So i have some ketamine but i dont have a scale. anyone know a ghetto way of messuring this stuff? its in crystal form

so i have some ketamine but i dont have a scale. anyone know a ghetto way of messuring this stuff? its in crystal form

Attached: 4-MMC-Mephedrone.jpg (444x226, 29K)

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Guess how much you put in a line, then rack out how ever many to a g

1 cup = 128g

Do you know how much it is in total? Can just half it until you get the desired amount if so. Otherwise there's really no way.

snort a bunch, its not going to kill you. probably.

Attached: Joints.png (400x400, 21K)

make really thin lines and snort a little bit of one. if nothing happens in 10 minutes, use double the amount.

I did this once and later when I got scales it turned out my "favourite" dose was around 80mg

a super ghetto way might be to make a tiny see-saw out of sticks, try to balance it, then put the ketamine on one end and coins or bills on the other - money always has a standard weight

Do a very thin line with 4cm

1L = 1Kg magic of the metric system

Stand on a scale and weigh yourself. Then shove that ketamine up your ass and stand on the scale again. The difference is how much your drugs weigh.

pics? lets take a guess

Nope. For some substances, like water, sure. But not for everything. 1L of steel isn't equal to 1kg in weight for example.

ill get a pic of it in a minute.

"Do a line" is bad advice. Do a bump which is about a quarter of a line.
If by chance you have very good quality uncut Ketamine it can be quite strong and a line can be too much.

Do a bump then feel it out from there - keep redosing as necessary.

Get a key and do key bumps.

how do you get ketamine?

drug dealer


this is where i got it

Drug dealer in person or onion marketplaces.

here it is. it started out as a gram but ive been taking some and lost track. hand for reference if that helps.

Attached: IMG_2896.jpg (2016x1512, 1.2M)

do you cook your K?


Attached: IMG_2896.jpg (1190x1448, 703K)

I'd guess about 0..5 grams but it's not really safe to say for sure. How much did you buy?

resized it again

Attached: IMG_2896.jpg (652x812, 269K)

Oh didn't read your post.. ":D"

i bought 1 g

ive been testing it out, getting used to the chemical. im looking to k hole my next trip

how do you know which ones are legit?

gotta look at the reviews people leave.

That might be enough to K hole, wouldnt count on it though, rack it up into two lines n snort em both within 20mins, i recon

and if your planning on it ill save you some hassle. Virwox is the only working way currently of getting btc. dont waste time with other methods. it works 100%

ill do half orally and if i can still move after 30 minutes ill swollow the other half. ive gotten tired of the drip thought ketamine barely burns at all

If that is actually 0.5 g it's way more than enough for a k-hole. Take half of that max I'd say.

is virwox just a plaace to buy bitcoin or can you buy drugs?>

this was what I was thinking, I wouldn't use unless I could get perfect dosage though, which already is hard considering the random purity level.

A bud of mine told me that you take a $ .50 and spread the stuff on a flat surface while trying to make it flat, no mountains. Then take the coin at an edge, hold it down hard and drag it out. Do that 3 times and you will have bout 100 mg. That's why it's called three fifdy.

Linden Dollar?? wtf, second life money? Where's the bitcoin?

oh is it a proxy?

>put in baggie
>go to grocery store
>weigh on store’s scale when nobody’s looking

A paper clip weighs one gram.

you buy the lindens and transfer them into btc. than send the btc to your wallet. it looks a little confusing is all but its the only way to get btc. so buy like $10 extra to cover transaction fees and fluctuations in the price of btc itself

_only_ way to get btc? I'm sure there are other ways...

trust me none of the other ways pan out. bought a lot of drugs off tor over the past years