I fuck my wifes' asshole every night Yea Forums
I fuck my wifes' asshole every night Yea Forums
Instead of her pussy?
At her request?
Is that her asshole?
Yeah it's her asshole, and yes at her request.... she prefers anal.
I hope you use a condom. You could get aids.
I'm incredibly jealous.
Usually cum in it.
have fun with parasites
Very jealous.
I'm a part of that club, too
good for you. butthole is besthole.
Has she always been like this?
Her funky looking ass has 2 buttholes
Had an ex who was really in to anal and it was incredible. Current GF who I've been with years never let's me anywhere near her ass. Tried a few times but she backs out straight away. I miss anal. Well done OP.
How do you avoid shit on your dick user, or do you just deal with it?
Like to fuck my girl in the ass but its always poopy :( should I just embrace the scat?
Fairly early into the relationship she established she loved it up the poop shoot.
Have wash it out before hand, but sometimes yeah...it might be juicy in the backdoor.
>always poopy :(
You should not have shit in your colon constantly. Have her shit and shower beforehand ffs
why? thats where poo comes from
Not OP, but my suggestion anal health in general. Everyone should do this anyway, but it significantly improves anal sex as well.. I recommend the following:
1. use a squatty potty or equivalent
2. poop as soon as you feel the urge, don't hold it in
3. don't strain at all--adopt a Zen attitude towards pooping, and let your body do it for you
4. stay hydrated
5. exercise
6. get enough fiber
If you do the above, your poops will have their proper mucus covering and will remain intact within your rectum. This way, your rectum will be relatively clean. Indeed, the majority of your poops will be effortless and essentially clean, requiring only one single wipe. Nonetheless, I still recommend using a bidet so that you are clean at all times: do not underestimate how much this makes you feel better about your body.
virgin detected
you bring a virgin detector, here?
how do you keep up with the repair costs?
I fuck my girls ass too. Gif related
Based analbro.
My gf had too much pain to lose her virginity so we did it exclusively anal sex for about a year and a half.
Fast forward 3 years, she is now a complete anal slut.
I wanna stretch that asshole with my big dick
thanks for tips user, love you. i'll get my girl's ass in proper shape so i can fuck it constantly and nut inside (feels good, man)
already thinking about getting a bidet...definitely onto it now
Same here,
pussy is for eating, ass is for fucking
looks kinda loose.
what kinda lube do you use?
do you use toys?
do you still fuck other holes of her?
do you do ass 2 mouth every night?
Eh would mean she had them in the first place and you too lmao, most people have them sadly
I can also recommend the book "Anal Pleasure and Health" by Jack Morin.
In my opinion, if you're going to ask your girl for anal play, you really should be comfortable with it yourself. You don't have to do pegging, but you should at least be knowledgeable enough about your own ass that you can do fingering and at least a buttplug. If you know how to treat your own asshole so that it feels good, then that'll go a long way to teaching you how to treat your girl's asshole, too. It also will make her a lot more comfortable with the prospect of anal play, if she can be assured that you know what you're doing. It will also convince her that you're not being hypocritical about it.
Remember: actual anal fucking is a relatively advanced activity. I advice not even attempting it until you BOTH are well experienced with (at least 3, preferably at least 4) fingers and toys. Even then, you might not be able to actually cum, if you're not on edge already. Be happy with just the tip, at first, if it's all she can handle for now. If you can fuck her but can't cum within a reasonable amount of time, it might be best to finish some other way, so as not to overwork her ass. But, try to be satisfied with what you can achieve, with the knowledge that you can both achieve greater things in due time.
Anal sex shouldn't ever be painful. Don't ever buy desensitizing lubes. Anal sex shouldn't be excessively tight, either--this means that the internal sphincter is contracting. When it does that, it causes exponentially-increasing pressure which leads to burning pain, and it can also lead to anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Causing your girl pain like this will almost certainly turn her off from anal, possibly for good. So don't do it (for this reason, "painal" is the worst thing to hit the porn market and should not be celebrated).
Good luck, anons
One last thing: I recommend using an anal douche a half-hour before anal play. Just buy a cheap single-use Fleet enema from a drugstore, empty it out, and use lukewarm tapwater instead. Use half a bottle at a time, to make sure that you don't get water around the bend of the sigmoid colon--if this happens, then you get get cramps and watery poop that will want to come out sometime later. Less is more. Repeat until water is clear and you feel totally empty.
With experience, you'll be able to tell if your body is up for anal on a given day. If you have an effortless and nearly clean poop, and if your stomach is settled, then you should be good. If your poop is greasy/sticky or if you have a stomach ache, try again some other day.
More like this, is all I ask
>big dick