New Celebs

New Celebs

I'm full of bread edition

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Baby it's COLD outside

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It's okay, we'll all be dead soon.

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. . . ... . . .

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you shouldnt eat bread


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If you think almost 30 is bad, just wait until you are actually 30

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I shouldn't?

Why not?

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Perky as fuck

the elder statesman

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I love you

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Attached: lily-rose-depp27.jpg (983x1024, 124K)

the plants grown to make bread give off natural defenses against animals eating it to protect themselves this poison after a period of time will begin to give you all sorts of disease and side effects that harm you

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Loving this no bra trend

not me. I take a multivitamin and a probiotic everyday. couldn't kill me with a canon, playboi :3

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Thick mommy duff

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Lol, 30. Shot can get so much worse....

its so tasty though

sourdough > *

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You just drained my fucking balls


Attached: lily-rose-depp6.jpg (950x1425, 129K)

i want to know what happened next

T.S. reference?
I am rather fond of you too, user

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You're kinda freaking me out, but I enjoy your trips

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Delicious puffys

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my identity is being stolen

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Attached: lily-rose-depp23.jpg (784x936, 94K)

love you user, hope it felt amazing

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i just want to help

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jesus.....kate has been my longest celebrity crush but it changed over night seeing as she's dating that gross fucker from snl. she's just not the same to me anymore...

.. .. . . .. ..

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is that arabic

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Of course it did. You're so generous, thank you.

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Just wait till you sit on your own balls

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More Lauren?

I think Im getting sick

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That dude pulls some serious tail. He must be hung like a sasquatch

Welp now I'll be afraid to eat bread forever now thanks to you..

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You better be fucking joking

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On behalf of all the celeb lurkers, i would like to thank you and the other anons like you for making us jerk off to these stunning beauties.

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mommy coming thru

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Oh fuck yes

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i want to be a celeb's sissy

Fuck, that ass...

holy shit

yeah and a single cow emits more methane (critical component of ((("greenhouse gas")))) and does more to affect (((climate change))) in 3 years of being alive than an 18 wheeler can do in 50 years. most everything is relative, especially when you cherry pick. you wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for bread. that shit has gotten many generations of our ancestors through some really really tough times. plus everything else that comes from grain. don't be silly, user.

Attached: db's daughter aka girl whomst cherry I shall popeth.jpg (1080x1350, 137K)

Work that ass baby

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Milk truck has arrived

I wish I were kate user

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Tongue coming through

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Fuck that is a lewd tongue

Don't we all?

Sorry apparently I got distracted and accidentally left this thread
Here's a Brina to make up for it

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>I wish I were, kate user
>I wish I were kate, user

that's so hot

Attached: 1536122395880.webm (1794x1010, 1.79M)

Fuck I wanna slide my tongue up and down that ass crack

Attached: JS tongue.webm (320x240, 1.26M)

just dont eat it and you wont be afraid

I know you do.

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idk i'm not around here too often anymore
i just get excited thinking about cute celebs dominating me and making me girly like them

sorry for the bad res, the source vids are super old

Attached: JS yawn.webm (320x220, 299K)

This is too much for me to handle already...

they have eaten each other's Pussy's

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i appreciate you saying that, user
you're welcome

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Yawning is so contagious that it can even be transmitted by gifs...

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I wish I were, kate user
I wish I were kate, user
I wish I were kate user
all equally true

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Thank you user. I needed this badly.

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Just close your eyes and stroke.

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No worries user. My dick loves it all the same.

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something for the fairies

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Attached: jessica lucas 3k34k.png (613x349, 226K)

You bad bitch. You know how crazy we are for that ass and you love it.

She was great

Attached: jessica lucas 9292.jpg (1801x1350, 1.22M)

>the fairies
how old are you? lmao

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Why would i close my eyes when doing that? Surely i would need to stare at her more so that my mind goes to mush...

he's like 6'3, half black, and super skinny, the dude probably has a monster dong

who is kate?

Attached: olivia thirbly 91911.jpg (922x816, 100K)

lewd, user

Then don't blink. As long as you're going nice and slow.

