Has anyone here gone on a date before? What's it like? Does it live up to the hype?
Has anyone here gone on a date before? What's it like? Does it live up to the hype?
yes, its not worth it. stay home a play vidya
It's ultra awkward unless you go to a bar and get drinks.
What happened on your date? Vidya is alright, but it gets old after a while.
Can you actually talk at a bar? Most bars I've been to are so loud you can't hear anything.
If you get to know them beforehand you won't need alcohol. If you actually do, you shouldn't be allowed women to potentially spread your retard genes.
How do you get to know them well before the date? Isn't that the point of the date?
Soo...he was behind of that..?
I mean I like them. I find someone I like talking before I ask them out. Depends if you do something you genuinely enjoy. If you enjoy their company then anything is pretty fun.
Unless it is a blind date, probably going to text them a bit before. If online dating then defenitely and if you picked them up out in the wild you will have spoken to them at least a bit and texted them a bit.
Where do you find people to meet and see if you like talking to them?
Yes; utilitarian; and what hype?
Well I've heard that normal people enjoy dating. Is that not the case?
Dating sites and out in the wild. Ive gotten two numbers in college. If in hs/college join clubs with ur interests. Im not an expert sorry. I suggest Hinge for a dating app.
I meant for a first date. Thinking tinder or something
Many bars are too loud but if you can find a quiet spot and drink it can be pretty comfy. You'll warm up to each other fast with some liquid courage in you both
It greatly depends on the person you're going on a date with.
I got a few numbers in college, but that was over a decade ago. Now everyone is married with kids, or too busy working to go out.
What do you need to do on dating app profiles to stand out against all the other men there? Seems like women have the pick of the litter on dating sites.
So do you just ask them to go to x bar at x time? Or try to meet them at the bar instead?
Being attractive helps. I like Hinge because it doesn't have a lot of fake profiles and you can send a message to them before matching. Feel like like it increases chances. Also a lot more balanced male:female ratio versus Tinder.
You are yourself. As stupid as it sounds it is true. People notice if you're lying about yourself unless you're really good at it and you asking about this stuff here is a big clue that you aren't.
Also have reasonable standards. You're not a model, so don't expect the women you fuck to be.
You'll find that women in their 30s are a lot easier to fuck and a lot better in bed than their better-looking 20yo counterparts.
*Be yourself. I'm drunk.
>Being this autistic
Do you know how babies are made?
I don't have much in the way of standards. I keep hearing that women want more sex in their 30s, but they certainly don't want it with me. I don't understand how being myself can help when I've been myself my whole life with zero success.
I read about it once in biology class. But don't have any firsthand experience.
Well before your dad blew his load into your mom, they had to go on dates
Dates are nothing special.
What if my mom get pregnant from a gangbang from a bunch of guys she just met? Dont assume shit asshole.
A gangbang IS a type of date, asshole
This dude is an impostor. My parents are pretty average, and had an average dating life.
A date is also a kind of fruit, what is your point dickhole?
Dont think I tried to impersonate you and your parents sound like assholes, I hope they die and your inheritance is spent on bills and the funeral.
Yes, if you're interested to know better someone you're interested. If you just wanna fuck, it feels boring. If you're not willing to know the person better, don't bother. You'd be losing your time and the other person, too
How's puberty treating you? Did your balls drop yet?
You'll likely lose a bunch of money trying to get laid. Increase Speech so that you can get pussy without spending a dime.
I'm interested in both getting to know someone better and fucking. That's generally what couples do, right?
well played fellow e-chad
I've already invested too many skill points in other areas though. I'd have to focus on speech for the next 20 levels to even have a chance. How much money does it take to try to get laid with a low speech skill?
Yeah, went on a coffee date with the girl I'm dating right now.
Dunno what the hype is about, depends on the date in all honesty. If you're trying to date a gamer then playing some games together would probably count as a date if it's LAN.
I don't personally enjoy most of the typical date scenarios so those tend to bore me.
Thankfully the chick I'm dating right now was a huge slut and wanted my D before anything else, so that helped my interest.
It's loud after hours. Go earlier in the evening and you can talk, then party later.
