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Other urls found in this thread:

Except for me

Why are you white

I’m a nigg actually

Or because god hates you

Then she wants to literally give you my money

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why are you a retard?
get a clue, moron.
your fascination with AOC is a clear sign of mania.

>triggered a sobbing faggot
How’s your low income wage?

They do.


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Fuck off redneck

No she wants to tax the wealthy more.

>but I make 2 million dollars a month by running my own business

No you don’t. I am sure you are one of the 70% of Americans who already get more back because of taxes than you put in

Now I don’t support her ideas but let’s talk about facts not fears

Go back to /pol/ with your shit bait

She wants to take the money from people who earned it and hand it to immigrants and niggers.

True or false

Nicee! one Elon Musky..

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Shes got those crazy eyes. The japanese called it the three whites eyes.

>TFW you are too young to remember that medicare and social security where socialist plots against the american way of life

when did 4 chan become the home of capitalist bootlicking?

She's not wrong.

Let's talk about facts, says the guy who says 70% don't pay taxes. Lol


No one cares, sobbing boomer faggot. You broke the system and now want free shit.


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So she only wants the money to go to white Americans?

I didn’t say they don’t pay taxes I said pay less in taxes than they get back in terms of services, programs, and subsidies

For some reason I don't think you make over 10 million a year.

False. She wants to raise taxes on the super wealthy and create programs that benefit everyone but disproportionately the poor which includes white people

The majority of people who claim “they are taking my money” would get MORE back in terms of services other benefits and would pay LESS in taxes and are instead paying MORE under Trump in taxes than they did under Obama.


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Well, there are more poor whites than outher groups on programs she is likely to invest in so sure.

So it’s true

The photoshops get more desperate as the click farms get more desperate.

If you believe that rich people earned their money you are fully retarded lol.

Nigger detected

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>No one cares
Except everyone who isn't in the 1 percent and hasn't been brainwashed.

>dont be upset

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>I have to strawman an argument because there is nothing morally or ethically incorrect in breaking up corporate monopolies
Don't worry corporate shill, once Sanders wins 2020, you'll save in your health insurance, just like everyone else.

“Capitalism is irredeemable.”
AOC 3/9/2019
No straw man faggot, her own stupid nigger worldview

>Falling for the Russian backed influencing threads

Have you ever wondered why these threads appear everyday at the same time, across Yea Forums and other websites? I'll give you a hint, it isn't democrats or Republican trying to sway popular opinion. You morons fall for it every time. They are trying to influence you. Again.

There is nothing more emotional than a American teenager.

Sanders ???? “I support Hillary” Sanders??? SANDERS?????

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Rich people took their money from the labour of poor people and you know it, faggot.

>implying russia doesn’t support socialism
We are watching liberals lose their fucking minds holy shit

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We watch them lose their minds everyday then. Same times, same threads, same forced narrative. How much do they pay you influencer?

> except members of congress
> or rich liberals

Her apartment cost how much?

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>implying capitalism is redeemable
>implying that quote is what OP posted

>hurr durr Russia
Nothing that's been disclosed about Russia's interference relates to Yea Forums. Actual people actually believe these things. At least 42% of Americans currently suffer from retardation

>promises to support DNC nominee
>keeps promise
>this is bad to a Trumpstain

They should though, money needs to be averages out so it’s fair for everyone.
Btw only true Nazis support socialism

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>Here comes the proofs

Of course nothing has being disclosed. But most intelligence agencies around Europe are on alert for Russian interference in regards to social media...

Influencer user, you are getting obvious. Same time everyday, same narrative. Really earning those Rubles eh?

Cool attempted deflection. It's cool if you don't understand the politics of division though.

Watch the chick Rogan had on the other day for an understanding of how and why state interests force you into tribes on Yea Forums.

Fuck off, Ivan. Go eat your cold turnips.


More mental gymnastics from a sobbing lib facing Trump for 5 years

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Your people are only capable of lying and deceiving. Go away Ivan, go back to stirring up shit elsewhere.

>Implying you are rich


>russian trolls are going to waste time on Yea Forums, the notoriously antisemitic website of conspiracy theorists
Yea Forums does misinformation without the aid of Russia.
I see, though, you're just a troll.

>no assertion made
You're dismissed until you provide a policy-based argument, corporatist

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What would I argue with a paid or unpaid propagandist lol. We both know what you're doing. Pretend if you want, whatever.

any more desperate photoshops?

Just like "hate" speech
When the richie rich leaves you become the tax cow. After all, they cant stop spending, that would be the end of the workd!

