Sup Yea Forums, any school stories?

sup Yea Forums, any school stories?

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>be me
>one time at school, I schooled
>rinse and repeat for 12 years, then another 4 for college

One time
>I didn't get laid
>People were cunts
>Teachers were pilled the fuck out
>I put forth little effort and still passed
>nepotism determined success
>A kid shot himself in the church parking lot, did a shit job, a crawled across the parking lot crying help, died in a secretary's arms. -- he was a cunt though too, mom was a sweet lady so that made it sad.

i got bullied pretty bad in high school

Actual true story inbound:
> be me
> 17 at the time
> beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
> pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
> have a younger sister, 16 at this time
> my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
> announces that she's "seeing someone"
> father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
> few days later, brings the dude home
> tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
> visibly nervous
> my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
> discuss for a few minutes
> they go out
> dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
> sis comes home
> announces it was "fun"
> around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
> she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
> about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
> "We're not a thing anymore"
> tryingtoholdbacklaughter.jpg
> tell my father this
> laughs uncontrollably
> mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

>be me
>7th grade
>somehow in average intelligence classes, even though i'm a brainlet
>share classes with this kid named wade
>wade is literally a retard, and he's been in my school since 6th grade
>nobody knows how he's not in special ed
>nobody likes him at all
>for some reason, the school liked him. nobody knew why.
>i bullied this kid since he first got at my school because he's a creepy motherfucker
>wade slaps my ass in the lunch line
>"what the fuck dude?"
>wade winks at me
>feel violated
>tell nobody


You're supposed to start with one OP, you fucking faggot, but I'll go

> Be me
> Sophomore
> From small town, go to hick school
> Seniors always pull prank day before their trip
> Usually something shitty or small
> Senior prank day comes
> We have ag deparment, recieves a fuck ton of funding cause fermers r the futur here
> Have chickens and other small farm animals that students take care of daily
> keep them in a huge garage that used to be for receiving lunch food n shit
> In a class across from Ag room
> fucking around in math
> hear scratching on door
> oh shit
> someone let the chickens out
> teacher opens door and lets the fuckin thing in
> teacher freaks, didn't know what it was
> i start laughing
> start to hear cowbells
> someone brought fucking cows
> probably brought them through the garage
> like 3 more fully grown cows pass behind it deeper into school
> cow seems chill n curious
> teacher's flipping shit, tell her to calm down or you'll spook it
> never spook something the size of a fucking kia you idiot
> walk up to cow and try to pet it
> it tries biting my hand but i get some pets in
> cows decides to chill
> cowbro achieved
> me and cowbro sit and chill while chaos ensues
> teachers running from class to class
> shit from animals all over in the halls
> principle tries to corral a cow and almost gets kicked
> piglet from ag room comes in and makes friends with cowbro too
> seniors who did it only got suspended and had to clean up
> cowbro gets tons of pets from class
> didnt have to take math quiz that day
> thank you seniors
> thank you cowbro
> mfw

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once in 4th grade, i farted so loud i got kicked out of class.

>be me 8th grade
>friend has huge dick
>other female friend fell asleep during class
>teacher leaves room
>shoves big dick in ear
>she wakes up
>slaps the fuck out of her face
> she has to walk around school the rest of the day with huge red make on her face

not gonna green text this like a faggot, fuck you

there was a chick that let a bunch of juniors and seniors fuck her in the bathroom

i was one of the 17 that fucked her in a single day, after that the rumor spread too much and teachers found out and caught her with 2 dudes in the bathroom

she got expelled and we never got to fuck her again

she was for sure mentally ill

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were you in Oregon?

nope, i was in new jersey

one day I when to school but had to come back home because school is closed on Sunday

>what is Sunday school
Checkmate, faggot!

>be me
>juinor year of high school
>just chillin at lunch, ordinary day
>school has a courtyard for kids to eat lunch in when the weather is nice
>dont have a lot of friends, but the ones I got have been with me since middle school, so its fine
>we decide to go outside to eat, nice as fuck
>school gives us apple juice in little cups with lids for everyday lunch
>fuck michelle obama
>there are several bee nests in the courtyard, honey bees and hornets
>as soon as kids go out with food, the bees come out
>girls always screaming cause the bees swarm the apple juice cups

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wew lad

This is a good example of why true stories are seldom interesting.

same here but no college

Sounds like a recipe for herpes or the clap. Please at least tell me you didn't raw her


>friends and I collect tons of apple juice cups from everyone who didnt want the rest and place them at a small table in the courtyard
>make sure the lid is only halfway open
>take plastic sandwhich cases from our lunch and wait
>the bait has been set
>at first, a few come and go, swarming around but never really settling down for a sip
>finally, it happens
>two bees go in for a sip at one of the open cups
>friends and I act fast
>go in for the kill as we cover the top of the cup and shake it to spook the bees into the cases and close them shut
>we have just successfully caught two bees
>but it wasnt enough
>do this several more times with a couple more bees, trapping only a few in a couple of cases, one reaching four max

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where? I want to read about this suicide. when was it?