What's the game? I want to be Chad/10 and kiss her Goodbye too
met up with a heap from tinder. at first they made me super anxious but now its just a little bit of normal nerves. it can be a lot of fun if you like the person otherwise its just a feeling of 'cant wait for this to be over'.
ama whatever you want about it if you want specific answers
did you smash tho?
yeah. i fucked one in a public toilet once
good luck, you'll need it
How do you typically ask them out? Be as specific as possible, since I have no clue what I'm doing.
condom or raw?
Been on hundreds. I like them
I like dubs better though
What type are generally the best? Which are generally the worst? How do you find someone to date?
idk early on I just say 'we should hangout' and usually they say yes but then half just never respond when you try to organize. may not be the best approach but its what has gotten me dates
raw, pulled out and came on her ass but heaps of it dribbled off and made a puddle on the ground
Checked. And the ones that end up in fucking are the best obviously. And just make a tinder account and start swiping. Or if you know a girl you wanna date, ask her out. No guts no glory
Yes many
Its nice but sometimes it feels like an interview.
Some are really awesome and you gain a friend
Some are really awkward if you dont have any mutual interests
Dont go to a movie or a bar for the first date.
Do something simple casual like coffee or ice cream
My bad, the worst are when the girl is a fucking idiot. My worst date ended up in me telling the girl I was going to the bathroom and left her at the restaurant
How do you make it obvious you're looking for a date and not a platonic friendship if you just ask to hang out?
I mean what do you do beforehand? Is a picnic better than dinner and a movie? That sort of thing.
>at the restaurant
the fuck were you doing having a date at a restaurant? are you 50?
Yeah the worst are the ones that literally have nothing to talk about...
I asked this girl what her hobbies were and she said "idk i like to hangout also working"
Another girl I asked what she wanted in a relationship and she said "I dont know but I would rather be in a shitty relationship than no relationship"
She could be in a shitty relationship with me. Maybe through practice it would get less shitty.
Diner is ok for a first date but a movie is a no go.
First date you need a place to sit and talk for 45+ mins. I hand ice cream with this girl and we ended up talking for 4+ hours 2 hours were just standing outside the shop after they closed. It was really nice we dated for about 3 weeks but it ended because she didnt want a committed relationship but I did.
Dates can be extremely simple early on because you are trying to get to know the person not have enjoy something with the person
It may feel that way after the first few. The biggest mistake is going into your first few dates expecting to find the one. Chances are, you won't, and more likely will meet someone who is just blah or ticks all your wrong buttons. Try to keep a positive attitude and as a guy, don't be afraid to say you just aren't feeling a connection and walk away.
folks who lurk here never have, what are you thinking user?
Restaurant dates are fine but not ideal.
You need a place to talk to the person basically.
Coffee is good
Ice cream is good
Dog park is good
Bar is not good because of how loud/distracting everything is. Also not everyone drinks
damn is that Ariane a bitch
What did you find to talk about? I think I've only had a few one on one conversations that lasted over an hour in my entire life.
How many dates does it usually take to find someone compatible?
I dunno, there seem to be a few people here who have. I don't have anywhere else to ask.
Also, I seem to be getting pretty good at this dating thing.
you're just not doing exactly the right things at exactly the right times with no mistakes
what can you expect?
I'm autistic. Admittedly "high function" but I have always had great difficulty with social interactions.
That being said, I love dating. Yeah, it's high stress and I struggle a little. But I've learned that just being me seems to work fairly well.
When I was a little kid I searched for a way to act normal. A role model as such. I found that role model in Johnny Carson. He could go out on stage and totally bomb the monologue yet still stay cool and poised. To this day, I still play the opening music to the old Tonight Show in my head right before talking to someone new, giving a speech or presentation, etc. It works and calms me down.
Never been good at meeting women in a bar and probably never will. Most dates have started with introductions from friends. Blind dates have always been the most fun. It's exciting. I try to make a first date a lunch date. It's non-threatening on both sides and only has you "on stage" for about an hour. You're comfortable with them and arrange a second date or you're not and say "nice meeting you".
I don't date a lot of women. Probably 10 - 15 a year. But I've made a lot of friends, get laid moderately often, and have had a few long term relationships.
>Does it live up to the hype?
Short answer.....absolutely.
