Fellow anons

fellow anons
Would 3 beer cans, 12 xanax and 3 percoret pills would kill me?
(I also have acces to tylenol, benadryl and vitamins.)

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you should try taking vitamins

Take all that then go swimming

Take five scoops of preworkout and use everclear as a chaser. Then, chug a redbull and take all of the xanax and vitamins you have. Forget the rest of the bullshit you mentioned. Go out like a man and ride the fucking lightning.

if you have no tolerance and are small, probably
you should kys on psychedelics

im 104lb 16bm, so underweight


dont have preworkout
what is everclear
percocet is part opiod part acetaminophen. As I understood it would fuck my liver but maybe the mix of the depressants would stop my breathing in my sleep

do drown?

Depends on tolerance and the type of xanax you have. If you are taking 12 0.5mg, 1mg, 2mg, or 3mg xr alprazolam, that, 1 beer, and 3 presumably 10mg oxycodones with no tolerance, the 12 3mg xr's or 12 2mg xans and alcohol could possibly end in death. Don't do it. You'll harm more people than just yourself. Don't be selfish. Who knows you could be the one to change our future for the better or change someone's life for the better. Yes, there are too many humans to sustain right now and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, don't do it OP. If you are chronically ill and suffering extremely, I stand by the right to die and Kevorkian. Otherwise, think about it and just take half a xan and a perc and enjoy the euphoria and relief of pain and stress.

yes or no. do you think ill die.
if i am alive tomorow ll post about vitamins and how they saved me from a certain death.

Forget the preworkout, then.
Everclear is a REALLY strong alcohol.

At this point, just take all of your xanax and use the beer as a chaser. Then chug some redbulls and slam your head into a wall. It won't hurt, but it will get you on the right track.

Everclear is about 200 proof (95% +) ethanol. Benzos, alcohol, and opioids/opiates in combination taken as recreation have taken away from me many of my friends. Think twice and just get high a little for a few days on a few of them at a time spaced out.Also, alcohol is definitely the most shit tier drug. You may die taking all those things at once. Don't do it mane.

Just get faded and temporarily forget about your problems faggot, repeat that process everyday

12 2mg xanax, 3 beers 6%, 3 percoret pills..

Why do you want to die user

i decided that i was not needed on this shit planet. suffer from job to job and fake everything is tiring, Im just done.. gl for next generation

Think about the possibility of quantum immortality theory being true user. If every result of every action truly does split off into an alternate timeline, then if you die, there will be an alternate timeline where you don't, and are left vegetative or in excruciating pain. If you are not alive in the timeline where you died, it's likely there would be a "shift" of your consciousness to the timeline where you lived. If the theory is true user, you will regret your decision severely. This is the shit that keeps me from an hero'ing

you cant do that, I have to be presentable at all times around family and stuff

Have fun in your coma. You won't even know whether you're dead or not. Probably won't even dream. Just brain dead and even more of a burden.

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How do you know that the oblivion of death isnt worse than the reality that we live in? There is no way of knowing that the nothingness of death isnt excruciating, we still dont fully understand what truly makes the mind, how do you know that there isnt some cosmic principle revolving around perception, and that we dont somehow persist consciousness after death through some sick and twisted quantum mechanism? Are you prepared to take the risk of finding out if you're better off alive, or taking the dive into the unknown [reality?] of death?

With no tolerance you may die. Again, see my original comment you replied to. Don't be a pussy and place undue pain and duress on others by losing you.

gov. approuved suicide

T L.

be badass.
be strong.
I love you..

Lol I tried to kill myself once, i’m over it now tho. Hope you find the answer you aren’t looking for OP.

I'm regularly suicidal & it gets much worse when I'm off my medication. I always wonder if I'll live to old age or one of my bouts of depression will get the better of me and I'll end up dead in my bathroom some time.

But I've promised Henry that I would continue where he left of so I guess I'm stuck here :'(

Don't use the aspirin, user. The only thing it'll do is shut down your liver and then you'll have a very short and painful 24 hours to think about what's happening.

I dunno I guess you’re still at the I dunno if I’m gonna do it or not stage, that was the only time I was abit mental, but one day I took a knife to my throat and then I burst into tears and sat there for a bit, then I got over it for the day and then a week passed by and I was still numb but I’m fine and then a month goes by and my friend kills himself, telling you mate it’s weird watching my friend disappear and be forgotten about within a year...I’m glad I stayed alive because being forgotten sucks. Not to mention when someone remembers him they bring up how sad he was about his ex girlfriend. Just eternal cringe.

nice try

Where are you from, there are a couple tell-tale signs you aren't an native English speaker and now I'm curious.

Being forgotten does sucks. I'm simultaneously hope that I'm forgotten quickly so I don't cause anyone pain and hope I'm remembered forever, like Plato or Ramesses II.

You can always chat with me, freindo

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That’s the romantic view on it, I’m afraid the reality would probably disappoint you, and I’m irish, I’m just coming off a heavy 3 day bender, so I doubt my English will be great kek

Why are you drinking so much? Are you OP?

I haven't ever been to there, though I flew through Heathrow once. I go back to France a lot, too.

Do you know Gaelic, or is it a dead language?

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Bumping for OP