Who the fuck do you think employs 80% of America? Do you seriously think massively wealthy people will just hand over 90% of their money? We can see what happens when the rich are overtaxed by looking at NY Cali and France. THEY FUCKING LEAVE YOU MORON. The rich have the ability to GTFO if taxes get too high then jobs leave tax money dwindles leave and that's how you get Venezuela.

no sequitur no hablo

I'm playing For Honor on PS4 and replying to your dumb ass. Make an assertion or go away, troll

Facts: she wants to ban airplanes but she flies when it takes the same time to go by train, she takes taxis when she might as well take the subway, she wants all her staff to have the same salary except hers, and now she is embroiled with her boyfriend/campaign manager in almost a million USD embezzlement of campaign funds.

>You're dismissed until you provide a policy-based argument, corporatist

So you are not disputing the existence of paid Russian influencers? Is this an official statement from your branch of the GRU?

The rich didn't hold a gun to anyone's head to gain their profits unlike the government would do if we didn't pay our taxes. You have to provide a needed good or service to profit unlike with socialism where you'd get paid to sit in your underwear and paint with period blood.


the reality is that she is another puppet of George Soros for his NWO.

>believes in JIDF influence
>doesn't accept Russian influence because "we do it on our own"

>hurr durr GRU
Nigga shut the fuck up. Nobody takes seriously a Russian campaign to divide people via Yea Forums. It was Facebook and Twitter. Unless you got some evidence of Yea Forums Russian trolls, shut the fuck up


this but unironically

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Damn the stupidity. She wants Rich People to pay taxes at the same tax rate they did back when this country was great. These tax dodging boomers have fucked the economy by making it so many tax loopholes and offshore exceptions that they bleed America dry on corporate welfare. Capitalism doesnt work if the corporations are subsidized


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maybe if I photoshop aoc's face enough Yea Forums will think she's stoopid xDDD

>ebic memay

>An open anonymous website that is full of university aged teens that are easily whipped up into a fever over politics
>Not the ideal target for Russian influence
>There is also no way of flagging up influencing posts

>Nobody takes seriously a Russian campaign to divide people via Yea Forums.

They must do because the thread has died. Bullshit baffles brains influencer friend.

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Stop you're gonna trigger conservatives

Reading is hard. :/

It's u whether you know it or not

You can really see the fear in how they portray her. It's pretty funny.

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You would have to be fully retarded to think they wouldn't AstroTurf here. Or well u know

I think it's mostly a mirror image of their feelings lol.

fuck AOC. she stopped amazon coming into my neighborhood for no apparent reason when almost every citizen was on board with it. 25000 jobs down the drain; lowkey think she's bought out just wish i knew by who.

Good job comrade, you successfully troll America

So.. No proof then? Just your word?

When people started getting paid to spew propaganda here.

Seriously. What's more likely? The poor dejected anons that want a mommy to give them tendies hate her or the rich elite that can afford to hire shit posters hate her? Free money for poor whites (biggest poor demographic) is exactly in line with Yea Forums politically and anyone that tells you otherwise is a capitalist shill.

S she says the 1% should pay more. She's in the 1%, doesn't pay more.

But everyone else should.

well that's true if you consider that 40ish people got more money than 2-3 countries put together


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Your opinions are garbage and the way you communicate only reinforces my low opinion of you. You sound like every moron who thinks they know what's going on but is honestly clueless. You're the worst person to have to interact with.


>maybee if i add scary teeths they'll hate AOC more xDDDDDDDDD ebic maymay

>americans are so cucked that basic healthcare and social security has become Stalinist socialism in the eyes of the public

Your country is retarded. Admit it, faggots.

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The legendary meme-power of the right wing.

you nailed it

we're fucked homie

right wing memes are basically what you'd find in grandmas forwarded emails. shit is trash, low effort.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

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see what I mean?

You know, guys, if you worked harder, studied better, took risks and embraced the opportunities around you, you could be rich, too. That way, instead of blaming successful people for your problems, you could have financial security and have a better life. The best thing, is, you can do this at any time!

Such is the beauty of capitalism, uwu

OG Socialist

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How's that billionaire cum taste you fucking cuck

It stings badly, doesn't it?

Then move

it's like the shitposters don't even care anymore

must be nice to suck on a rich fat man's cock for money but some of us actually have to pay taxes which is a lot in comparison to what we earn

>r u seethingz?!
>ebic mayme


How salty and bitter are your tears, user? Seriously, just because you blow your paycheck on booze, smokes and lottery tickets every week doesn't give you the right to shit on people who don't live in some affordable housing hellhole like you do. Or, maybe you're one of those people who spends all their money on Starbucks frappachinos, food truck tacos, name brand clothing and the new iPhone every time they make a new one.

