Picking up some shatter soon Yea Forums whats the best way to smoke this shit if i dont have a castle or banger?

picking up some shatter soon Yea Forums whats the best way to smoke this shit if i dont have a castle or banger?
i heard homemade nails are pretty easy to make but im clueless

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you got to went it first or it'll end up all over. you might try freezing it for a couple of hours but then you have to salt the edges too and if you get the wrong brand of windex for that then you're just fucked.

don't drink that shit without frapping it, or god knows what will happen.

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wtf are these fags smoking?

OP, you could go full-crackhead status and use two butter knives.
>heat 'bottom knife'
>stick dab to 'top knife'
>press dab onto heat
if you have a funnel to inhale with, to catch all of the vapors, then you have a makeshift dab rig.

im in colorado. i suggest a battery powered handheld nail from ebay. i go with the dr dabber

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that looks cool

buy a vape pen

>69 get nice
ill look into it

Freeze it so you can handle it get a meth pipe from gas station and a small torch lighter drop it in the bowl and heat opposite of the hash while inhaling works great for me.

You can find very cheap quartz or Ti nails at your local headshop. Of course you'll need a dome, but you can get some cheap domes for like $5, maybe even less because they are less popular now. Some shops might be trying to give them away at cost.

Fucking crackheads

That's weed dumbass

Take a pair of needle nose pliers and knock out the back black part of a basic light bulb. then pull the guts out of it so you have an empty bulb. Pour some salt inside the bulb to get out the white clay shit. Lastly get a straw or pull an ink pen apart. Put wax in bulb and smoke like meth. Works just fine.

Lol crackhead doesn't even recognize pot

Dumb ass doesn't recognize shatter

Dab pen. They’re fucking great
I own this one, it was like $20

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I find that chopping a soda bottle in half makes for a nice funnel.

The not getto way?

Buy a vape pen. Something that heats it on a hot surface made for wax. 60-80 bucks your set.

The getto way? Get a ratchet piece, fucking aluminum on the end of a pencil if you goddamn have to. If you have a one hitter, shove ratchet/aluminum piece in weed end fill with glob leaving a little airhole, continuously light with lighter and pull slowly or buy a 5 dollar plastic mini torch from dollar general and torch. No one hitter? GB method. Google how to make a waterfall GB with plastic bottles and water. You will need to get a bit creative and extend the GB metal/aluminum top end out a bit so it doesn't get so hit near the plastic it melts. Again, lighter long [remember 20 seconds max] slow inhale or 5 dollar dollar general mini plastic torch torch it.

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thanks user

"I can afford to buy a gram of shatter, but not enough money to buy a pen."

jesus man, learn how to spend money right.

This. My guy has had wax for a while but i don't even fuck with it cause i don't wanna deal with buying a whole rig right now. I'm just fine sticking with my oil pen.