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she was excellent in The Girl on the Train
you can be silly, of course :3

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whats the point of calling people lewd when you know literally everyone in this thread has their hand on their cock

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She is so fucking hot. Fantastic in Dredd.

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He would have to with those tattoos


I need to put a baby in her

Haven’t seen that one yet

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I don't. that's a sin. and sin don't win.

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any kate would do

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I dont

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I do

I'm going to check your trips, but since i don't have my hand on my cock, i will respectfully disagree

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hersh aka comfy natanon made it a few months back. it's p gud

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she'll always be sadfu to me

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love how curvy she is and how slutty she dresses

Fuck I hope she shows off those fat pale tiddies before it’s too late

i want to be her sissy...

I’ll check it out

It's hard to not love.

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She knows she’s got a killer body and loves showing it off

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Attached: Emma Watson for ELLE.webm (1280x720, 293K)

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of course this kate is number one choice

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Im so tired

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Go to bed, silly

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Attached: emmaBBread.webm (768x768, 1.29M)

Google Kat Dennings leaks, user....

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Mmmm that ass

Two fine pieces of ass

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Haven't posted any Emmas in a long while

Attached: Emma Watson Fuck Yeah.webm (194x250, 88K)

Oh I’ve seen those fuckers. Yeah just wanted something a bit higher quality

.... ....

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So underrated. One of my favorites to spill seed to.

I enjoy you very much as well

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.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..-

what a treat she always is

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Sorry got distracted here's another Brina so you don't have to look at nothing but shitty celebs

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Agreed. Lost so much cum to her.

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by god it's a windtalker

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Fuck yes

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You're the real treat

Attached: Emma Watson Upskirt (Bling Ring).webm (650x814, 1.15M)

My dick just twitched

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Ema :3

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Attached: 70462149917b73d8289c9a45d35245ba.jpg (1825x2738, 455K)

Would worship those legs

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Attached: 1526015176816.jpg (2001x3000, 1.59M)

Such a fucking bimbo. I love it.

-.-- --- ..- / -.. --- / -. --- - / ... .- -.--

Attached: cage.png (807x537, 369K)

She's built for breeding.

Attached: aa80cc6f1a31f081e189bb0566dc890f.jpg (600x600, 64K)

you must've caught yourself in your monitor's reflection for a second while typing there user :D

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Fuck yess. Would love to pump a baby into that bitch

I can't take this thread

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Can't blame you, user. Imagine bending her over and thrusting deep into that tight pussy.

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Fantastic! She always did it for me.

. . .

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Word around Hollywood is that she loves anal

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Just the sight of seeing those ass cheeks bounce from my pounding would send ropes of nut deep in her womb

She is so hot

Abso fucking lutely

Agreed. I used to worship her all the damn time.

is your daughter home?

Same. Haven’t done it in a while though. I may rub one out to her tonight

Legs and feet need to be kissed and licked

Her eyes are so sad because we haven't been spilling anything to her recently.

Get in here
Or don't, i'm not your dad

I don’t wanna make her sad user....

I know. She should have some happiness in her life as well.

Lets work our cocks to her

I would but I need to find my drive with her pics but I might've lost it. You can give her what she needs. Just make up for me as well.

I’ll give her a long hard fap session user

You better edge out a big load for her. Then continue stroking until you release another to make up for me.

My poor cock getting abused for her. It would feel to good to stop though.

Keep going, dammit! She needs it!

I won’t stop until I completely empty my balls. Will fill her up for the both of us.

You better user! I want that cock hurting after you're finished.

It’s gonna be aching but it’ll be worth it. She needs our seed.

Fuck. I wish I could join you. I don't have kik anymore and I don't know how to use disc. lol

Discord looks weird at first but it has direct messaging just like kik. I really wish you could user. I need another cock.

Maybe I can try to figure it out for later. Would you drop your thingy?


I'll try to get it working. But if I don't. You better cum in the next 5mins for her regardless.

Already leaking precum user