r8 me Yea Forums, be honest
R8 me Yea Forums, be honest
5/10 you scare me and probably many others
You look like an unsuccesful rapist
eyy a fellow indian
thanks for agreeing with me
I get that a lot but I'm actually Ethiopian
yw m8
How do you feel about Italians?
How do you find yourself?
A sandnigger or regular nigger?
I mean, they're fags for invading us (was it twice or three times?) in the past and fucking our shit up, but I don't blame Italians today. They're alright people and should reserve the right to keep their country Italian and resist the migrants. Ethiopia and Italy are pretty much neutral with each other in terms of diplomatic relations anyway so it doesn't make sense for Ethiopians to hate Italians, vice versa.
Good question, I'm technically both. Roughly 35% East African, 50-60% middle eastern, and 5 - 15% North African.
But I'm a christian so not really a sand nigger, nor were my ancestors.
thats the spirit
feel free to chill in Sicily
.t Italian
Post dick with timestamp OP
Your face is very aesthetically pleasing.
Ethiopians look so much better than other Africans it's ridiculous
.t nonhomo white dude
We need to know user
The first pic is fucking scary dont ever post that you look like a dying homeless? But in the second one it is apparent that you are a handsome boi OP
Now post dik
rip OP
Thanks user! No homo
Op will surely deliver
Deliver what?
I think you're in the wrong thread mate..
Check the other thread