Whoops, silly me, how could I be so ignorant? It must be because of those meanies at Wall Street and Silicon Valley who make your life hard. Them being successful is why you're poor, meaning you are the victim! How could I be so heartless?

I love how you faggots are arguing about and defending people who make much more money in a month than you'll ever have in a lifetime, as if they wouldn't rob you blind and shoot you dead for a profit.

>being so autistic you believe millennial stereotypes

might as well add some avocado toast to your buzzword list mr. cuck.

>three whites eyes

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what a fucking sheep


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that's the american way homie, we're all just roleplaying cuz we wanna be rich but never will

>trying this hard

it's cool maine keep playing he's a larping lefty

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I didn't try, all I did was look up three whites eyes and that picture popped up in images near the top. Filthy.

implying your coming from a place of compassion where you wouldn't rob a rich person blind and shoot them for profit.


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>trying this hard
>reaching this far

Who's wanting to rob a rich person blind? It'd just be nice if people who have more money than entire countries could contribute to the well-being of the population at large.
It's literally just making a shit ton of money and then acting like a NEET for the rest of their lives. If you think Donald Trump worked an honest day in his life you're too far gone.

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Surely Asian scientific eye theory is just as valid for whites as for slants lol

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>denies existence of shills
>accuses of shilling
huh xD

>the right can't meme

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So why aren't you guys democrats? I thought libs loved the browns.

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"the right cant meme" - accuses right of securing the presidency for trump by meme-

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>hasnt played andromeda

>trying this hard

oh wow levels of desperate for material

imagine being a retard tranny

>Everyone can get rich if they work hard

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. I'm not political, don't care about AOC or anyone else but this is a stupid comment.

>seething so bad

Why are people this fucking dumb. Without the rich person, something like a factory wouldn't magically invest in itself amd create jobs for low skillled faggots like you to be able to feed your gremlins

If your job is to push 2 buttons for 8 hours a day and his is to manage an empire with 1000s of other workers hes reesponsible for, putting in 80 hours a week, he deserves to be rich

In America?? If you cant pull 6 figures by 30 you arent trying at all.

Russian trolls have the meme game. The right can't meme, but have had troll friends, the best friends, they don't know where they're from and they never asked but they tell me they're the best friends.

the left can't meme either, that's all the progressives and they aren't "the left" in the U.S., they are the far-left because the DNC has been a bunch of pansies since 2001 and generally let the GOP implement their fascist policies that they are shocked, SHOCKED to see President Trump use but well he's got an R next to his name so it's been OK.

cheeki breeki you fucking leftist fat tranny neckbead fuck

Business owner here. Gonna half-agree with this. I think the point is not that a CEO or President shouldn't be "rich" or at least making more than his workers. I think the argument is that if someone is working full time hours they should be paid a living wage.

A living wage will vary depending on where you live, but it's not minimum wage. In my area it wouldn't even be $15/hr. I'm not rich but I make collectively about $150k/yr so I'm doing OK. I've worked everything from minimum wage to where I'm at now.

Honestly, I didn't start feeling "comfortable" until I made about 20-25 bucks an hour. As a single man, let alone having children or anything else.

There's a bigger problem at play here, which is the ever rising cost of goods and services, not to mention the INSANE cost of necessities like healthcare and housing. In my area the cheapest 1br apartment is like $1200 + 700/mo HOA fees unless you want to live in the literal ghetto, and then its like $800 + $300 hoa.

if you have more than me, give me your stuff.
(wait, doesn't she make like $170k a year now? is she gonna write me a check or?...)

No user. Only the rich people give their money. Her 170k is just barely getting by

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Omg stop giving me reasons to love her more desu.

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yeah, even though it puts her in the top %10
(but she couldn't afford to move or something too right?)


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And how did that rich person get to be rich in the first place? You see, there is a cycle that conservative/libertarians refuse to acknowledge. Families sit on historical wealth, passing it from generation to generation, and using S-corps, LLC, and other corporate structures to reduce the risk of their business efforts; if it fails, their losses are limited although the corporate entity will leave many creditors unpaid in bankruptcy. (This is why the 1% love Trump -- they KNOW he knows this game as his own business "empire" has used the trick multiple times!)