But again, I'm fuckin' autistic.
i mean if you match on tinder its pretty obvious theres attraction and its a date not just 'friends'
You need to go on on plenty of fish and swipe yes to every single bitch you see on that dumb ass app until one pathetic ghoul says yes to you and you meet up with her right away and you look her straight in the eyes and with all your heart and soul scream, “I fucking hate you.”
She ditched me and gave me a 5/10
5/10 is at least handjob territory, bitch
We talked about literally everything. Our wants our desires funny movies ect.
This girl last week we had a 3.5 hour dinner date that was awesome too. Talked about lots and lots of stuff some of which was probably way to deep for a first date but thats how it goes sometimes.
Stay away from discussing RAPE (religion abortion politics and ex boyfriends/girlfriends) and you will be fine for the most post.
You should have some idea of what they like before you meet assuming this is online dating.
Be yourself and never ever lie to them. Unless you are looking for a quick fuck and run type thing.
You can feel the vibe almost instantly btw. Sometimes they are very nervous or you are very nervous but just try to relax and be yourself.
Do not try to one up them. If they are telling a story dont tell a more grand story right after
a decade ago? still no dates? are you a wizard? damn man. I've been on countless dates but I'm married now. they are worth it. laugh, have a good time talking to someone, and if it works, you get married like me, and i get to come home every day to someone i love. i get to share all my thoughts, there is always someone to listen to my shit. you share your whole life with them, and in about 6 more months my family will have an additional member too!
>"only" 10-15 a year
You're Chad tier compared to me. Congratulations on the success. I've never been diagnosed with autism or anything like that, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm on that beautiful spectrum. Interacting in normal social situations just seems so complicated and draining. Maybe going on one single date would help me get over some of the anxiety, but that hasn't happened yet.
Easiest ways of getting dates for me are at school and sports clubs. Practicing a mixed sport helpsa lot..
Going on dates is fucking great, nowadays girls pay for everything and still suck your dick and don't really expect to see you again.
It's a win win win really.
well that's mean
Only once.
my gf wanted to try dating so I came with just in case she met a creep. She made me sit in the car.
There's a monumental difference in how much females crave sex when they get older. Keep in mind, a woman reaches her peak around 35 or so (whereas a guy reaches his around 17). The problem is that damn, pesky social stigma for females liking/wanting/having sex. To avoid that stigma, they adopt a "look but don't touch" attitude towards men.
When they get to be around 40-ish, nature & hormones take over, and that stigma be damned. I experienced that firsthand a few years ago: went on POF & openly told the women I met that I wasn't interested in having sex. Part of that was self-motivated: I was going through some psychotic issues &knew I wanted to date, but I didn't want the bullshit that accompanies intimate encounters. The other part was motivated by all that line of horseshit I'd been hearing from women my entire life: "look but don't touch."
Imagine my surprise when, upon learning of my lack of interest in doing that unique form of heterosexual PT (concentrated horizontal hip thrusts, done in rapid succession) or in painting the backs of their throats with my meat brush, every single one of those women either hung up on me or made some sort of excuse to end the conversation/meeting and never contact me again. Oh, the duplicity: crave penis but must not give any indication that penis is craved, and if penis expresses low/no interest in vajayjay, leave immediately & find amenable penis.
Back on track: unfortunately for women, their appearance starts to suffer when they get to that age, so apparently they must figure they better get while the gettin's still good. My experiences certainly validate that observation...
You will find when that happens, "look but don't touch" turns into "touch but don't look."
why are you wasting your time with a whore? you're gonna get attached, it wont work cuz you said yourself shes a slut, then you're gonna get sad, even though you say you won't now.
When you realize girls are whores just like boys are sluts you'll stop being this mad boi
Ok, this is copypasta. I remember seeing this image & text similar to this in a thread about 2wks ago.
Sage, guys.
~20ish before I met my now fiance. It's not saying that I fucked 20 women before (just 3).
Most of that was just a friendly meetup with no expectations. Some made it to dinner/movie on a 2nd date, and even fewer led to a 1month anniversary (don't do this, it's a sign of insecurity).
