More pic sharing
More pic sharing
yeah ive got her nudes on a usb drive here
keep the thread bumped while i go get it
Oooh boy more
Oh fuck I wanna pound that
If someone reposts my girl from the last thread I'll continue
volafile r/v33ghnur
enter comment and request
Sissy cuck here, I like to masturbate while showing pics of gf to strangers that humiliate and abuse me, I'm submissive too. Discord Anon48#4670
Anon48#7640 *
Damn son yes
Pull them out
More pls
God damn
Bumping for her
Hnnng yes
sadly no
since no one's really biting on my other girls i guess i'll post some more of her
Sc: salinasmatthew
Oh fuck need more
Hell yes
Yes please, more of her
As long as she never stands up or moves from this position this lardass is cute/fuckable.. lol
hate fatties but like her nips/areolae being so bright pink.
roast beefies should still shave/wax their cunts.
Alright then virgin lol
she's a good one. Any more pics like this?
Kik? Love her tits n face
Would you?
I don't, don't even have that one anymore i think lol. my old drive got fried so i lost a good chunk of her stuff
Or this??
She’s got great tits, post all you have? If not, Kik?
Alright, post more here though
That's a shame.
Damn she’s real cute
Damn, that's nice.
She’s not amazingly hot, but her Mouth is identical to my ex’s, so I’m invested in seeing more
yea, she cute as fuck
I wanna rut that slut dude.more
Any more bra and panties?
More nude? Would you post in a Vola? Love seeing her but never saved so far
nah, i'm real real lazy. here's an edited one that i lost the original of though
Fuck, jerking
Let's see those tits
She has a great ass too
Hnnng more like this
In a heartbeat
Show more
Ass in panties?
More of her?
name of the college cheerleader girl who was wearing a diaper and had a bunch of nudes leaked?
Damn more
/r/ing more of related.
she didn't like taking ass pics really.
I said in the last thread that i don't remember. 22, maybe?
i only have so much
nudes pls
More full body
don't have much
God damn yes. I'd bend her over.
Keep posting those tits?)
Who is she to you? How'd you get these?
More tits and face(?
>i only have so much
Fuck that lol i want an infinite amount
keep goin
nudes are needed
That is a sexy women
You still have those webms of her??
she was a friend who sent me nudes a lot
holy shit lol this look like my ex
You’re a damn luck guy. Would you Kik? Huge fan of her nudes
Here they are boys
i don't do you?
any full nude?
Damn, post more here though? Jerking and saving. more shower??
Damn I need friends like this. She know you jerked to her?
great tits
God she’s just my type . Any snaps with text? If not just keep dumping
Just a couple yeah
get cold feet? you can always make an unsee if you want to show off your gf without her getting saved.
I love wet tits. More like this?
He name??
Fuck dude that's so hot. Ever let you watch her fucking?
How old are these pics?
Fucking hot
i hope there's a lot more
One of you guys wanna dump in a Vola or Kik?
thanks for posting
couple years
Fuck I need them
Make a vola!
anyone ever submit to twitter pages?
any pussy?
might as well dump what you have in a vola, that way i can see what im still missing
She’s perfect, keep posting her tits?
nah i'll let the other guy do it
Sure thing. I just have a couple more
dam fine. really want more
nigga scroll up
Describe her in one word/sentence?
i should try to talk to her again, i really do miss the shit she used to give me
Not sure how to do that
Fuck I need more of these
this is probably my favorite video from her. i asked her how she liked her tits played with and she sent me this
Like what?
So today she is 22, and those photos were took couple years ago? How many years ago are we talking?
Oh fuck dude yes
If you do you gotta post it bro
Here’s a Vola room, post here?
Yeah, that's pretty hot. Wish it was longer though
Cute tits
more of her, user. your gf?
nigga like i said idk how old she is now. she was 19 when these pics were taken though
i just don't remember when that was
Rocking body
Nice more
i'm getting really tired of these dudes getting cold feet and deleting their posts. Just make an unsee. Jesus christ.
what the fuck is the problem?
