YLYL - post something funny or your mother will get cunt cancer edition
YLYL - post something funny or your mother will get cunt cancer edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Landed on some guys dick cos I was thirsty. Next thing I know the based mother fucker has shoved me up his ass.
Gave him aids.
Why did the Chicken cross the road?
Because fuck you.
Worst YLYL ever
it's the best i can expect here so cool story bro
The school shooting in Brazil is Trump's fault
Proves there is no collusion.
does he know this word or these translators are kick-ass?
There ya go
No one cares about forced meme
dudes got HIV that he caught from a meth head hooker in Seattle that he was fucking after his ex killed herself. you heard it here first. screenshot this post
You fuck. I lose.
Joke's on you, my mum already had cancer of the cunt.
How come you never see black kids shoot up schools?
I love this planet
This is funny to me
Because they do everything else.
>posts Jim Carrey
Because blacks don't go to school.
Doesnt look like her faggot
Go rape your mother OP
Girl has some nice itty bitty titties
Im gonna fucking nut
>triggered the boomer
Why does he look like his head has foreskin
That is adorable.
I'm pretty sure that my aunt doesn't have a 14 inch penis.
I actually want sauce
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦
Looks like Scooby Doo.
errrrrr now you are asking its years old i THINK it was a porn parody on xvideos ( they have a search box )
I found it, first result. Thanks mem
Glad to be of help user
that cant be real!
Delete this!
>largest spider on the chart is smaller than a match head irl
I dont get it
This ain't Scooby Doo XXX
It is from This Ain't Scooby Doo XXX
thats a girl hahahaha
The suicide rates among trannies is huge apparently telling people their mental illness is normal doesn't really help anyone
I'm with this dude,
My mom's already been there and done that.
Just ignore them until they comit suicide?
Problem fixes itself.
*tips hat* Howdy partner!
The chicken joke was extremely on the nose but otherwise this was an excellent loss
Not sympathizing with trannies, but I'd imagine that if I had the feeling of being born in the wrong body being a tranny wouldn't make me happy, either. I'd still hate the fact that I'm abnormal, no matter how tranny I'd feel.
Yeah but the suicide rate for those that have gender changing surgery is even higher the whole subject is unsolvable
Still wouldn't make me any happier. I'd still feel defective and I'd also have mutilated myself.
>not manually flipping bits with a very tiny megnetized needle
top pleb
well at least all this is theoretical and defiantly doesn't apply to a well rounded self confident individual like yourself
I think in a more modern show this scene would've caused major outcry
Yup modern sensibilities have ruined everything
This is the worst YLYL I have seen in months
i only get this because i had an arcade by my house growing up
So in other words, the worst one you have seen in your life on Yea Forums?
Abandoning thread
I had a horrible god damn day. I lost custody of my fucking son and I have nothing else to live for. Was hoping to laugh at some good pictures for once.
I asked nicely for no spamming with fucking orange and that accounts for all spam.
To all who spammed, just sit there and read this.
You, yes you, are a fucking tumor. You will forever be a fucking virgin. You will never succeed. You are worthless garbage, and should kill yourself.
Abandoning thread, because you have fucking ruined Yea Forums
Fucking losing my shit.
If that chick were my GF and she said those things, I'd be going down on her all day long.
my left shoe won't reboot and now i can't do my laces
Ikr. ACTUAL SPECIFIC GUIDANCE instead of trying to decipher subtle changes of inflection in various grunts and moans. You'd be a sex god in no time
But an actually happy woman will get depressed pretty quick THEY DONT LIKE IT
Then contribute you double nigger
Who cares? SEX GOD
But it was the wrists.. not the hands..
amazing picture. sorry to hear
>(suck as ky Brand)
You had one job, faggot.
Wont help given the nature of women
Fuck you... you black gorrila nigger man
But, they're both real...
Seek help...
Its kinda strange that the best actual evidence for jests really existing is the fabrication of the nativity
This actually tickled me a little
That FF7 remake sure looks good.
i can multitask given enough motivation
actualy lost. thanks, man. i hope you lose your siblings more often
Stole my digits, nigger.
reminds me of
leave the house kid theres girls out here
very clever
I don't understand programing languages so what am I looking at
Are you sure they exist?
At 4:07
A really retarded and drawn out method to check if the number is a prime.
ethnic cleansing.. get it?
That actually kinda turns me on
Yup and somewhere among them is one who thinks you are cool and is willing to suck your dick you just gotta find her
Finally someone evolved from the now common Yea Forums nigger and remembered how to do this gag rightly.
Also, fuck you.
I'd go outside, but I already logged 10 miles on my fitbit.
Based on my recent job hunting efforts every employer has started doing this
Treadmill in front of your screens ?
Your existence UwU
Nah, around the stadiums. Its a great spot when there is no games going on.
It's a fucking reddit meme but it made me laugh so fuck yourself
Have you tried not being white ?
