Drugfags! I have discovered my new favorite substance...

Drugfags! I have discovered my new favorite substance. I suffer from profound anxiety and I also have borderline personality disorder, so I’ve always been drawn to drugs that mellow me out or bring me down, so to speak. I have just discovered the wonderful “research chemical” Etizolam. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s euphoric and it DESTROYS anxiety and insomnia. Anyone else have experience with this substance? It goes GREAT with weed.
Also, general drug thread. What’s everyone smoking/snorting/injecting/drinking tonight?
Pic related. Liquid Etizolam.

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weed is enough

Yes it is. Weed is wonderful.

It's still a fucking benzo essentially. Good luck getting hooked on that shit.

Absolutely agreed, Etiz is magic.
I'm cruising on oxy, nitrazepam and weed.

I'm with you all. 10 yrs on meds, 4 clean now. Weed only and I'd never go back. Living stoney bipolar and doin just fine

Where can you buy it and how much does it cost?

You know you need help when your questions to an EXPERIMENTAL drug isn't "What are the side effects? How can it hurt me?"

Worry not user, their purpose in this life is simply to serve as a warning.

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You realise it's prescribed in certain countries and have been for plenty of years right?

I've been prescribed benzos for 10 years for anxiety. Years and years and years with no problems. Then all the sudden every doctor in America gets something up their ass and they decide they won't prescribe benzos anymore like they're as bad as opiods. I have panic attacks regularly that keep me from being able to hold a job or do normal adult things. So yeah if there's a way to get a benzo or benzo analog without paying outrageous street drug prices I'm interested.

Don’t listen to
Etizolam is well established and used as an anti anxiety medication in a lot of countries. However it’s unscheduled in the US. You don’t need to go on the deep web to get it, there are plenty of reliable vendors that you can find with a google search. It’s a benzodiazepine.
It’s also fairly cheap. You can get a hundred 1 mg pills for fairly cheap. Enjoy!

OP here. This is exactly my problem. I found Etizolam which has been prescribed in other countries like Xanax is here since 1983. It’s not a research chemical st all and is well established as being an effective benzodiazepine. Technically it’s a thienodiazepine, or a benzo analogue. It’s wonderful. I hope you find peace with it. Very easy to find, legal, and safe as long as taken responsibly.

> t’s absolutely incredible. It’s euphoric and it DESTROYS anxiety and insomnia.
It's called being high as fuck dude... This is in general, overall a bad idea. You feel great because you're high, that's what being high is all about, it MAKES you feel good. But it's a glass cannon, it's not real, it's an artificial feeling brought on by the drug. Drugs have a powerful illusion effect, drugs are really good at tricking you into telling yourself "i'm better like this, this feeling fixes my life, I should always feel like this everyday", but that's all a lie the drugs are telling you, it's the drugs way of tricking your mind into doing more and more of it and it'll eventually take a negative tole on you. It's because you're not actually doing better, you've just spent a month of your life high and didn't actually accomplish anything but thought you did because the drugs make you believe you're doing better. And then once your tolerance goes up and you start needing to do more and more the side-effects will start hitting heavy and you'll start to lose out on life, ESPECIALLY with a benzo drug, that shit will fuck you up so bad you have no idea, you'll literally wish you were dead rather than being enslaved by it. Also with that liquid form it's really volatile and dangerous, it would be easy to overdose, blackout, and ruin your entire life very badly in a single night. Unless you have very, very, very serious conditions which prevent you from functioning normally, like sever PTSD or epilepsy don't take benzos.

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Not him, but I'm still gonna point out:
Meaning that it's got circumstances in which it can cause serious damage or even death to you if you're not aware of all the chemistry involved.
This isn't something one should be doing themselves unless they are extensively educated in medicine, and even then not without steadfast self discipline, as to not overuse it on a bender.
>Shilling this shit and trying to subvert another user's reasonable point

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Beats the fuck out of buying shady pressed bars on the street for outrageous prices, that’s for sure.

Look at this fuckin' normie living an actual life. I'd do any drug that I came across to fill this empty fuckin' void I feel inside. What's it like to be happy?

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No shit it has circumstances in which it can cause serious damage or even death, that's pretty much all OTC and prescription medicine. The point is that the effects have been well documented for years and isn't necessarily an "experimental" drug although it may fall into that category by some people's definition

I'm sober right now but, if I get this restaurant manager job tomorrow (and the pay is right), ill go back to smoking weed. If not, ill stay clean and try to get a geology job. :\

Yeah, in the hands of junkies it can be dangerous like anything else. In the hands of a responsible fucking adult it can be used to curb anxiety and help with insomnia. It’s a legit medication. Of course there are risks, it’s a benzo. I’m not sayin “Hey! This is 100 percent harmless, take as much as you want! But Etizolam.” That would make me a shill.

Cocaine is my DOC. Gets a bad rap honestly. I don't really smoke weed anymore but I do coke every weekend

>I'm not shilling
Also this user:
>It’s also fairly cheap. You can get a hundred 1 mg pills for fairly cheap. Enjoy!

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More power to you. I can’t stand uppers, but a bump every once and awhile can be pleasant. No judgement here. Enjoy!

I was answering another user’s question about its availability. Nothing more. I didn’t provide a source or name a price.

Since it's not technically a benzo would it still give positive for benzos on a drug test? I've got one coming up so I'm not even smoking weed rn and that basically makes me want to die.

