I didn't really know where else to post this so I came here.
I've realized how much I want the world to end, almost like an obsession, and I just can't shake it. I have 10 notebooks filled with ways to destroy humanity and the world. For some unknown reason even to me I just want to destroy everything. I don't want money, company, or any materialistic things. I only want the end, the Dooms Day. Does anyone else thing as I do? I just want to watch it all burn.
I didn't really know where else to post this so I came here
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah my g, you should probably get checked out
Post pics of notebooks
Okay wait
Not really you sick fuck. That said, this world is fucking disgusting as it is.
How about trying to make the world a better place instead of destroying it? If anything you'd want to destroy it'd be greed and pride. God speed OP.
PS. Don't fucking boo hoo yourself because your having a shit life. You sound like a man child that's throwing a tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted. Man up and suffer like the rest of us on this small insignificant blip in the universe. If you don't like it, then improve yourself, not dragging others down with you.
The closest one I found wasn't a dooms day book so you'll have to settle
I'm almost excited to see these notebooks
My life is fine other than school. I just want to destroy everything and I don't know why.
Let me find others it may take awhile
My fucking sides, you're still in school
Just wait a few years, puberty makes us all angsty. In the meantime, try weed to mellow yourself out
I'm a senior in highschool pal
Puberty ends in your early 20s buddy
Also, I've smoked weed since 7th grade as well. It only provides temporary relief.
So in other words you should probably see someone about your mental issues.
Now knowing you're still in high school you should probably just grow up a bit before you think shit like that. Give it another 5 years.
Life is short so try and enjoy it. Find something you're passionate about and live a full life dude.
I'm not suicidal I just desperately want the world to end.
Moar notebook?
WHOA my bad
Lmao just kill yourself you wanna be edgy fuck
ten notebooks huh? Like, SE7EN style that the guy has shelves and shelves of handwritten stuff?
Give us a sample of 3 ways you have written down. Also, post a pic with timestamp of said notebooks. Otherwise, you are just an edgy fag lord
this is pathetic. Kid, here is a list for you to rinse and repeat with:
- Stop being a pathetic betafag
- work on yourself a little so you don't look like a fucking unemployed wizard that picks his nose and doesn't wash his hair
- make some friends that are not pathetic
- jerk off every day while you wait for adolescence to wear off
- don't fall in love - just fuck girls until you get to college
- stop posting on Yea Forums. Lurk - don't post.
if this is a subject that is constantly on your mind - I can't imagine it takes that long to produce the evidence
oh shit! Now you pissed off the edgelord that thinks he is at the height of manhood because he is a senior HS.
My sides are in orbit
this would explain why you are behaving like such a moron. smoking weed is nothing to be proud of just in case. It just means you have poor judgement and your parents are inept to say the least.
>inb4 I have issues with my parents
what is the name of the girl/friend/band that doesn't want you? that is what this boils down to right? you don't feel accepted/included and the cool kids make you mad? are you triggered you little snowflake?
Same my guy just wait
Edgy shit
Also your handwriting sucks ass
are you still looking OP?
If you wanna see something good... I mean REALLY good, watch this video.
It's the best I've ever seen and the music makes it emotional and epic.
start doing copious amounts of drugs to give you the hidden awnsers needed to bring the endtimes
nice, man
Ignore the rest of the world, focus on your own.
Also therapy, may work better then personal notebooks and Yea Forums confirmation bias. (Hint, its not the world you really have a problem with)
You don't have to be suicidal to benefit from therapy. Whether or not there's a specific reason (ie rejection, abuse, etc) that you feel this way, speaking to a professional will help you rationalize the way you're thinking.
Even if most of humanity is pretty disappointing, there are a lot of really amazing things to experience in life. Maybe you just need to meet people who think the way you think, maybe you need to travel, maybe you need a vocation or skill-based job so you feel like you're physically contributing to society's improvement.
Therapy can help you figure out why you don't feel fulfilled, user. Good luck.
It isn't going to end. Deal with it faggot
Fuck you bully