes to a random guy on Tinder and of course that pissed me off

I caught my wife sending nudes to a random guy on Tinder and of course that pissed me off.
She told me that was the first and the last time she was doing it.

Should I believe and forgive her?

Pic related, it's her.

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Don’t believe her. Fuck that bitch, she don’t care about you or she wouldn’t have done it in the first place.

No it's not

Nope you shouldn't
Fuck er one last time and get the fuck out of that unhealhty relationship

If she is sending that out... She is already fucking other guys... Probably lots of them...

Definitely not the first time bro.
It'll either take one of 3 routes
1. she won't do it again (unlikely)
2. She will do it again, leaving you for that guy
3. You'll find a dick in her next time.

She seems pretty hot, easy to say you're no uggo. Just go find another chick. Or at least go get your dick wet so when she does cheat on you, you'll be emotionally disconnected and won't give a fuck.

Abort marriage.

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If shes on Tinder,shes fucking around.....
Maybe she wants a bigger cock than what you got.

My significant other, I caught them on a similar site, looking around....just said that curiosity was the driving force.

So I figured they were bored with the sex....so I changed it up.
I went balls deep in his anus and pounded it like he owed me money....he only likes BJs, the silly fag.

I mean I hit that shit so hard it mad his dick limp.
Ever since then hes never been on Grinder.

ask her for copies of the pics she sent...then get more pics...then when she leaves you, you can come on here and post away for all of us!

did it turn you on at all?

You can't send pictures on tinder:

She met the guy on Tinder, but was sending on WhatsApp. The contact name was "Bob Tinder" or something...

Oh yeah. She's only sorry she got caught, and will be back on there with a burner phone.
Either ditch her, or pimp her out.
If she's gonna be a whore, you May as well get paid.

No way.

Yeah, she is fucking hot.

I believe her, but I don't know what to think.

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She's fucking smoking hot. Can't be chained to a Yea Forums user that comes here for advice.

She deserves better man.

Like I said man, there's 3 outcomes. ignore your dick, head and heart. Go with your gut. Unless you're retarded you'll know your situation and what to do better than any of us socially awkward fart knockers.


You have a point...

>I believe her, but I don't know what to think.
No you don't. And for good reason. Your gut is telling you the truth, and your head doesn't want to give up a sweet piece of ass.

You're sharing them here, so what is the concern? Are you worried that she is doing more than sending pics or what about it actually bothers you?

Also, would love to see more. Congrats on the hot wife!

Cheating is only right around the corner. You're currently being used as a resource until she tests the water and determines if the story book romance she has in her head can become a reality with someone else.

If not prepare to get cucked or accept the fact you'll never fulfill her. Wouldn't be looking if she wasn't interested in strange dick or a story book romance.

Do not believe or forgive. It will only result in further betrayal.

Time to leave.

Post tits with face and name. If she wants to send out her nudes to other guys why can't you?


I'd give her the benefit of the doubt on it being the first time, but not the last. You guys either need counseling or to embrace the idea that sex is just sex and be open (full on 2 way street open though, don't be a cuck because that's just a slippery slope to her leaving). If the first 2 aren't options, time to leave.


why the fuck does your wife have tinder? that alone is reason enough to worry
you should leave her, this is probably not the first time and even if it is, it is certanly not the last
why are you even asking this here? it should be fucking obvious what you have to do goddamnit

Start swinging.
If she's wanting strange at least let you get some.

I know that sex is just sex, but it's not a 2 way street.

I tried other times to open the relation and let us have sex with other people but she doesn't agree.

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>get angry with your wife cuse’ she send nude to a random guy
>post her nudes on b/

Get rid of her. She doesn't respect you and thinks she can do better.

If you don't have kids, divorce immediately.

Find out why she did it. You have every right to ask her for her phone and tinder account, social media history, etc.

If she’s hesitant to provide you everything with full transparency, then she’s got something else to hide. If she gives you everything, and her response to why she did it wasn’t “I’m tired of you”, or something similar, then take your time to work things out for yourself.

Affairs are shit. I rebuilt my marriage after infidelity, and I was the one running around on my wife. Sure, I had “reasons”, but it boiled down to me not being direct enough.

Funny enough, me cheating forced us both to re-examine how we see each other. I wouldn’t be married to her today if I hadn’t run around on her. Not proud of what I did, and I’ve got the cross to bear, but it’s true. And worth the price I paid.


But here on Yea Forums you don't have contact with her, or at least, I think.

My problem isn't the nudes. I have a ton. The problem is contacting some other guy.

I can send you the entire collection of 2873 nudes of her, not a problem. =P

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yeah sure cuck...
upset wife send nudes to some random guy, comes here and post nudes of his wife to everyone see...

>saves nudes
>this new

/b advice aint free and not your personal army so you have to contribute something to get something.

mega her sir

If you tried to open your relationship up before, you should be prepared for this. You brought up the idea and even though she wasn't okay with it before, she is either coming around or wanted to see what it was that interested you in the idea in the first place so had to try it.

the only correct response in this thread.
Shes, not sorry she did it, she's sorry she got caught. If you don't leave her, she'll just be more careful about it next time.

You ever seen Ozark? This isn't the first time she's done it, this is just the first time you caught her. Now throw her off a skyscraper.

>Mad that your Wife is sending nudes to dudes.
>Sends Nude of Wife to all of Yea Forums
>Wife sends More Nudes to dudes
>Get More Mad
>Your Face When

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You fucked up, got lazy in the relationship or something. Women don't do that until they have already checked out of the relationship they're in - she's done with you, she just wasn't ready to leave you yet. You may have a chance to win her back, or you may have already done it by catching her, but you need to turn it around or it's going to happen again the next time she gets sick of your shit.

Then you guys need counseling to find out why she did it or you leave. Seriously don't forgive without counseling to really find out the door cause or it'll happen again after a year or so once the guilt / fear is gone.

Time for separation and post th nudes

its definitely not his fault, you fucking nigger. She's to blame

Leave her, faggot.

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Post more faggot