Had a serious-ish relationship with #14 for 3 years before a bad breakup but I learned a bit more about myself and what I really wanted in life and kinda glad it happened. Even now, not sure what the future holds, but I hope it's with her. Scares me too since it's the furthest I've gotten in a relationship and with all the toxic shit going on right now, I'm more worried that some girl from my past might just come back and try to ruin everything I've built. But looking back to how I started as a naive young guy outta HS who thought he knew everything and what he wanted, I'm glad I didn't give up.
It's great! The first few dates with people will suck ass because you'll probably have to get used to interacting with another person again, but after that it can be really fun getting to hang out with someone. You might even meet someone (kinda) like you
If religion and/or politics would be a deal breaker, don't you want to know that early on so you can call things off?
Yep, I am indeed a wizard. Congrats on the happy family and new arrival. Lucky for me my sister recently had a kid, so my parents don't have to rely on me for grandchildren.
how old are you honest?
Ive been on 10~ first dates since the beginning of this year. Almost all of them were great many second dates too. I wanted a relationship with one of the girls stated above but it didnt work out.
I suggest using bumble rather than tinder. I havent used hinge yet but I am thinking about it.
Also always offer to pay the check she will probably say to split and ask her to get it next time which will line up a 2nd date.
My problem is I have a ton of money but I refuse to allow a gold digger in my life.
Some women are super super awesome until that instant when they lose intrest and you can feel it even see it.
If her texts ever go from big long blocks to single word replies its over
Also if you are looking for LTR dont fuck on the first date. If she is down to fuck first date she is not going to last
No, I'm36 and because I was hungry. When I take a girl out she is just along to hang out with me while I do what I want to do. You know, because girls don't want to make decisions and would prefer if you make them for them. You'll figure it out one day.
Yep, obviously women want sex too. It's not at all surprising that they gave up on you when you said you weren't interested in sex.
Trouble is, men also apparently can't express interest in sex, or they're creeps. So men have to somehow walk that fine invisible line between prude and creep, and hope it works out.
I am the original poster...
People do stay on this site longer than you think...
This is true. But if I want to go get drunk then my date is stuck with me while I get drunk or she can leave. I never ask for their input. I just say I'm going to do this. Wanna come?
redpilled AF
how big is your dick? would you tribute my girl?
>Interacting in normal social situations just seems so complicated and draining.
It is for almost everyone. It helps having no goals. Not a relationship...not sex.....nothing. Just two people talking. It takes a lot of the pressure off.
Ask friends if they know any single girls you might get along with. I'll bet they all know at least one. At least when you meet, your friend has already told them a little bit about you and told you a little bit about them. You have a few subjects to talk about and I plan a few conversation questions and comments in advance.
based redpilled user, so assertive
I like your style rich user. I always make it known that I'm not paying for their shit all night. I'll buy them a drink or two but I'm not covering the whole bill. I find that they're more than happy to buy me drinks as well. But I'm not rich. But you have to be extra careful. I've always thought that if I got rich I'd move to a new state and get a regular car and small apartment and get to know someone before they found out I had money
Sounds like you're on the right track. Hope things work out well for you.
Are physical activity dates better for folks like me who are poor conversationalists? I can't imagine managing to talk for hours like some of the people here mentioned.
I'm 33.
Oh, right, the whole "who picks up the check" thing. Money isn't an issue, and I'd happily pick up the check, but like you I don't want someone to be with me just because she likes getting free meals. Do women actually offer to split these days without bullshit tests? I've seen dating advice for women essentially saying that to offer to split, but if the man doesn't insist on paying every time he's a loser.
LTR would be ideal, but I'd kinda like to just fuck once or twice to get it out of the way. Otherwise I'd just disappoint a potential LTR when the time comes.
Thanks user. And my dick is right at 6 inches. And while I appreciate the offer, I have to kindly decline
Oh, right. Having friends. I remember that. Those were the days.
I wouldn't say assertive, just understand women and know how to treat them
I've only had one female take the initiative to plan a date and it was just so she could go on a day trip to a town on the ocean and her favorite restaurant.
If you want to have a good first date choose an activity or something with built-in fun. Comedy clubs are a good one, there are drinks available and a show that will, generally, be entertaining. Places to avoid are going to be restaurants or anything else where you are required to talk the whole time and be the entertainment. save that for the next date if you are interested in another and want to get to know her better.