If assets were not already concentrated, then that factory would be instead built with a combination of smaller investments, either in some employee-owned structure or as a pooled "venture capital" fund through a pool management intermediary. The new company's profits would then be distributed naturally to many people.

The right answer is an extremely regressive inheritance and gift tax, as well as elimination of the reduced income tax rate on capital gains. But these are complex, and the masses -- who have no introduction to finance at this scale -- don't understand how that combination works, so instead the push is for the income tax.

user please learn what a marginal tax rate is.
also, the 70% rate people on here harp on would be well over 10 times greater than incomes of 170K.


wow i'm impressed that you took your fingers out of your ass and your mouth off of your cock long enough to type that. it's amazing when the developmentally challenged start trying to develop social skills.

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Itt bunch of neet antifa fags wanting handouts

what an intelligent string of words composed by a leftist retard, am I shocked? no... but I am amused

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Lol what do you expect the spent all daddies cash on drugs and arts degrees

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False lmao

I'm this guy
So I'm doing alright. But I also came from a house where I was lucky enough I didn't have to pay student loans. I'm also lucky enough I was able to live at home for a long time until I got my feet on the ground with an assload of money saved and invested.

Most people don't have those opportunities. Something as simple as student loans or having to pay rent each month can cripple someone. Let's say hypothetically someone has a perfect life, they don't spend frivolously or retardedly, perfect health, no car payment, etc. No issues besides a student loan payment and rent each month.

In my area those two things would be at minimum like $2k a month. Let's say you have a good job, average salary of $45k. After other expenses (rental insurance, utilities, food, etc) at even half of whats left over, you'd only be saving $400 a month. That's $4800 a year which is nothing. Barely enough to start any serious business, barely enough to invest, and if you had ANY emergency throughout the year like a medical bill or procedure you'd be fucked sideways.

That's a normal, healthy, average person with a decent job. What about people with kids, people with chronic medical concerns that can be treated and they can be helpful to society, but they can't afford it?

It's insanity. Either the price of essentials (housing, food, healthcare) needs to drop or wages need to go up. When CEO's are taking home multi tens or hundreds of millions there's legit no reason why they can't pay their workers more. Even half of their wealth would sustain them (through investments, etc) for eons of generations to come, and half of their wealth distributed to their workers hypothetically would be an insane significant increase for those workers.

Someone who makes $100,000,000 as a CEO could invest 50 mil and be set for generations, and spread $50,000,000 to 10,000 employees as a 5k/yr raise which would significantly improve quality of life

yeah... everything the right calls "socialism" were fascist countries using socialist economic policy, which fell apart due to their fascist underpinnings.

at this point, the United States is a fascist country, and the DNC and GOP are 95% the same but continually point us to the 5% of difference that doesn't really matter to TPTB. It's why America is failing, and it started in 2001 as a response to 9/11.

Look around there world, and you see many democratic countries that have successfully applied socialist ideology to improve the lives of everyone in their country, so not, "everyone else" hasn't. Only those who mixed socialism and fascism have failed.

ben shapiro is the tallest member of the republican party

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>wants to talk about facts
>in the same breath they parrot propaganda
>in the same breath they repeat the "muh 70%" meme

No one cares about your fifth grade grasp of economics and politics and no one cares about AOC's third grade grasp of same.

venezuela is modern example of socialism failing.

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does it hurt when the nurse changes your catheter in the nursing home, gramps? I think they intentionally skimp on the lube to watch your fist clench tighter as they save you from pissing yourself randomly throughout the day.

The Democrats got smart, the Republicans got dumb. What's the point of being the early support if you decide to sell them out for money?

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Yeah, but you put a picture of a fascist country, not a social democracy country like "Democratic Socialists" want to live in.

Yea where in America have you been denied when you walk into an emergency room? Cause I can show you dozens of people being denied emergency care in Canada's socialized health care system, only the rich can afford private doctors aka normal doctors in America... if you're paying that much a year on healthcare in a free market the system isnt retarded you are.

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Lul the democrats got smart?

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>tfw when you're poor but vote against your interests because russians tricked you into buying the corporate propaganda
Mmm, these boots taste delicious, daddy.

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name one place it has worked.

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Rich people should give their poop to poor people.

You're welcome

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some of*

holy shit i dont like AOCs politics either but you faggots have to stop this HURR SHE WANTS TO TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY shit, it discredits people with genuine concerns.