>it's an artificial feeling brought on by the drug

I didnt read anything else you said because thats way too fucking long but why do you have to view it like that? The drug creates a new feeling, a new emotion, a new mental state, and THATS pretty neato.

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I googled. What vendor do you like? I don't really want to buy 100 pills for 75 bucks for a first order. Can I just get like 5 to try it?

I just think so much on coke. Me and another manager used to chill for hours after work just railing lines- but talking about stats and data. The worst is just trying to sleep when its time. For that, id love some weed.

I'm more of a fan of gabapentin. I just took 20 grams and I feel fucking amazing

Why do cokefags act all clicky like they have next level changed the world for snorting a line? Is that what the drug does?

Most likely. I would stear clear until after your drug test. To be safe.

Maybe, you’d have to look around though. I’m not gonna name anyone on here, sorry. Just keep looking. Chances of finding someone to send you a sample might be slim though. I know you can buy smaller amounts for much cheaper. There are sites that sell ten packs.

WAIT WAIT WAIT i read the rest... youre talking like the drugs have a mind of their own... youre talking like... LIKE YOUVE DONE DRUGS

>I was helping another user find drugs instead of letting him go find it, therefore subverting the safety mechanisms that were keeping idiots out of medicine cabinets

Yes, you feel like THE boss on cocaine. You’re the smartest, classiest and sexiest guy in the world on coke. Til the comedown.

It's xanax lite. Still strong enough to kill someone in high doses with alcohol, but overall it does the same shit as xanax

You’re an argumentative faggot with no other agenda than to shitpost and argue with people for the sake of trolling. Please kindly fuck off.

fuck a tincture. Addy's and Bupe forever. Sucks about my T levels but at least my balding progression has slowed down some.

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This isn’t inaccurate. It’s very similar to Xanax. Less black out inducing though, ime.

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Nice dodge, but you're literally helping someone too dumb to figure this shit out themselves to have medicine that they certainly wouldn't know well enough to not be a liability.
Pic related, for you.

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I used to buy etizolam in bulk 1500 pills for $250.
Was a nice way too supplement my benzo habit.
I was using etizolam+clonazolam towards the end of my benzo years.

I hate adderall. Mainly because I was misdiagnosed with add in the 90s and by the time I was 10 I was on 90 mg a day and a complete zombie. Bupe, however, is an excellent and underrated semisynthetic opioid. I find it more euphoric than methadone, even though bupe is a partial agonist and mdone is a full agonist. For some reason subs are way more euphoric for me.

Clonazolam sends chills down my spine thinking about it. I lost a month of my life on it. Horribly potent and way too unpredictable. At least etiz is an established drug that’s used medically. C-Lam is a fucking train wreck waiting to happen.

Fucking addicts.

Lives with addiction. Has seen what it can do.
Still recommends others get started on benzo.


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I asked if anyone had tried it. Someone is butthurt. Someone you know an addict? Can’t handle drugs yourself? Sorry bro.

Also, learn how to greentext, you fucking newfag.

You're doing Gods work andon

It's threads like these that make me wonder how many Indian street shitters are on this board.

I used to be prescribed to xanax but lost my prescription, after that I ordered from AB until they were shut down.
At that point I was taking 12+mg xanax daily, so I moved to etiz+clonazolam.
Fun while it lasted

Wow, I remember when drug threads were in abundance and awesome. Now you can’t have one without a bunch of white knight faggots shitposting and ruining the fun. Stay the fuck out of the thread if you don’t like drugs. Save yourself the trouble.

Also I dont think coke is tradionally addicting. You know when is a good time to be or not to be on it. At my worst, Ive thought "man... This would be so much better if I had a G to bump" but theres no pyhsical withdrawls or sickness.

My rule is- if I dont have a $100 bill to snort with, then Im too broke for coke. Wait till next payday

>Discovered etizolam
See you in a few weeks post benzo blackout have fun user

Well, I’ve been using benzos for years (prescribed) and I have never abused them. I take 1-2 mg of Etizolam 3 times a week. I doubt that’s gonna be a problem. Thanks for the warning though!

You have to smoke or iv it I think for it to really take hold

And thats just stupid. If you IV anything, then you were lost long before drugs. Crack is for fucking niggers

I'm a heroin addict

I shot a speedball once. Must have been shitty coke cuz it was underwhelming. Really only felt the heroin. Which was also trash.

You can smoke cocaine without it being crack rock.

Sounds disappointing. You got dubs though.

There’s hope for you man. But if you’re enjoying your life, then keep at it. I completely believe in peoples right to take whatever god damn drugs they want. I was a dopehead for six years man. I get it.

It sucked. I also had a high heroin tolerance at the time so it was lackluster.

I do it honestly because I'm just bored

Best high is coffee and adderall mix

Heroin is the best cure for boredom. Do you bang?

Any well rounded adderall or vicodin RC's anyone is aware of?

None that aren't already banned under the federal analogue act


Drinking and smoking a cig. Tomorrow is my umpteenth quit day. I hope it works...

It will when you get will

You mean the countless medical studies showing severe cognitive defects from taking that amount for that time, and drastic raising of baseline anxiety?

Yeah, those doctors are fucking idiots bro

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Ok Ive but some in my grav bong and burned with weed. I guess but still a waste.


You do not have bpd
I have bpd and if I smoke weed I end up in a and e