Is this 2019 year where mouse officially lost everything?

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What's the deal with jewish people?

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Aaaaaand now I can officially add her to my stable of waifus.

She sounds like she fucks goyim guys

Gal Gadot 2020

They are as divided as white people. Its kind of sad really.

They're not Jewish and they're not people!

She's Jewish.

What the FUCK are the Jews endgame? All this time I thought it was making every country they infiltrate weaker which makes sense because their country becomes stronger in the process but now they're shitting on their country too.

americanized/american jews simply want to watch the world burn

jews arent a hivemind

It's chaos. They are a force of chaos. Probably unintentionally too.

Because we're a hivemind like the proud aryans amiright? I just wanna fly (pilot) and get blow jobs from the stewardesses.

Honerstly I think if she really wants it, it can happen faster than Thanos snap.
Even though she wasn't born in US. (if you are talking about US elections that is, no one give a fuck who runs Is Real)

There are zionists which are same thing as globalists, and there are other jews.
But sadly most powerful jews ARE first.

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I respect Israel more than I respect the city they flew 2 planes into.

The world isn't as simple as one might want it to be.
I have a jewish friend who constantly makes holocaust jokes, references to how he has a half dick and he absolutely hates niggers.

In fact, he's gotten banned from several games for calling everyone a nigger.

It's a double-edged sword kind of thing. When your entire culture is about backstabbing and jewing others, it's only a matter of time before you end up jewing your own peoples.

I'm exactly the same as your friend. He's probably insanely neurotic.

how much would I have to pay to have gadot dress like this in reality and it not just be a shitty shop?

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He should have used his YAHWEH-given "this is antisemetism!" card.

user, israel will be a muslim majority country in few decades

Why can't all Jews stay in Israel and leave us alone?

Anger and jealousy. They hate the western world for being united, for having actual cultures and homelands and ethnicities, whereas all they have is a label. And they want to bring everyone down to their level. In the USA, they're seen as more or less holy beings. They've certainly succeeded there.

because I and many I know can't fucking speak hebrew my dude because we had secular parents who didn't give a shit except the "you're jewish" part. I know english, german, french and some swedish. What the fuck am I gonna do in Israel?

imagine her femdom (you) no home shit tho just bully you into eating her ass/puss and then climb on your dick and ride it till she is done it dosent even matter if you cum a few times in the process the ride never ends.
>why even

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>[celebrity] SLAMS [x]
Do you retards really have to post on here every time an article like this is made?

>jews have no culture
Jews are literally the oldest surviving homogenous community in the world, bound by ethnic, religious, and cultural norms, residing in ethno-centric country of their own. If that's not a culture I don't know what the fuck is. Meanwhile glorious aryans with muh heritage are busy flooding themselves with immigrants, turning into trannies, and celebrtating white genocide. What a based culture worthy of jealousy!

Håpefully get gassed along with your rat nation

jew are everything but ethno, they are the oldest mutts in the world

>What the FUCK are the Jews endgame?


Is she into feet stuff?

I still don't get the hate the Jews get in this website. Jews are pretty awesome desu. They're pretty ok in my book, really.

They are a practical people who value education and self-improvement, while squeezing the last drop of value out of everything they can. Friend of mine back in college used to eat entire apples, including the core, the seeds, and the stems. I think of myself as pretty much of a skin flint, but I could never do something like that.

They're survivors, if not necessarily thrivers. Whether or not it's their own innate traits that leads to them being persecuted, they HAVE been persecuted. And yet despite this they have spread to all corners of the globe.

Let me ask you a question, Yea Forums. Americans (?) that you are, how do you think your people would fare if a:

a) cataclysmic event drove you from your homes,
b) spread you across the world,
c) diverging you among other populations that soon your groups don't even look like each other anymore?

Would even after that, you could still conceive of each other as American? and be able to find common ground and rebuild your society?

Because that's what the Jews did. And with no lack of help from the gentiles, Jews are now the richest and highest IQ population of people in the world, reclaiming the nation that was lost to them for 2000 years. It is a fantastical success story.

Why hate them?

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Looks creepy. This is how gimps dress. Makes me think of gross scat eating men.

>be jew
>migrate to israel
>get sterilized by the state
>also be black

Jews support jewish nationalism and it's strange that white nationalists are against them because Israel is the perfect example of an ethnostate.

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Kys immediately, Jew sympathizer.