Russians frigg off

You dumbfucks haven't seen real greed until you see what happens once these politicians make you believe that they have the right to take most of your money "for the greater good". Their eyes will roll back in their heads like a shark and the feeding frenzy will commence. You want facism , that's how it starts. The problem has never been about taxes, it's spending. The tax argument is a smokescreen to distract you from the real problem that these assholes can't pass a budget that doesn't have to borrow money.

Ah Venezuela, another constitutional republic torn asunder to fascism; and an example of what the GOP wants to turn the United State into. I'm sure they are noting how Maduro fixed the election there so they can ensure Trump remains president to ensure none of their fascist policies are removed.


The had socialized healthcare an socialized housing plus free education and free food they gave away their resources thinking they could just print more cash and inflated till they popped. Also it was you liberals pointing to Venezuela as a bastion of great socialism before it collapsed

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Socialism leads to Communism and Communism leads to fascists it's pretty basic stuff. but adult daycare aka college doesn't teach you double digit IQ kiddos that now do they

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inb4 they uhhhh they uh switched sides hurr

Lol I was waiting for it, don't worry it's coming

one: norway

wow easy. and lots of extra answers left over...

norway has refuted it, and are nothing in the same ballpark as this full on retard green raw deal

I don't necessarily agree with you about a living wage.

If someone is making $11 an hour (or whatever that Wendy's post always states), they're doing work that is worth $11 an hour.

If you're making $30K a year, you're probably contributing $30K a year's worth of societal productivity.

I've never complained about how much money I made. I've never wished for my work to share more profits with me. I believe that whatever someone is willing to pay me, is what I'm worth.

That is what pushed me to keep working harder, and improve my life. It's a process. Those people that work minimum wage or a non living wage choose to be happy with their status quo.

If you're working at Wendy's during the day, you're probably not working more than 30 hours a week. You have another 60 hours a week you could be working as a side hustle or to improve yourself through education, etc.

If you have kids that do not enable you to do this, that's a poor life decision you made that you'll have to figure out a way around. It's not the end all be all.

so what changed in 1935? i mean, if what happened in 1865 matters then 1935 must matter even more! Why are most of the Blacks elected to Congress now Democrats? It just seems like something changed that you're skipping over...

Get this logic off my fucking Yea Forums

>most billionaires are jews
>jewess wants rich to give money to poor
I'm okay with this

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Because free stuff mixed in with it's all Whitey's fault mentality . Democrats don't do dick for the blacks they just have them convinced that Republicans are bad and racist.

but they unironically did

The majority of people want a government that provides services.

The 1%, who fund campaigns, want a small government with limited taxes.

The two drives combine and resolve as deficit budgets. Which is not an immediate risk, but it leaves the assets of the 1% at immense risk of international devaluation.

The government can pay off the debt in a heartbeat by issuing new money. Really, they can. But it would be a massive inflation shock as the new money supply worked through the economy, and prices would multiply. Well, salaries would eventually recover, but assets (savings, property, and other investments) would be more permanently impaired.

The 1% is now growing weary of that risk, and they see it approaching their own hoard. So they now want a government with no debt, and are now pushing for those policies, and putting even more money into campaigns to help see it through. Cutting taxes ahead of spending has been the ingenious method they use to force it, because CBO "scoring rules" hide the true effect of the tax changes.

hurr durr i will take a comment out of context and base my entire worth on being correct today hurr durr basing a country's entire budget on fossil fuel sales is stupid oh shit can't say that to Saudi Arabia oil men who were the foreign influence in U.S. politics before "the Russians" while they have journalists killed in third countries, can we?

But what your corporate overlords don't tell you is that only a certain amount of people can "work harder to improve your life". If everyone could, then Wendy's wouldn't exist.

The people at the top are selling you the dream, knowing full well that it's bullshit, but you buy it hook, line and sinker because survivorship bias is a powerful drug- and as long as the shrinking line between poverty and the middle class exists, they know they can play you against one another and remain in power.

Your status quo is no different than the status quo of a Wendy's employee, it's where your luck ran out.

>the holocaust
which one?

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Wow, you are literally a baby. Lol i laugh because your life will be very hard. Girls won't want to fuck you, money will be impossible to manage and much more. My life is easy because i am tough, i came from no money, no support, no family. Haven't worked a 9-5 job in 6 years. I have a car, girl, spot and gamble everyday. Have a nice life shit for brains lulz

Yes, ponder that. Income inequality is so bad that the people worth tens of millions are recognizing it because of the people worth tens of billions... and if they get it right, it will help even those with tens of thousands of debt in student, car, and mortgage loans.

you would've hated the federal works administration, too. but look back at the new deal and how the infrastructure it built enabled America's growth. it's time to talk about another new deal.

