Be me

>be me
>pre-op trans girl
>20 weeks into hrt
>suddenly get horny so I reach down my panties
>my dick is all soft and small due to the hormones
>I jerk off until I moan
>a bit of cum shoots into my mouth
>mfw I just came in a girls mouth

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You're just a guy with a tiny dick.

Jealous virgin

I hate you and I hate that image

Post in trap threads you faggot lipped shit

epic image, comrade

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fucking niggers from reddit...

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It's a pretty nice piece of fiction.

But you're just a confused kid who drank the kool aid, and after the pills wrecked yer dick and sexual opportunities, had a weird self-love sesh that ended in you accidentally eating some of your own seed.

Sad denial life is sad.

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Wrong pic

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