Girlfriend broke up with me, dumping

Girlfriend broke up with me, dumping.

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What do you guys wanna see? Have hundreds. Also, wuddya think?

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Show butthole

Lets see her spread legs

what did you do to get dumped? Sperg out too many times? I mean keep dumping, but damn, but it's the shit likr this that shows she made a hood call.

At least she gave a person of color a chance

if you dump her nudes after breaking up you definitely should not have ever been with her lol

Found her fb and linkedin im telling

Has bpd, never felt stable in the relationship because I never knew when she was gonna start villainizng me. Honestly after a month apart feels like a big weight off.

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Don't ever stop posting, 8/10 cock is hard jerking it now

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God yes keep it coming, I'll tell you when I cum

no one needs to know you fucking autist

moar pussy pl0x

Any vids?

>Also, wuddya think?
I think you're a pathetic little man-child and I hope she finds out, reports you and you get put on the sex offenders' register

Wow thats some good grip

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Think she already did the dumping...

more like dumped pal

Looks like she cleaned out the trash

Post her social media let Yea Forums do the rest


Hard core. I want to see her face covered in cum.

vola dump?

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She is more likely to be fucking crazy, as people with tattoos suffer mental health issues at a greater rate than the rest of the population.

Tattoos are linked with mental health disorders and a general lack of success in life.

Also, they signal what a fucking moronic piece of human debris you are to see an image you like and want to needle it into your goddamned body instead of framing it or just making it a fucking desktop background like the rest of humanity.

The type of person who would get a tattoo is already a degenerate. They just end up signaling to the rest of the world how much of a failure they are by getting them. And the more they have, the more the ticking time bomb to suicide or overdose becomes apparent.

I don't even look into why or what it represents, tattoos just completely ruin a woman's sex appeal, bar none. Even if an otherwise sexy female has a little heart inked into her ankle, I consider her physically undesirable.

And it tells you EVERYTHING about people who are not mentally ill who get tattoos. It tells you that they are retarded. Straight-up, no bones about it retarded. They are in the vast majority of cases failures and degenerates that the world would be better off without. They have neither the brains, nor foresight to think that maybe if they like an image, it shouldn't be needled into them like some goddamned nigger tribesman marking themselves for the goddamned hunt.

It's primitive behavior that just shows that these people haven't caught up to the rest of evolved society, and they are on a slow march to their death by suicide, either by cop, crack or their own cowardly-ass hand.

Your tattoos look stupid and everyone in society agrees. That's why the vast majority of characters on TV who have them are criminals, crazy people or drug addicts. It reflects reality and everyone knows it.

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Op still here? Moar
If not got Kik?

HA goteem

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I want armpits op


Dump everything!

>white knight

>She dumped me so I lost her nudes

I figured out why you were dumped.

Fucking smartphones was right. He's lost any future nudes, any sex ....... and his self-esteem


More of her

Lol I'm sorry mommy told you no tattoos until you move out.


Post more faggot she’s sexy as fuck.


Saved this before deletion. Please post more

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