If you're fat, start fasting for minimum 3 days, drinking only water and taking your daily dose of vitamins, minerals and most importantly; table SALT.
After three days you could start your eating habits from scratch, and your stomach is shrinked.
Then start working out, watch scooby for the DIY fitness and intro to working out, or go to a local gym and ask for a personal trainer. (Bonus social skills to be gathered)
Watch vids on how to talk, flirt and be more likeable and start practicing on cashiers and other people you unwillingly have to interact with. You will very quickly notice how easy it is to be socially acceptable.
Dress more fashionably, Google trends and Google hairstyles matching your face type and hair type. Pluck your mono or go to the doctor about zits if they have been a prolonged issue. (Pills that dry out your skin works wonders)
Finally, start hitting on unattractive women. Have sex and train your game learnt from videos or through the hard way to hit on more attractive women.
If you haven't got a job, get one.
If your place is messy, keep it clean and stylish. Women loves when a man has a place they would like to stay in. (Shocker right)
Also, try to get some friends. Any will do but they get your social life from retarded to bearable hella quick. Pretend to like what coworkers, people at the gym etc likes and fill in awkward silences with funny made up stories or whatever.
Godspeed virgin anons.
You could all get a decent looking woman in approx three years if you work for it, and it's worth it. Dying alone is horrifying.
nevermind she's into BBC so 6 inches was on the small side anyway
>understand women
man you've done what no one has before, you should write a book or a blog
Yeah, I wasn't blessed with a huge dick. Make up for it in looks and psychology though
every single diner date ive had offered to pay or split
If I do simple like coffee or ice cream I always pay and I always order for them. Ask them what they like then order both yours and theirs together.
Tip well they do look.
Just sign up for some dating apps and try it out. If you live in a big city you will get matches. Make sure your pics are good and show your full body. Dont do bathroom selfies.
Show your face clear and brightly lit ect.
Keep your profile text short and simple. Ask a question in it so they have a reason to message you.
You can talk to someone for hours about stuff because you dont know each other. Its part of getting to know the person. Conversation is easy once its flowing. The bad dates are the ones where silence is 50% of the time.
This is a reason why bars are not good because its repeated payment unless you get a tab.
Last girl I took to a bar she go so wasted she could stand up. I cleared the tab she started and took her home. She passed out and woke up at 2pm
They're actually pretty simple. They're biologically betas and need an alpha. Treat them like they want to be treated and they'll respond accordingly
this is what retards on the internet think real life is like
No need to defend your size here user, other user is a fucking cuck.
I would rather die a virgin than to live life as a cuck.
got any sources on the fasting
i'm not quite ready to start taking medical advice from Yea Forums.
Any videos or channels you'd recommend on how to talk or flirt? I've watched various PUA stuff over the years. It all seems so fake.
I don't mind the repeated payment. Plus it leaves it open if I want to change venues on a whim or something. Plus I hang out in small dive bars because it's quiet without a bunch of drunk 20 frat kids and the service is faster so it's no big deal to me
I disagree somewhat. First dates should be about the talking aspect and second dates should be a fun thing.
First dates should be planed to be 45~ mins but can run way longer if the chemistry is working.
My go to recently is ice cream.
Coffee is a close second.
Diner is a distant third.
But one rule is dont expect anything from them at all. If you go into it thinking she owes you something you will fail.
Basically you are there to make a friend and if that happens more can happen from there.
Because you're thinking of the pissed off incel version of it. Treat them nice. Open their door and all that bullshit. Just make sure they feel that they're with a man that doesn't have to ask questions and has a plan and panties get wet. Apply that and you'll see that it is real life
I'm not worried about my size man. I get pussy
The problem these days is all sorts of men are acting like nice guys but they are just acting and women can feel this.
Dont act like a nice guy be a good man.
