

"Desmond Napoles (stage name: Desmond is Amazing) is an 11-year old drag kid, awarded LGBTQ advocate, outspoken gay youth, editorial and runway model, public speaker, performer founder of his own drag house, fashion designer, muse, legendary up-and-coming member of the voguing house, the House of UltraOmni, and icon from New York City."

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Sounds like he’s got more going on than you, crybaby


Deserves to be burned at the stake

From five second of research I can conclude that he isn't actually gay. From the age of 2 his parents have filled his life with drag and gay pride stuff, of course he's going to be like this at 11. Wait till he hits puberty and he'll probably realize he isn't all that into dudes. Drag is like any other form of theater, so he'll probably keep doing it while straight. Shame on his parents for imprinted their own interests on him and basically telling a baby that they are "gay because we said so." I thought we were past the point where not being the next Arnold S meant you were a faggot.

Kids don't know any better. Fuck that, the people pushing him to do that should be ashamed of themselves.

Would snap his fucking neck immediately. Dumb fucking faggot.

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darn kid must have some crazy parents

all of this rubs me the wrong way but the more i think about it, the less i feel there is anything objectively wrong with it. in the end, he's a kid who likes to dress as a drag queen in public. that isn't necessarily sexual. the parents are probably cunts but there's no law against that