>not working more than 30 hours a week. You have another 60 hours a week you could be working

90 hours a week is not a reasonable amount of work to just make ends meet.

just because a company values a task at $X does not mean your contribution is only worth $X, only that they think they can get you to work for it while they pocket an extra $Y that your job is actually "worth" to them. Companies want a few percentage points of unemployment so they can keep their wages down.

>amazon literally paid no tax last year
Yesssss the richies are putting in their fare share of course.

All intelligence around the world can troll, bot ect. You are native if you think only the russians are doing it

well it's pretty easy to convince people when objective facts are on your side.

>although trump has now figured out how to do it with no facts whatsoever

Pay your own debt loser . Did bill gates talk you into taking out that loan to go to clown college . Life choices, how do they work?

The Saudis were doing it to the U.S. long before Russian stepped up its game. China has long been a player in American politics, too. Yeah, sometimes I think "Russia" is a GOP invention to deflect attention from Saudi Arabia, which got an extended run after MBS has his team take out Khashoggi.

The elites won't give up there money to you. They will only take your rights, which will make you even more poor. Why would you trust them in the first place?

No shit

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Heyy! nice Elon Musky..!

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*Unless you're a millionaire in congress or another political office, a celebrity, or someone that spreads/supports liberal propaganda like Warren Buffet or George Soros.

Basically, only those who run businesses or win a lotto should give 70+% to the government.

she's not crazy. she's just an actress. she's playing a role.

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True. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking retarded.

It doesn't matter if the money is coming from the "super rich." It's still their earned money that they want to steal and freely give to niggers and immigrants. Because ya know, it's not fair that rich people have money.

Norway sells to capitalist countries

Nigga you need to read some education because there isn't a damn thing you said that is true

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>Venezuela cluster fuck is cus da rich left! So we should all worship them and suck their balls!
>Totally nothing to do with them putting all their eggs in the oil basket before an unprecedented global price drop

>she wants to ban airplanes
[[[Citation Needed]]]

>read some education


Also it's a big country, small population
Before we move on to the obvious black gold, there are other issues to consider that are often overlooked. First and foremost, Norway has a huge amount of landmass, coastline and waters, but a relatively small population. This comparison does not work when you account for population mainly but the sweet money you so happen to be standing over, also give it a few years once green tech reaches its peak and oil is outdated and useless Norway will go back to being insignificant

> Let's talk facts
> Talks made up nonsense

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[[[Citation Needed]]]
How can she alone refuse to pay more if she hasn't even implemented the taxes she wants?


Cite your sources faggot

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I bet most of you would gain an advantage if the rich people would share their money but you belive you can become a millionaire with hard work always funny to see those who work hard and never give up fail

B-b-but any day now I'll become a zillionaire too and I'll have earned all my money and shouldn't have to give away a cent!

I think if you do not have an advanced degree in economics you shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions about our economy

If you don’t have an undergaduate degree you shouldn’t even be able to voice your opinion on economic effects

If you have never never taken Econ 101 you shouldn’t even be allowed to comment on anything about economy at all

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Yes mommy

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Why? Conservatives wouldn't mind boning her, she is fairly hot. We just don't want her to have any position of power that affects people's lives because she's batshit crazy.

You are not and never will be as rich as the people whose taxes her planned programs are targeting, you will always be one of the majority that benefits from this pre-1950's tax what the fuck is your problem?

You sound like a fascist

Nailed it

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Kys nigger lover

Need money to get a degree.

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We could all have great healthcare, eliminate poverty, eliminate homelessness, all have college, fix climate change, and more via progressive taxation. It's a good idea. Not radical. Heavily studied. If you are against this stuff, you are an idiot.

And you shouldn't be allowed to vote unless your a landowner

So it is impossible to learn anything outside of college or university? Let me guess, that's what they told you at university. Lmao

60 percent pay less than their transfer income(how much they get back)

20 percent pay about the same ( some pay a little more some pay a little less).

So in actuality around 80percent of Americans aren’t paying for anyone but themselves.

I made it 70 since there are some who pay a few extra dollars in the 4th quintile

There you go faggot. Dispute those non partisan facts

You need to read more, He wasn't.

Jesus told people to give money to the poor (as people freely do in capitalism), but didn't force it (as socialism does).

He also told the poor to work and not beg

On a somewhat related note, Heaven has walls and gates to cover the "borders" because not everyone can get in.

>and lifted them up

oh, well, not quite so much lifted ALL of them up

No but in college you learn the basis for further research.