>Surprisingly quick erection
Ah, lost
You fucking psycho.
Ah but do you go to any games ?
Lost hard
Howdy friendo
I... Think I just discovered a new kink.
Get this Instagram shit outta here you whale sized faggot.
lost hard
I would but I don't wanna get lynched by the hair dye brigade
But jobs are for minorities now
Howdy bro
Not often. Its 40-60 bucks just for parking.
lool apex fun game for me and my 12 year old friends
This real?
What a waist
Parking but you just said you jog there
>leopard moose camel with a 40 foot neck.
Fuckin died
Its Yea Forums friend the only truth here is that op is a faggot
Personally, I think it's the hat
Has anybody ever filled their bladder from the outside before? Recently I've been in some hotels and have had the opportunity to do so. It's an amazing feeling literally watching your bladder grow in seconds and by pressing a shower hose to my peehole then peeing it all out only to refill again and actually I broke my old bladder record doing so. I managed to get a little over 1600 in there by filling from the outside whereas normal holding I barely managed 1400. Does anybody else have any experience with this? Just curious. And I know its possible to get a UTI from this but I've done it now several times with no problems. Anybody know any potential problems I might suffer that I haven't thought about?
Through the hand of course.
He's holy after all.
Great, now police are to kick my door
I dig it
If this is true it would make my day, maybe even my week
pfffffftttttttttt turning the other cheek and loving your enemies is pure masochism
about halfway down friend
ahahha yes this is one of my favrite
Actual Jesus had some pretty strong things to say about lying and bearing false witness
or at the top
you did
fuck im glad i'm 35
In that book written a 100 years after he died and revised a hell of a lot ?
That's fucking great. And from just below it:
>Jackson Lee complained in 2003 that storm names were too white. "All racial groups should be represented," she said, and asked officials to "try to be inclusive of African-American names
At least she's in favor of making known the natural destructiveness of her people
Whatever your views on its authenticity the point still stands
Each stroke as you jerk off is not the same as a step. Reset it and do real steps
another classic haha
You know, I must have seen that picture 1000s of times.
And every time, I have thought to myself... why?
Just fucking why?
Who wakes up and thinks... you know what I want to do today? Hang upside down from my knackers and old chap.
What the fuck is wrong with some people?
Sure as shit, people didn't do this type of shit in the medieval period.
we've all been there
obvious shoop
You’d be surprised
Also, BRAPPUposter is back!
kek the point of the joke is it really doesn't
Its the total lack of empathy that gets me
Fucking degenerate
True but i suspect some Greek said it better about a 1000 years earlier
humanity was a mistake
aww, cute little birdy
This thread is awful
Quiet possible the worst ylyl ever
Lost quite hard, wanna see the doorhouse now
cant you complain any louder ?
Want something to laugh at go look in a mirror.
Your only remaining option is anhero
that gave me autism
dont be so mean his mom still loves him
but she's got cunt cancer
Actually responding
honestly toss it in a fire especially if its my child
Wtf am i looking at?
Thats a shame but he didnt reply to the post so i guess it was inevitable
honestly this guy is living his life,actually kind of jealous
looks fake
AI gone wrong ?
Seriously ? this still counts as masturbation
I'm kinda glad for your son, he may actually have a better chance in life without a father like you
Ok. Which one of you sick fucks is immediately saving this pic for later use?
>I would have lost with this filename
Cunt now i feel bad about posting it
This isn't a gore thread you fucking sicko.
Are you the one who has the cool pictures of dolls? I remember there was one with a sniper, looked pretty sick. You got it?
God fucking damn that's a rough image. Can you imagine the emotion you would feel when you get that post-nut clarity, and look down into those innocent, hurt looking eyes, as your cum drips slowly down the face. I think I would immediately kill myself.
Nah i am guilty of much but not that
5'4? He's a fucking giant
it's real
Wow, these just keep getting worse/better, huh.
Well it would make a legendary Yea Forums meme
Asians are tiny dude
You should post that to reddit and get a downvote.
who was that kid that we sent to join isis ?
I might just do that
Nintendo fans sound off!
Clearly you can’t friend
wait where's his unit
he has stones but no unit
Calm down. I hope you get your kids back, but Yea Forums won't ever change. Too many kids, eternal NEETs and brainlets for the spam to ever disappear.
cunt cancer?
sure i can right now im looking sexy and lost both at once
Howdy partner
Nothing is real in the bowels of the internet
>on the ground
>still calls it a "post"
yeah, I'm the retard
Did you know islands can capsize?
For any Opie and Anthony fans this is classic
>the things that incels consider losing their virginity
google his name
the suicide rate among troops is also really high, ergo being in the military is mental illness
>can't into irony
>can't into humor
>can't into Yea Forums
>is the actual autist incel
>yfw this backfired and you've been found out
No ptsd is the reason for that