Also op depending on how you look you might need to lower your standards a lot
And you're right. There's no fucking way
I don't have standards. The times I've tried hitting on fat chicks I got rejected as well. The problem is I have no clue how to flirt.
are you fat?
are you bald?
are you creepy af?
dont act like you are trying to get with them act like you are trying to get know them
act interested in the things they say
If you can present something of value, even if you are a dick, they'll convince themselves you're a good guy because of their ego. Their need to feel wanted and valued will make them do stupid shit. That's why they'll stay with a dude that kicks the shit out of them. So I really cant say being genuinely good and playing nice will make any difference. But I just prefer to be genuinely good. Nice but not a pushover
Rule number one user: The best way to get a woman's attention is to let her talk about herself
The fasting thing is part personal experience and by coincidence factual (one scientific study). A YouTube channel named "what I've learned did a video on it.
But the most important part as I said is salt, so many retarded NPCs have tried water fasting and flushed out all their electrolytes (commonly known as table salt). Which is an EXTREMELY important mineral to have a regulated amount of in your body, as too little can cause osmosis (physics property, water moves into cells due to high concentration of salt inside of the cell membrane compared to outside) causing braincells to swell and leaving you with seizures etc.
Fasting is found to be the best diet, and I started out of curiosity towards my Muslim friends during Ramadan and decided to go on a longer fast than 12 hrs. I lost 20 kg (? lbs) in 4 months.
If you're used to overeating and eating to feel happy you will benefit immensely from it.
Watch something that has sources in psychology, I've gotten my social skills the hard way, but one of my friends watched charisma on command and got some results out of it. You should practice on peers to, and engage in pop culture to have topics to use.
It’s decently fun. It doesn’t usually live up to the hype tho. Except occasionally when you just click with someone, then it’s super fun. Especially when it ends with cummies and vidya.
They spend hours in front of the mirror because they're self absorbed. Ask them quesrions and let them ramble on and act like you give a shit. I always remember one key point from every paragraph they spew and elaborate on that. Makes them think you're a good listener
A bit on the chubby side, but not too bad.
Not bald, but my hair is starting to thin a bit. My dad is bald, so I probably don't have that much longer.
I have no idea if I'm creepy. I try to be normal, but I'm probably not doing it very well.
As to just acting friendly, that's the part I really don't get. Acting friendly gets you a friend (which is often the goal, don't get me wrong), but if you want more than a friend, I don't understand how to do things differently.
Sorry for the bad form, I'm lazy
Dates fucking suck it's like a job interview for sex. I wish you could just skip to being like 2-3 months into the relationship where you can actually be real around each other instead of putting up the front you think they want
It really depends on you and the person you're going in a date with. I've had some that were some of my best memories and others that I kinda wish I could forget.
this is actually really good advice. most women love talking about themselves, so ask a lot of questions to give them prompts to do so, and you can build an entire conversation just on that.
>where do you work?
>do you like it?
>get along with your boss?
>did you go to school for that?
>do you see it as a career or just a job?
>if you could have any job what would it be and why?
>what's stopping you from pursing that dream job?
>are you working on the dream job on the side?
>do you do anything else on the side, what kinds of hobbies or interest?
>oh that's cool, what's your favorite band/artist/movie/whatever the fuck hobby she said?
it's really not that complicated, don't overthink it. and like all things you'll get better with practice.
Drop clues that you don't want to be friends and never let that point die. "I want to date/fuck you, not be your friend" Hit on them occasionally to let them know what you're looking for. If she doesn't want what you want move to the next one. Law of averages man. At least 5 out of every 100 girls will date or fuck you
Well if its a date the goal is more than a friend. Online dating is meant to find a partner/lover.
Are you on any online dating apps?
Sign up for at least 3 of them. Post some pics make a basic profile and swipe away.
See what you get.
Even just texting is experience for the actual dating.
Literally the worst that can happen is nothing
You can’t get Pregnant from a gangbang. Everyone knows that retard.
>actually be real around each other instead of putting up the front you think they want
this is why dating sucks because people are fake as fuck
I am always real with them and tell them what I want. So far that has worked very well but a lot of them are faking shit. Once ive been lied to Im out
This man gets it
They will ask you questions back btw.
You have to at least be able to talk for 20 mins to them.
If you cant strike up a conversation with the cashier at the grocery store you need more practice before dating.
Add me on discord
Easier to communicate less clutter
Signing up for dating sites and having absolutely nothing happen would be considerably worse than where I am right now. Now I at least have the glimmer of hope that if I really tried I might be able to get a date.