Picture it like a house.

The roof is your opinion

The walls are your research

Education is the foundation

Without a foundation your house sucks

Without an education you have no basis for what is good information from bad information.

So unless you go sit in a classroom learning textbook economics from an instructor whos only qualification is they learned the same textbook economics from an instructor who learned the same textbook economics and so on, your opinion doesn't matter?

The libs love to control the browns (and any color). If you educate yourself and switch sides they turn on you radically (Black conservative are called various bad terms more than anyone).

but if they did then poor people would become rich and rich people would become poor. then they would have to give their money ....

I shitpost for free. Quit blaming rich people for everything.

"It's been studied"

The elites won't give up there money to you. They will only take your rights, which will make you even more poor. Why would you trust them in the first place? You do realize we are not the ruling class of this country anymore, assuming you are american and not a 1%er

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No because I am not a nationalist and I support educated opposition.

I am a technocrat. Everyone does what they are good and trained to do. I wouldn’t let a plumber remove my appendix or a surgeon install a new water line. I don’t want a non economist making economic decisions

You shouldn’t be allowed to vote in an HOA

If AOC is your proof, no thanks.

Those rich people 9 times out of 10 made their money in shitty ways or by exploiting gullible working class people. A progressive tax wouldnt even have an effect on their standard of living so fuck off apologizing for a class youll never be in

That’s not how this works

Still not gonna vote trump keep trying tho

Wait a second, are you 10? You sound like a child. Your statement has no substance. So the college will tell you what is good or bad? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Don't think for yourself is what you are saying

typical liberal hypocrisy and virtue signalling. she is spending her money for her own luxury rather than giving to poor people.

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>Demonize blacks, suppress their vote, oppose policies that help them
>STUPID nigger! You should vote for me, the Dems are just tricking you because you're lazy and want handouts!(despite poor whites using programs like food stamps more)

That's what people don't understand . You will be giving all the power to politicians. They are all rich, corrupt and greedy. You have no chance of joining their club just like you have no chance of becoming the 1%. Except now the government won't protect you from itself , look at how Putin became dictator.

Democrats start new tactics
- Label republicans as racist and other things
- Make promises to minorities they never really keep (and blame the republicans for not being able to)
- Do keep some promises that ensure control of and votes from minorities

In the slave era, blacks were not allowed an education of any sort because educated people are more likely to rise up. Nowadays the democrats convenience minorities they don't need an education because the government will support them with various welfare programs, and instill the fear in them that the republicans will take it all away if they don't keep the democrats in power.
Democrats never did really change, they just use new methods for the same goal.

She saw a bad deal, and said they don't want it. Trump which is known for bankrupting multiple businesses sees a bad deal and eats that shit up.

>So they now want a government with no debt
Lol bullshit, they only cry "but muh guberment debt!" as an excuse when it's anything they don't like/care about. When it's to give just rich people like themselves more money they don't give a shit about ballooning the debt.

Is that how you think college works? Like high school? Rote memorization? College is taught by people who have done research in the field. People who have tested a hypothesis and learned from the results. That’s why science fields move with time. No scientific field is teaching the same thing they did 10 years ago never mind 50. Sure in an intro class you learn about Adam Smith or Keynes and have to memorize things but that’s because you don’t know enough to question them. By the time you finish all of your classes are about independent thought and research


> what the GOP wants to turn the United State into
Nigga are you retarded? Seriously?

Capitalism doesn't work


>Tfw productivity of workers has been steadily increasing year after year while wages and vacation time have been dropping but bootlicking cucks still blame themselves for not working hard enough
Good guys, you wouldn't want to be a greedy lib asking for handouts, do your duty to make more money for your master!

Fucking this
Also I I hate when boomers cry about Medicaid and young people using it when,
1. They implemented those socialist programs personally
2. They cry about wanting to insure social benefits for themselves

...and all of those programs are failing and falling apart. Thanks for proving a point that socialized programs suck donkey nards.


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yet 1000's people illegally go into America everyday, and our socialist polices such as medicaid, and medicare, foodstamps, section 8 and the list goes on.. if you leaches weren't here we would prosper

> Liberal Logic 101

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They are falling apart due to lack of funding because taxes have been cut on the top 20%(the only group whose taxes really matter)

Communism has far more deaths on it's hands my friend. Stalin, hitler, NK, cuba ect. I'll take capitalism

So let me guess, I'm the racist cause in your twisted mind, that's what I said. That's how you liberals twist shit around so you instead of debate and discussion you can just scream "you're Hitler".

