Yesterday I made a thread on here asking what I should do about my girlfriend who's been ignoring me for a long time...

Yesterday I made a thread on here asking what I should do about my girlfriend who's been ignoring me for a long time now, and pretty much everyone told me to have a last talk and ultimately break up with her. (she's my first one)
Today I sent her a text saying we need to talk and tomorrow I'll break up with her.
I know I'm in a tough time but I think this is the right thing to do

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are you 14?

I bet you never met her and shes from twitch or steam, right?

No, we see each other almost everyday actually. When I say ignore I mean that she doesn't talk to me, doesn't go near me and just generally looks away

then fuck her, dont even talk with her and just text her "go fuck yourself" and forget about her

>she doesn't talk to me, doesn't go near me and just generally looks away

Major red flag if she haven't cheated on you yet, she will. u doing the right thing.

No, I'll end it with dignity

>When I say ignore I mean that she doesn't talk to me, doesn't go near me and just generally looks away

Honestly I can't imagine you will have much to discuss because it seems like it's being a dead relationship for some time. You are well past saving this user. But you are 18, you need to learn. Don't be upset, but take this as a lesson and chalk it up to a learning experience.

why? she has no dignity either

lesson 1 in life, fuck women

You're doing it correctly but I would add one thing. Ask her to tell you what's going on and if you get anything less than a fully convincing and explanatory reason THEN you split with her. I say it because it sounds like you don't know what's up and maybe there really is something going on.

We already had a talk a week ago and we've talked for like 2 hours about our relationship, but 2 days later she's back on her bullshit so now I don't plan on discussing, I'll just end it quickly, face to face as it should be
I've learned a lot just with this girl already.

Good because you never paw at em. You never chase em, they fucked off and they are gone. Plenty more women. Good luck with the next one user.

don't listen to this fuckin incel just break up through text and get it over with rip it off like a band aid if you're only 18 then go and live it up theres tons of pussy out there and not every girl is a POS you just gotta find the right one. good luck

Ask why at least, before you break up with her.

Depending on her answer, take it as a lesson and improve. If it's just normal female bullshit, dump her without a second thought and move on.

You don't break someone's jaw because he broke yours, you take responsability as a man and do the right thing. You keep them from doing more harm, and that's it
Ignoring and playing mind games is for girls. I lost much time figuring this out
Well she tells me that she feels lost and that things are not going so well with her friends, that I wasn't there for her, meanwhile she always found excuses not to hang out with me, As I already explained yesterday
Some anons told me that she's probably cheating on me but I haven't had any evidence of it yet so I'll give it the benefice of the doubt
You think I should ask her if she's seeing someone else ?

She already broke up with you. Youre just too much of a fucking fag to realize it.

>You think I should ask her if she's seeing someone else ?

No user. Insecurity is starting to seep through in your posts.

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Then I don't have anything to ask her.
She probably just got bored and wants to end it but she feels guilty or whatever.
I think she won't be honest when I ask her what went wrong but ok

she's already done with it. running after her makes you look like a tool.

just tell her that she's a coward not ending it properly but hiding and running away. get a new girl real quick to make her hate your new one for bonus


She got bored, didn't know how to let you down and you didn't get the message. Your making an ass of yourself in your social circle. Do not play up to her, you shouldn't be begging for answers at her feet. Break up, move on.

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Have you asked yourself what YOU want to get out of this? Suppose she isn't cheating, she feels lost, she needs your help, do you want to carry on with her? If that's what you want, it might be worth a shot. If not, no harm done by confronting her about it. More power to you.

Seriously concerned about the number of guys on here who think you're a tOtAL FaG for even wanting to talk about it. Always talk about it, always be truthful, make that a habit and you will be unassailable.

She's been like this for a little while and I've told her I'll make things better, I've tried spending more time with her
But she just says that she's unsure, she makes excuses and just keeps on acting like I don't exist
We're still officialy together though, when I lean in she kisses me and we still hug sometimes. Haven't had sex in a while though. This whole situation is too complicated, I think it's too late now to save it, I did all I could but she doesn't make any effort
What I want is to stop feeling sad about this and to move on

She isn't answering your texts because she already broke up with you, and now she's lubricating someone else.
Find someone else, or get a hobby or something.

Awesome. Tell her exactly that. You know what you want. Tell her exactly that how you just said it.
>you're acting like i don't exist and that's not ok
>you don't make any effort and that's not ok
>I tried and I'm sorry I couldn't make it better either
>I want to stop feeling sad and move on.
Boom. You got this dude.

Thank you.
I think it'll be easy to break up now. It's what comes afterwards that's terrifying – seeing her with someone else, being happier without you and such

holy shit, are u me?

There's nothing undignified about telling some dizzy lying whore to go fuck herself. Tell that cunt you've been fucking her sister and that she's all fucking done.
