Would you suck my BBC? Be honest. No fags or girls.
Would you suck my BBC? Be honest. No fags or girls
was a 7/10 not enough?
You're not even black you Indian fuck.
Post the real you, little beta ass cuck.
I'm not a fucking poo, fuck off white boy before I slap you with my massive BBC!
For fucks sake btw, why do people keep thinking that I'm Indian? IM ETHIOPIAN. ETHIOPIAN.
>I slap you with my massive BBC!
Oh Christ, you Indian shit.
What is your deadlift, squat, and chest PRs?
>No fags or girls
They count that high.
you keep talking about your big dick but you didnt prove it yet, can you even compete to any average male you limp dicked faggot?
Indians think they fall under the bbc category now?
D: 280lbs
Keep the thread bumped fags and I'll prove soon that I have a bbc
How much do you weigh
OP is insecure about being indian that he goes around saying he's black
Lmao those were my stats in my sophomore year in HS
That's why I always ask OP when they post a photo of a semi strong person. Easy to tell who doesn't know a normal lift weights to body ratio. Same, user. What are your lifts now?
Are you OP?
You should be proud of being indian most indians have a nice bodies and are not overweight like black and white people not to mention naturally smart and potentially rich not to mentio the guy with the longest dick is indian.
only straight dudes, you fucking idiot
Pathetic. Learn a little about the gym before attempting a post like this
>No fags or girls.
You know what I like!
> “BBC”
You look like some sand nigger shitting on the streets of Delhi my guy.
Not that impressive but its honest work
Sorry to destroy your hope but you arent black.
You are more like indian brown, which is the color of shit.
Also I can tell from your very androgynous appearance that OP is a faggot himself
Yes that's the point, no straight dude would suck OP's cock, by the very definition of being a straight dude.
Honestly,you don't look half bad is just that your insecure about your own race that you say ur BBC that makes u not attractive and probably have shit personality
You can't say no fags, cause you're already here.
180ish very lightweight.Im also same color as OP but I don't try to hide it.
Twice your body weight on bench alone?
Sorry user that's unlikely, you had me until then. Three times weight on deadlift? Straps, belt, knee bands?
Get BTFO everyone, I shall now receive the traps I've asked for
Yikes, that's a pretty average size dick. I was expecting much better than that for all the hype you gave it.
thats slightly above average lmfao