Funny anime ylyl

Funny anime ylyl

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no such thing

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I don’t get it

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I don’t get that either..

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I don’t understand can you explain?

Oh my god are you a dum dum or just a baka?

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not changing my mind here

Dum dum as in stupid? What’s a baka?

Anyone here seen Jurassic Park 3

Don't watch it

Oh no! You really are dum dum! Stop now! Stop teasing a smoll anime girl!

You’re missing out bro it’s awesome. There’s this big ass dinosaur that’s legit bigger than T-rex and it just starts fucking up this plane and couple cunts die

I don’t watch anime anymore, I did in my early 20s but after Attack on titan came out I lost interest, I mostly just watch Jurassic Park now, U seen it bro?


O.. u know what dinosaurs r tho ye? They’re sick bro

Do they have big tits and butts? And penises?

heck yeah man silly they made em chickens now, I used to fucking love Jurassic Park

Idk about tits but yeah a trex would probably have a pretty big dick I would imagine but I’m not a doctor.

I just like the dinosaurs because the Jurassic Park movies remind me of Naruto

Oh OwO! Do dinos have super sexy chests? And mega strenght? And power of ultra instinct?

My worst fear is being in that kitchen with the raptors and they’re all really horny and can smell really well

Sexy? Uhh idk lol I think I would have to be a dinosaur to find another dinosaur sexy.. they do have lots of strength because some of them are so big, u could probably fuck a dinosaur I mean there was heaps of them im sure u could at least finger them

Geez you must be fun at parties...

Sounds tasty! Thanks, onii-chan!

I host Jurassic Park marathons but no alcohol or hitting women

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lmfao I liked that yes indeed


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What does Yea Forums think of this rapist and his 13 year old girlfriend?

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Baka=Idiot in Japanese

I think they're a cute couple

They might be getting married.

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I know where you live.

Could you shop Ray Pist into the coffin?