>You dumb-heads don't care about facts!
>She wants to ban airplanes and raise taxes on everyone but herself! Muh Facebook Boomer group told me so!

The only people who don’t leach off the system are people who make more than about 60k

But communism on average has killed less people for every year it has existed. Humans were communist since the cave days (UG hunts, OOG makes fire, GROG broke his leg so he does noting). No one gets more than anyone else based on the value of their work.

Yeah, went there done that, whatever.

>No response
So you cucks don't really care about facts, huh? Only want to worship your corporate overlords?

So you went to college but you think it’s memorizing things that are regurgitated? You either went to a shit school or have a shit degree.

And daca kids, their moms who don't register their illegal husbands earnings then go and apply for food stamps and housing on top of her husband not paying taxes, a scourge on the system

It's nice to see you retards are so scared of her

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>the only option is for the rich to give away so much that they become poorer than the poor! 1% controlling 99% of wealth is the only fair path!
So are you just stupid or a shill trying to deceive people?

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There is a difference of opinion on whether this money is rightfully theirs.
Jusr because they can keep the money doesn't mean that they earned it.
The owning class has no reason to not pay themselves more. What this does is create greater income inequality because if the owning class had a reason to pay themselves less they would. They can't spend all the money they have but there is no reason for them to not take it because there's no incentive to pay their workers more. When there are higher and higher tax brackets, it makes more sense at some point for the money to go to the workers or back to the company. Greed is part of human nature and you need to remember that just because they legally can take it doesn't mean they have earned it.

Facts schmacts. Fox news and truck stop bumper stickers make you a political genius on the right.

See this. The only people who pay into the system and get less I return is the top 20 percent. The second 20 percent pay there fare share . Everyone else pays less. You want to end this? I am sure you won’t when your taxes go up since I am sure you aren’t in the top 20

>WHAT?! You think taxes should be increased for all rich people including yourself? Well you're not living on the streets after having given away all your assets already so you must be lying!
Lol nice "logic" retard.

Not counting death's related to air and water pollution, wars fought over resources, deaths due to lack of consumer protections etc.

Keep posting it. Maybe someone will read it. But probably not since it doesn’t agree with what either side preaches

I don't think you know what communism is. Communism means the government controls and owns the means of production. The government will control every transaction. The own your life.... why would you trust the elites in the first place? They will only take you rights which will make you even more poor. They will not care about you, it is native to think otherwise. We are not the ruling class any more

My brother got killed by a penny thrown from the Empire State Building.

Fuck capitalism

You guys aren't asking the right questions. It's not how much taxes can we collect. It's about how much we spend. 600billion so we can have the only military on the planet who is funded with the ability to wage two major wars at the same time. Illegal immigrants do cost us money by using our schools, emergency rooms, prisons, etc. We give foriegn aid to just about anybody.

Merium Webster disagrees with you

Definition of communism
1a : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b : a theory advocating elimination of private property

Get this logic off my fucking Yea Forums

Nah, maybe you should take a step back from your persecution complex and stop arguing against the phantom strawman in your head.
>You liberals just twist the truth! Not like me pretending that the parties didn't switch support for blacks as a direct response to their increased rights scaring the racists away from the Dems, pls ignore the KKK supporting Republicans
Lol nice hypocrisy
>You're just litterally screaming at me that I'm Hitler!
Lol how oversensitive must you be to imagine that I'm SCREAMING things I haven't said at you? Just lost all sense of reality, huh?

All of the tax money you pay(you personnly not all Americans) goes towards paying for the services you receive. Unless you make in the top 20% you ain’t funding shit(excuse the colloquialism$

shut up kike

Sure kid , schools today are well known for their tolerance for conservative views. My degree has done me quite well btw .

If these lazy fucks would work instead of leach we would pay less automatically but when you have liberal heroin addicts daddy governments money sounds much better

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You are native. Look at how they treat factory workers in china

Did not know I was allowed to pick where my tax dollars went

Depends on the school and area of study. Liberal arts colleges are very liberal. Business schools are very conservative. Economists are centrists because they realize neither side knows what the fuck they are talking about. I never had an economics professor(I didn’t major in it but through getting my MBA I took a lot of economics courses so I know a little bit) who espoused liberal or conservative theories. They mostly advocated for eliminating income tax(a conservative idea and expanding social programs a liberal one).

Btw the funding for these programs come from property,consumption and vice taxes.

Wow, this has to be a shrill. My god. That is not at all correct. Lmao