Jee wiz my dude an immigrant not knowing the country's native language would be so uncommon my dude I'm sure Israeli cousins don't know English anyways ;)

>And with no lack of help from the gentiles, Jews are now the richest and highest IQ population of people in the world

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most white nationalists support israel

oy vey, she'll have an ((((((accident))))))

They are against white nationalists, user. That's where the anger comes in. Ethno state for me, but not for thee.

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Really makes one think

Lmao at the state of polfags in this thread, can't decide if they're antisemitic or full blown Zionist.

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not really

flying/working on planes is like the most aryan thing you can do

/pol/incels are on suicide watch every day of the week nowadays

Well you either fall on one side or the other depending on if they pay you or not, true


Bale is a shit actor with a faggy lisp and I bet he loves poos too

It isn't really widely discussed, but the internal politics of Israel are far from being an united front.
There are stories popping up now and then, but in general, the western media keeps hush about it

Jewfus are the best.

I can't tell who's Jewing who anymore

israeli jews and conservative western jews are lawful evil american/european liberal jews are chaotic evil

Yeah h-heh like when they get b-btfo with fbi crime statistics.

>They are against white nationalists, user.
Israel has good relationships with literally all natonalist european parties though.
Stop confusing american kikes with Israelis.

>New World Order
>Socialism for all
>Mixing up all the races
>Animal-human hybrids
>1984 style surveillance state

every jew has the gene that makes people schizo

what about boats?

Chaos is only one of the ten sephirot. If they're true to Jewish mysticism then they seek balance. However many rabbis lose their way and peach incorrect direction to their flocks.

Why does a picture of a latex maid make you think of men eating literal shit?

I think you're genuinely mentally ill

>Socialism for all
>Mixing up all the races
>Animal-human hybrids
Literally nothing wrong with these three. Are you saying you didn't like Street Sharks and TMNT?

>>Mixing up all the races
only works if all subhumans are killed off first

>American kikes
They're known as the international Jew, no need to confuse things by inventing new terms

You’ll get your helicopter ride soon, mulatto marxist


Isreali jews just want their own nation with nothing but jews in them. So they use their jewish tricks in order to cause infighting amongst the muslim neighbours so they're too busy to kill the isreali jews and hopefully if they kill each other off they can take over the land.

American jews are using their jewish tricks in order to open borders, invite more muslims in and to spread socialism and to create their liberal LGBT utopia. This is why when american jews come and live in Isreal, they ruin things there too with their tricks.

Ultimately while both sides are bad, isreal jews are easier to ignore as long as you stop all the isreali lobbyists and politicians they keep funding to send them more money and military secrets.


You are so fucking stupid holy shit

>the international Jew
most of which are american

>tricks in order to cause infighting amongst the muslim neighbours
any examples?

ISIS is a isreal invention.

What does this have to do with Disney?

so Israels plan was it to have iranian troops equipped with russian weapons next to their border?

Ilhan Omar is a socialist, not even a social Democrat. I don't care about her religious beliefs at all, as long as she isn't a Muslim. Socialist liberal shill.

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They've been having that problem ever since they realized that Trump was working for Bibi through Kushner

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Based. Israel is for all of its citizens not just Jews.


She’s still pro Israel, she just wants Israel to be more friendly to shitskins and troublemakers.
Muh diversity makes her more attractive to you?

Because people like you hate Jews in Israel too and Muslims would still want to blow it up.
Have to diversify the portfolio

Is that because you’re a rapist?

Top kek

Because the media doesn’t care about facts. It’s just muh Israel bad muh Palestinian victims. They hate whites and they see Jews as the whites in this story

It's a meme. Remember: most Anons are socially outcast kids, and they have little to no idea how the world works or how to successfully interact with others. They find a "hate the [some group here]" and gang mentality kicks in and by joining the chorus they think they've become part of a pack. Beast brains. Some grow up on their own, some travel and learn about America from outside and mature, some remain mentally stunted, clinging to memes and charts that support 'their' view.

Yea Forumsump

Since when does a model and a paid shill for smartphone companies have a say in politics and why?

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Truth. She should leave politics to the reality star hosts, bartenders, and Somali immigrants.

You don't have to be paid shill to acknowledge objective moral and technical superiority of Android phones before IOS.

Read Zionism vs Bolshevism by Winston Churchill


>You don't have to be paid shill to acknowledge objective moral and technical superiority of Android phones before IOS.
Lol. Not what I was referring to. And even that is dubious in her case.

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