I need friends like her user. her face is at least passably cute enough to jerk myself to...
why is it chicks do this pout/frown thing? And why is it if they have a cute face it';s stupidly hot/sigh inducingly cute to me? even chunky things like this one (she's rather ugly sadly)
even when they';re naty its kinda hot and i hate me for it because i hate never being able to have a nice monogamous vanilla relationship/romance etc....
with someone that I wasn't just desperation with anyway
this is wonderful.
alrighty. I'll join.
Lose the hearts??
ex, lease enjoy
Sorry she is your ex because she's hot af. Make an unsee?
No fucks given
Damn ass
not sure what that is but here's her tits again
One in front, still getting more
I dislike meaty lips (but a cute face helps) but I love how pink her puss and nips/areolae are.
what were the last 2 pics he posted? i missed those
ikr...this one is a favorite
hmmm hot
More now, now, now! Need to cum to her
i didn't catch them either.
More like this please
Kik? Beautiful tits
Fuck, more???
Birth mark on the tits??
Show more this perfect ass
No kik.
fine...last one ;)
Please any full nude?
hell yeah i love hipster chicks. make an unsee?
Any ass or more full frontal?
cute, more?
>desire to breed intensifies
Really loving her tits, any where she squeezes them together?
Going to tomorrow or next week, need a good rebound after my recent relationship. This chick’s a slit, known her for three days.
Eh, afraid that may be all for tonight.
I’m in love. Got Kik??
post your ex, my nigga
Goddamn, nice tits
hate the gut/chub, LOVE the pink nips and paleness.
Yeah really, more. Also I want to lay my head on her chest and cuddle bad right meow :(
Nah man
More of her
any of you guy fuck any of these girls in ass
Cute as fuck fattie. I want to be playful with her, and creampie (but with no risk of kids) and then like.... get buzzed and listen to music or watch tv shows.
I need more of her
Damn, why not?
None to be had, kek, and I’m still waiting for her so watch it, pal
Best tits in the thread
Eh, these were less fine ones but here go:
What's yours
Why did you put more clothes on her. Like start with this pic next time?
Still super hot. Appreciate you sharing any you have man :) thanks
Oh god she needs fap videos.
Kik? Absolutely loving these
waiting for who? for your ex to take you back?
No problem bro. Got a half dozen more lol. Stay tight like I hope both her holes are
Hmmm...So he was behind of that..?
Yeah man, I’ll stick on these threads as long as it takes to see whatcha got of her. Your gf I’m guessing?
Yeah. I don’t want to be /thatfag/ I’m a gap thread but this chick is psycho and not wife material. Ex was perfect. Blonde, 10, Christian, conservative. She’s just not ready as she thought she was to date so I’m gonna try to meet another “one” this year and, if I don’t, I’ll wait for her. It’s retarded but so am I so...
Will speed it up. And nah, tinder thot
Nice haha, she’s a good Thot
Bj vids but too big to post
Only good thot is one who pays taxes
Rock hard from these snaps
post gfs with dick in their butt
good luck on getting your oneitis back, user. i'm rooting for you.
Keep going?
Here to help. One left
Can someone help me with 10 dollars so I can pay this girl to get her nudes, I'll post them asap
Alright. Share insta?
Appreciate it man, hope I can prove myself over how long it takes.
Last one
Alright. Any other thots you got?
Thanks man, appreciate it
Want more?
Last I got, don’t know how I still have it but a chick who led me on. For the dude asking for the one I’m talking to’s stuff, her SC is sadams0602. I think? It’s the day Lee fucked the Union hardest at Chancellorsville (where my /his/ fags at)
on her twitter or what?
Damn, gf? Ex?
That’s a dudes sc
BTW, her bf’s name is Derkk Schoen. Now I’m not gonna tell you what to do but you guys do whatever you like with her Snapchat and bf information. I honestly could care less if one of you adds her or you all do your thing.
I double checked, I promise it’s hers. Probably her bf, like I said.
Brings up a Scott Adams Snapchat
Weird, it should be Sierra Adams.
You got Kik btw?
nice tits, any more of her?
Double check??
Nah but I’ve given y’all enough to find her Facebook
I guess she probably changed it, the name itself was like Sierra and the mermaid emoji
Fair haha