It's clearly a con-job set about by fraudsters and lunatics, and just enough (roughly a third) of the electorate bought the lies of the Leave campaign (funded by Russian money) to tip it over. In the intervening years it's been exposed as a barely-functional scam run by a barely-functional 'government' of cowards and narcissists.
I think it's about time the adults took back control and torpedoed the whole sorry mess. What say you, /user?
Found the cry baby liberal who can't deal with not getting his own way.
Christopher Jones
Nor are Brexiteers, no-one is.
Asher Anderson
i think you guys should stay in, too. EU would be boring without you. greetings from germany.
is there actual proof that the leave campaign was funded by russian money?
Josiah Cox
I want a hard Brexit. I want to see what will happen.
Alexander Richardson
this is so bloody fucking stupid i rely on alot of parts manufactured in the EU this is going to kill me business. We need a revote or fucking delay this shit
Lincoln Roberts
>12 year old with no responsibilities.
Aaron Jones
Should of thought about buying British products for your company in the first place instead of being a traitor and going to the eu severs you right if it kills you
Connor Myers
Fuck you and those unelected beurocrats
Robert Walker
Careful, you're actually making sense on here. Expect this to get 404'd!
I with you though. It does all seem like one big fear mongering tactic that has been stubbornly supported by the ideologues (right wingers) who don't really understand the ramifications of their desires, such as the talk of 'ethno states' and such... It really is quite embarrassing!
Angel Young
wow these people desperately want to be slaves
Nathan Allen
I didn't give a shit when I lived there, and I don't give a shit now. England is the fucking WORSE place I have EVER lived.
>unelected bureaucrats t. Person with no idea how the EU legislature works.
Juan Ross
Me and almost everyone I know voted to remain this shit was rushed and the retards were not educated by the immediate uncertainty this would cause. This doesn't just affect us. It'll ripple across the global economy.
Chase Adams
With the level of thought you put into this, you're probably in a low-skill job which will tank in the event of any form of brexit. That'll serve you right, fuckwit.
Oliver Walker
Eli Carter
Gabriel Barnes
Did you vote for any of the Lord's in the House of Lords?. No, you didn't, they are unelected too.
Jaxon Sanchez
Thanks for that amazing comment, well worth while.
William Barnes
It's not got a lot to do with left or right wing. Hesletine is rightwing as fuck and wants to remain, and back before the UK joined people like Michael Fool, very left wing, opposed the idea.
Wyatt Bailey
english/welsh/scottish/irish revolution when???
Levi Bell
Foot, not fool.......
William Reyes
Well, a no deal scenario is almost guaranteed to see Scotland and NI leaving the UK..
Dunno about Wales, from memory of the ref results, they seemed quite brexity, so maybe not them.
Luis Butler
Go on then, show me where I go to vote on any of the presidents or for people within the commission (as these are the only people who can propose, withdraw, and amend legislation).
Benjamin James
Scot here, no deal brexit will not see us leave the Union. No-brexit might though as it would show the UK has no international clout anymore and also that the will of the people is dead. No-brexit is the best argument for Scottish independence we've had in decades, to vote on a thing and have the majority say they want it, then for politicians to ignore them, and for Scotland to have had no say in any part of the process.
Michael Harris
The British always have to mess shit up for the rest of us
Alexander Morgan
Dominic Turner
>Discussing British politics on an American website about Japanese cartoons.
Jaxson Turner
>germany laugh.mp3
Joshua Walker
Its only going shit because may is having a cry, has been ignoring it since the vote, now wants to soft leave and leave the EU with the same powers to screw over england that made them gain enough steam to want to leave in the first place.
Colton Roberts
Can we please keep the board focused on real issues in a real country? For instance Trump being railroaded into impeachment by a bunch of angry Dems who are being led by Mueller on his witch hunt. America is a real country unlike Brexit and the Eurocuck Union. Brexit isn't even on a map. Plus this is an American board for Americans only and eurocuck filth shouldn't be here anyway. So please delete this thread.
Sebastian Bell
Okay then. I dont even hate Trump and think nearly all of what is said about him is just crying faggots.
But you cannot deny he doesnt know a fucking thing about economics. Tariffs are fucking shit and do nothing but punish your own people.
Luis Gutierrez
his latest comments about airplanes can only be interpreted as him being a fucking literal idiot
funny how yanks still think they a real country when they got a clown in charge
Liam Cruz
I'm sorry but you don't get to have an opinion, eurocuck. Also don't reply directly to me. I didn't give you permission to speak to me. You subhumans don't jus they to address a superior form of life like an American without being spoken to first. So keep your Yap shut. Also, if other 'countries' were not trying to fuck us on trade deals we wouldn't have to tariff. Trump knows what's up and he is a master economist. Kill yourself europoor
Adam Lopez
Nolan Bennett
This whole Brexit shitshow is a perfect example of why democracy doesn't work. It's because of the sheer stupidity of common people. I wouldn't let a random guy perform an operation on me, so why do we let random, uneducated dipshits decide on how to run a country?
Julian Roberts
>These are the only people who can propose Correct >withdraw Incorrect >and amend Also incorrect.
I don't meet to show you where you can vote for them because they don't have the final say on whether laws get implemented note in what form. They are a think tank, and the parliament which IS elected gets to amend or refuse it until it's in a form that passes muster.
Anything else you'd like to be wrong about today?