>don't act like you are trying to get with them
>Drop clues that you don't want to be friends and never let that point die.
How does any man manage to navigate this minefield of contradictory rules?
>putting up the front you think they want
>being like 2-3 months into the relationship where you can actually be real around each other
You dumb fuck. Pretending to be someone you're not quickly leads to dissatisfying relationships, and women are too impatient nowadays to wait 2-3 months for you to be real.
Be real from the start, don't try to manipulate your way into a relationship with someone. If you get rejected, then move on to the next one. And the next one. Repeat until you can find someone to be happy with while being completely genuine. Life is too short to make yourself miserable in the short term so you can be miserable in the long term.
i think i'm probably a little older than the average user (just turned 34) and also had to drop everything and move to a city where i knew nobody for a great job opportunity six years ago, so i had to go on a LOT of shitty dates.
my job also requires a ton of talking/interfacing with people so i get a lot of practice conversing. it's shocking how many people don't understand that conversation is a skill that can be learned. and i was a fucking acne riddled antisocial incel in high school, if i can learn it anyone can.
What do you talk to cashiers about? You have 3 minutes with them, so there's no room for anything deep. I can smalltalk about the weather with the best of them.
>How does any man manage to navigate this minefield of contradictory rules?
None of it's contradictory user. It's an art form. You have to learn the nuances
You dont you just be yourself...
acting is bad
Also just sign up... if you are in a big metro area you will get likes no matter what.
Based on what you said
You have some amount of money
A car
No kids
No ex wife
probably white
No fat as fuck
Some hobbies
You might not end up with a 9 or 10 out of the gate but you could
Literally the date is the easiest least time consuming part
Its the talking to endless women and ghosting endless to find one worthy of a date thats the hopeless part
Being ghosted after setting up a date happens too
Actually tonight I was supposed to go out on a date but we never established a location and she didnt respond
If you are 33 you are peak desirable age
You can date up to 40 or so and down to 23 or so without anyone looking at you weird.
I'm with you bro. I'm 36
don't have discord, sorry
Its a 3 minute date
Talk to them about the weather or local news or their hair or if they recommend something to buy.
Small talk leads to big talk.
I am not saying to hit on them but just for basic practice of talking to someone you literally dont know at all
my man
How2rich, user?
Elbow grease or inheritance?
So you have to act like you're not interested in a relationship or sex, but at the same time make it obvious that you're interested in a relationship or sex. How exactly is that not contradictory?
Yep, you summed me up reasonably well. I wouldn't even try for a 9 or 10 though. Even if by some miracle they were interested I'd just feel inadequate. I'd feel much more comfortable with an average looking woman.
>h-hey I don't know you but give me your personal telephone number
>"uhh hey, it's me, some guy, let's go to like an eating place thing"
>"so do you like music and stuff"
then no, I have never had a "date", unless you're a cringy american I don't think anyone actually does this.
>meet girl at school, work, party, or whatever random occasion
>sweet talk her, make her want to fuck you
>Decide if you want to pursue relationship or abandon
I'm 27 but i've never "taken a girl out to dinner" or whatever, most cringy shit I ever did with a girl was watch "Mama mia" with her in a movie theater.
I enjoyed it. I was in love and emotional. Go fuck yourself.
get out there and go for it
Nothing to lose...
most guys are pieces of shit man
Like I said if you live in a big city you will get matches.
If you live in a tiny ass town its going to be rough
I never said anything about not acting like interested in sex or dating. Ever. The point was that if you want to avoid the friend zone you have to make your intentions known. Otherwise, to the zone you'll go by default
these trips tho
I was referring to this post .
You say make your intentions known. He says to hide the fact that you're interested in more.
These days, if you make your intentions known in the wrong way you end up getting #metoo'd, and as a complete novice I'm sure I'll fuck it up.
Well to really fuck your head up, that's two different tecniques. You have to find the way that fits you.
He's like my brother. Ignore them till they like you
My way is to not bullshit. You only get what you ask for. If you want a girlfriend you'll never get one unless you let them know that's what you want. Women have no shortage of prospects and will only go for the ones who try to get what they want because it shows that man is stronger than the rest and could be a good provider/protector. It's primal. Just break it down to the most primal and it'll make sense