Just got caught stealing, ran..left car there..what do. Pic related

Just got caught stealing, ran..left car there..what do. Pic related

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are you a nigger

Nope white

Suicide you fucking nigger

Lol thought about it. But shoplifting is a rush

Stop behaving like niggers and report yourself

get a lawyer or turn yourself in

Like they are going to stake out my car...doubt it

was it clear to them that the car belonged to you? If not, do you think that if they look at the camera footage, they will see it's your car? If there is a big risk of them finding you through your car, you should turn yourself in and make up a story about how you don't know what came over you, and you're so sorry etc. That way, the punishment will not be as bad.

if not, you should discretely retrieve your car in the middle of the night. Also, never take your car with you again when you go stealing.

No, they followed me out of the store. Told me to come back in. So I said no and ran ..never went near my car

First mistake: Stealing is OK.
Second mistake: Won't get caught stealing.
Third mistake: "Like they are going to stake out my car...doubt it"
You're out! And you deserve it, you prick.

Yeah this is the best advice

Have someone pick up my car and test

You're fine. Just go get your car. Fuck these retarded fags in here. Most cameras are so shitty they can't read your plate.

Hope you get caught you little shit

Thanks, I will. The store is closing next month so I don't think they care too much

Change my clothes put on a hat n sunglasses

if you leave your car there too long they could identify it, why dont you dress up in a weird costume and take an uber to go get it now

not a hat and sunglasses, unless you want to stand out. Put on a regular set of glasses, it makes you almost uimpossible to recognize (or take them off if you regularly wear them).

If you don't own a pair of glasses, you should consider stealing them from a different store.

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Yeah I need to drive to work tonight

I know I shouldn't have to say this, but change your clothes.

Get a job and earn your shit you scum bag

Grand idea

I been caught stealing. Once. When I was five. I enjoy stealing. It's as simple as that.

I do earn it, I'm stealing shit I don't need

If you’re gonna steal, why steal garbage?

Just steal another car.

I have another vehicle lol

i’m sending screenshots of this 2 the police and have them search for reports of a stolen speaker lol

Lolz aren't you a cute little shitstain

What police are you sending it to, please tell me more

They probably have police there who will check the cameras and find your car and send your fingerprints back to crime lab for a open-shut case.

Imagine going to prison and how annoying it would be having to explain you got caught shoplifting at every job interview for the rest of your life

I work security and the store I work at never really confronts anyone or even calls the police unless you do something crazy or violent.

Kind of pathetic you have to steal those shitty ass headphones? Post it online like you're some pro thief after a big heist. If you like stupid shit like that then imagine how
much stupid shit you could buy with a paycheck.

You just picked up a charge that will fuck you for the rest of your life for what exactly? headphones?

>They probably have police there who will check the cameras and find your car and send your fingerprints back to crime lab for a open-shut case.

This does not happen in reality, lol...you fucking think they "send off fingerprints to the crime lab" for petty theft? LOL

let's spend $10,000 to catch this guy who stole a $23 thing

Send the fingerprints, lol that's funny. And they have 5 detectives

If the car isn't stolen they will trace it back to him. If it is stolen then they certainly will take fingerprints and then he will be charged with something a bit bigger then petty theft.

Lol this

my nephew got 5 years for shoplifting a pair of socks from Ross. If he was black it would be 10 years.

fingerprints don't cost $10,000 you obviously have not studied criminal science

Take off the hat but change shoes

>my nephew got 5 years for shoplifting a pair of socks from Ross

no fuckin way...what # offense was it is the question

the process does. requires a dozen people to do work at least. reality is complex.

Go completely naked and shave your head. They are looking for a guy with clothes on. As they search for the shoplifter, you will be hiding in jail the place they least suspect.

I walked by a cop driving by while I was running away

Socks would be a fucking Summons Charge. A $150 fine. That's it.

stuff like this heavily depends on state and even county.

It was a 12 pack of Nike socks

>Lost car
>Stole a Speaker

awesome trade

This being over 2 hours ago, I think if they associated me with my car. They'd be knocking

Herp Derp - I exited my car in a parking lot that's probably entirely monitored by cameras - tried to rob a store - and don't think they can rewind the film to see where I came from.......

Return to the scene of the crime before your car is the only one left in the lot.

He's already fucked by cameras

This kid does not realize that this will prevent him from getting jobs

Kid if they offer you pre trial intervention DO NOT FUCK IT UP. you CANNOT GET A JOB WITH A THEFT CHARGE.

Fingerprinting is expensive. It's not a murder or a rape. Mr. Informative murder porn

return it back

I have a theft charge and have not been jobless

Just wear totally different clothes from what you were wearing when you stole the shit, make sure there are no police around(i doubt there would be) get in your car and go home. Also stop stealing thats nigger shit

Yea, cuz they have no real crimes to investigate and will send the whole force to deal with this serious problem.

Just go get a family member to go retrieve your car if you are too scared to do it. Next time park your car away from the store so you can run to it maybe like 2-3 blocks away. Security won't chase you that far.

>involve your family member in your petty theft, potentially burning extremely important bridges in addition to fucking up your life with a charge

great idea

they have him on parking lot cameras getting out of his car and going into the store

they have him on store cameras stealing and running

Tell me which store and ill delete the video footage for you Yea Forumsro

Update, walked back got car. Back home

>niggers can’t stop stealing

>companies have to pay millions for innovative security locks on products

>cost of all items rises for everyone

Just another way we have to pay for niggers. If the founding fathers had any idea we would have to pay for these monkeys for the rest of eternity then they would have just dumped them all in a nigger while some place instead of letting them be free.

They'll be talking to you within a few days.

I used to just walk into grocery stores when I was 18 and grab beer and walk out. I did it at least 15 times before one store finally caught on. I was walking out with 2 30-bombers of Keystone Light (yep, piss water) when some guy yelled at me and chased me out the store.

My friends and I expected it so when I came running out the side door they pulled their truck up and I jumped in the back. And our license plate was angled down so you couldn't read it.

Spent about 6 months not going back into that store.

Went in there to the deli one day after that and one of the managers gave me a nasty look. So I asked for a ton of food and walked out with it again before they could radio to the security.

Haven't been back in like 14 years. But I'm also no longer an idiot.

Good times.

Oh ya?

Steal it back to the store

You see that Jussy Smollet case? Dumb nigger and his dumb nigger drug dealer were filmed on so many different cameras being dumb niggers. You think you just going to walk away Scott free? Forget it. They already know who you are, where you live and how many people your mother fucked in high school. They’re going to throw you under the jail buddy. You should be expecting a knock on your door any second now. Who am I kidding??? They likely have a warrant. I hope you don’t like your front door as they should be busting it in half with a battering ram any second know.

That's a dumb story