Easton Anderson
I'm not from europe, if you were educated anywhere but America you would know there's more places in the world than Europe.
And you thinking tariffs are a sound response shows you also know nothing about economics. Do you want to know how much the sugar ban to protect your Floridan farmers is costing all of America?
You're literally letting a few (the sugar farmers) fucking over a lot, just because merica.
Adrian Thomas
Tariffs are literally the only good thing that dude did for the US. Stopping the flood of chinese "goods" should be number one priority for each western nation. We need to get back to economic imperialism and ruin the chinese economy before the chinese buy our whole nations, like it happens to Greece rn.
Brexit will enable us to become a province of China or a state of Russia once they come to claim all the debt. I cant wait as I love me some noodles.
Kayden Smith
Stiglitz would disagree with you.
Easton Garcia
pic related irl >ignore chinese ppl >avoid buying chinese goods >avoid chinese services >don't sell anything to chinese >don't buy anything from chinese
>No-brexit is the best argument for Scottish independence we've had in decades
No, that's incorrect. Considering 85% or thereabouts of the Scottish electorate voted to remain. Your brexit blinkers are showing, reality-dodger.
Joshua Ross
Stop using our language then.
Charles Bell
>Stiglitz co-authored one of his first papers with Michael Rothschild
i don't believe all jews are part of some conspiracy but some certainly are and you can easily observe that ideologies like neo-keynesianism didn't work that well. The economic collapse of the west is only a matter of time and it doesn't matter if the reason is conspiracy or stupidness. It's obvious the chinese are trying to destabilize the west. How else would you explain the fact they're throwing their money down the drain with foul credits just to make "generous offerings" like taking over strategic ports instead of getting back their money?
Isaac Hernandez
Come back when your country is more than 250 years old, idiot child.
Jose Nguyen
Your mum didn't give me permission to bash her back doors in, but that didn't stop me, bitch.
Aaron Harris
Scotland is not a real country, you're an englishman with a dress
John Ortiz
Your brexit brain is showing, wipe the drool from your chin, gammon.
>Democracy functions as it is supposed to >the people are “fraudsters and lunatics” >it was funded by a foreign power because a majority of the people got their voice heard
God damn the left hates democracy huh?
Jaxson King
I work in pharmaceuticals and I relish the fact that all the old people that voted leave are the ones in actual risk due to most meds being imports. Complain about being in EU but then complain about not being in the EU. I guess it's good for thinning the heard.
Michael Lewis
Fuck off Nigel
Connor Mitchell
The left want Brexit more than the Tories. It's in their blood. The EU Stops their dreams of a commie Utopia.
Bentley Morris
advisory poll =/= a vote
Eli Richardson
I don't understand. This was supposed to be a surefire way to get rid of immigrants.
Christian Sanders
Jace Harris
this is what you get when people shape their political opinions on Yea Forums.
Gavin Rivera
>implying that foreign things don't steal, rape and murder
Noah Perry
Implying that all foreign things do so.
Kevin King
Can't wait to no deal the fuck outta there, hell yeah.
Ayden Price
>implying they dont
Jose Brown
Want to subvert that pesky democracy thing huh?
Juan Johnson
time too see through a no deal brexit, once the country crashes and burns we can rebuild
Hunter Reyes
Sure, it's the Russians again. If Brexit succeed all the others will follow. Who wants to live in a dictatorship run by non elected assholes whose only goal is globalisation.
Eli Davis
Correct, they are paid by George Soros. The Brits have enough of being dictated by overpaid fools in Brussels. They have lost their sovereignty. Brexit will give it back to them
Liam Foster
>implying one thing isn't already too much
Ryan Morales
Unfortunately, that seems to be the mindset of so many these days. (Witness the election of one Donald J Trump). "Let's see what happens" is akin to "hold my beer" or "Yeah? Watch this!". It almost always precedes disaster. This is no exception.
Jacob Gomez
We can't back down now, that prick Juncker will have us using the euro if we back down now.
Carter Scott
>A country secceeding from a union to form its own economic relations which are not subject to said union will affect international trade no shit sherlock, learn to stand on your own two feet
Camden Evans
Casual observer from across the pond, here. I'm not sure you actually can rebuild. You simply don't have the industry in place or the demographics to attract enough industry to make that happen. You've been using the banking industry as a crutch for so long, it has damaged what remained of your "brick and mortar" economy. You've lost young people in droves and your pension and healthcare liabilities are enormous. I just don't see a "rebuild". I'm not trolling or trying to be insulting either. Perhaps you see something I don't?
Aiden Turner
The UK had better do Brexit, that much is certain. The only uncertainty is how badly liberals completely fuck up the UK by what terms they leave on. Liberals are literally willing to completely ruin an entire country by whining about not getting their way rather than negotiating properly with the EU to leave on favorable terms. They literally can't respect the nature of democracy that voted for Brexit and would ruin a country over getting what they want.
Utter dickhead. Do some fucking research instead of reading the tabloids lies
Anthony Nelson
Bollox will it.
Ryder Rivera
speaking of framing the issue..
Kayden Martin
how would he?
Gabriel Howard
May is not a liberal, she and her co-horts have fucked it. We could have come out with a good deal, now we have to take the scraps that the EU will give us, fucking idiots, all of them, both the left and the right. Why do the UK voters think that May ( a remainder) would do a good job of leading the leave side?????
Levi Wood
By sending us straight bananas and buses with lies written on them