I'm new to Yea Forums.
Advice and Tutorial plz
I'm new to Yea Forums
Give up. Move on
put fortune in the options field
How do?
eat your greens
stay in s4s and dont frogpost
stay in [s4s] and keep frogposting but don't animepost
Don't mention that you're a newfag
stay in s4s and post anything you want because this is nice board
but don't namefig, we have too many of those
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Post heavy metal, make no sense, and act better than everyone else. You'll fit right in
you have zero awareness
You might as well be cultivating rice in here as far as I'm concerned
I have to go to work, post your ugly face and dirty asshole some more you freak
Irony board
I hate you
You're going to die here without me
prove it
How many more times do I need to prove it?
once is enough
ive been gone for so long i dont even remember how to fortune
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
read the faq, stop posting frogs, and lurk for some time before posting
or don't, you can really just do whatever here
I know everything about Yea Forums, no seriously, I mean there is not one thing I don't know about it, the history, the tripfags, the copypasta, memes and dubs. I can't even begin to tell you how many dubs I have got in my 10 years on Yea Forums but let me tell you it's a lot, a hell of a lot. For all intensive purposes I should just hold back some of this mountain of knowledge I possess, my mind is just a powerhouse of Yea Forums facts and figures, but what can I say I like to educate my fellow Yea Forumsquatches, surely you've all seen me relentlessly push topkek on Yea Forums for years now and seen my superior knowledge of the gets and seen my sharp wit and clever use of oc at play. Surely you have seen me post picture after picture of doge and facts that prove how GOAT prime minister face, scrubmaster, and myself are, an it's all been for you fellow brothers, I know you all respect me an have huge amounts of admiration for me and my posting abilities, as a great man once said, I'm responsible for 90% of gets on Yea Forums, well I said it but you know it's true anyway. I'd just like you also to know I'd appreciate it if you asked my permission when starting a thread about lel, kek, any dubs generals or anything really, to be safe just run everything though me as I am the man around here, Please could you also tell all the new namefigs that I am the example they must live up to an to follow my lead of informative and interesting posting skills, well I'm off to watch some froge
trust the namefig
and stay hydrated
bump for nigger. kill all fucking niggers
s4s is reddit so its ok user
Get out of s4s, and head to Yea Forums or /trash/
install gentoo
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Always remember, this is the place where hopes and dreams come to die so expect nothing useful except self loathing nihilists
he problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [s4s] through the Yea Forums board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [s4s], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.
I actually just flipped over to the Yea Forums interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [s4s] is like this.
Put fortune in the options field
>kek kek kek
Go to /pol/ user. Its good and friendly and funny for newfags.
lurk for like a year at least honestly unless you just wanna out your self as new constantly there is actually a LOT of lingo with misleading definitions
archive this fag and do the opposite of everything he does
Everyone had the opportunity to be a newfag
you either involve or you leave Yea Forums
don't waste this opportunity
are fun boards for newfriends
if you need a year of lurking to figure out how Yea Forums works you're braindead lmao
if you think you understand how shit works after a year you're braindead
You understand nothing and never will understand anything
whatever phone poster
Try to learn what sort of posts to take seriously and what to discard. Most of the time people fuck with you endlessly, but sometimes you can get a lot of deep and insightful information from Yea Forums posts.
Oh wow. That hurt me right down to my sim card. I'm sorry that I have a life and like to Chan on my breaks at work. Gfy buddy
Will I not be lonely in the near future?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Someone pleaae translate this, does this mean I won't be lonely soon?
lots of rudeposters tonight
Binge Ojamajo Doremi
nice dubs
posting a froge reveals the niceposter's ugly face
does anyone have that image of pepe getting his eyes gouged?
what's with all the "new" people
which subreddit was talking about us
some redpill sub got shut down and some of the teens came to this board even it isn't redpill-themed