>In grade 5 there was a very uncomfortable guy who we'll call "John", because his name was John.
> We had to do a presentation in front of the class, his topic was Saturn.
> Mid winter in Canada so everyone has a cold it seems.
> John midstream has to sneeze, gives giant wind-up and covers his mouth and nose.
> He moves his hand away from his face and an absolutely enormous strand of snot hangs down from his nose. He literally lowers his hand down to waist hieght and two strands reach from his nose to his cupped hand
> Teacher says "John, go to the washroom and clean up.
> John proceeds to slurp up snot, swallows, and tells the teacher "It's okay, I got it all."
> Teacher projectile vomits on her desk and girl in front row.
We went for early recess.

*Cough* its pasta *cough*

what state?

cont pt 2
>fill up to 3 cases with bees in them
>its almost a thrill at this point capturing bees alive
>people see what we're doing, but they assume we're being retards and autistic, and ignore us
>little do they know
>finally, we reach our peak when I capture a hornet
>little thing was flying everywhere in the case, trying to break it
>little fucker was pissed and ready to sting
>we collect our bee cases
>and walk back into the cafeteria
>we place them near the vending machine, my friends and I ready to book it once we open the cases
>dont wanna get stung
>go to corner
>teachers arent looking
>put the cases on the ground

>Once in 11th grade a teacher wasn't able to make it to the door to rip a fart.
>He walks over to stand next to my best friend's desk let's rip HUGE fart.
>Teacher accuses best friend of letting one rip and sends him to the principal's office for discipline.
> Best friend takes the rap because he thought it was really funny.

>be me
who the fuck else would I be
lmao you fucking morons

That pic gives me wood.

Ar is you the original YouTube Fartgirl?

Can’t read it, can you greentext it?

you horrible cunt

I got in all kinds of trouble in school for ridiculous reasons but I never ever heard of someone getting sent to the principal's office for farting. Is that really a thing at some schools? It's fuckin ridiculous it's a bodily function. That's like getting in trouble for sneezing. I would tell the principal he's a cocksucker and fill his office with farts.

I bet you walk up to people and just say "user"
>like "hi I'm ___" lol wtf who else would you be instead of you

no it's King Ass Ripper

>open up the tops quickly and make a break for the bathrooms
>wait a few mins and walk out to see people start having bees swarm them
>teachers assume some got in through a window or got aggro'd outside
>kids and teacher move away from corner of the cafeteria
>girls yelling and screaming and flailing when the bees come for them
>teachers close all windows and doors, kids outside are starting to panic now
>lunch ends early because kids are having total meltdowns about the bees and some were allergic and having panic attacks
>mfw i never got caught
>mfw I am the Bee Keeper

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The teacher just needed to get him out of the class in case he decided to plead his innocence.
Teachers aren't supposed to fart, and this one had a notorious rep amongst the teachers for always having bad gas.
My buddy wanted to go dirtbiking anyhow.


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was this in PA? I think this was in my school

Afraid not

I'm in MA


>In middle school 12-13
>me and my friend would go around and hit on girls
>fail almost every time
>find a cute goth girl always sitting alone
>shes very shy it's like pulling teeth getting her to talk
>ask her why such a pretty girl always sitting alone, ect.
>every day before school starts she'd be sitting outside her first period class
>now me and my buddy would too
>she finally admits she has no friends except us
>we invite her to hang out with us on the weekend
>I get in trouble and can't go hang out with them
>on monday my buddy is telling me how they lost their virginities to eachother
>they both seem really happy on our morning chats
>fast forward a few months
>my friend get's her pregnant
>they both leave my middle school
>never see nor hear from either of them again
Dijon you were always a bro. I've got more stories if anyone is interested


>be me
>had to piss during lunch
>friend from soccer comes in with me
>he starts giggling
>"dude, what if I just shit in this urinal?"
>I try to be the worst influence possible for everyone I meet so my answer is obvious
>"do it, no one will know it's you unless you say something"
>he does it
>I leave the bathroom, and go sit down at the table
>dumbass comes out of the bathroom laughing his ass off and telling kids to go look in the bathroom
>one of the teachers thinks I'm trustworthy and asks me who did it
>I don't snitch
>not sure who told on him but it didn't take them long to find the culprit due to the attention he brought to it
>he gets called to the office the next period and suspended for 2 days

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No you wouldn’t.

ever wonder what would have happened if you had gone?


>be me 12 years old in 7th grade
>me and my male friends would mix soap and water from the bathrooms in waterbottles
>spill it in this long hallway connecting seperate wings of the middle school
>use paper towels from the bathrooms to get a nice even coat
>you can now get a runing start and slide down the length of this very slippery hallway
>girls are impressed with our style
>some of the girls join in the fun
>most of my male friends are too scared of girls to talk with them
>i become one of the ~3 males in the female group
>teachers pissed about the slippery hallway and eventually stop our shenanigans
>nobody gets in trouble but we all get warned
>I become fully ingrained in the group of chicks
Part 1/3

For a while I did, would it have been three way action? just a group of friends hanging out? cockblock my friend? Now i occasionally wonder what happened to them.
>One day all the girls are missing from our usual hangout spot which is the same hall with our custom slip and slide
>just a few of my bro's all laughing and stoked up
>"what's up fella's? Where is everyone at?"
>"you'll see haha"
>dejon comes out of the girls bathroom with a big smile
>a few of the girls walking him out see me
>"user come in here, we want to talk to you about something!"
>Never been in the girls bathroom before but if they are inviting me...
>they are all smiles and giggling, the bravest of them steps up: "sooo we have been having a little competition... look at this!"
>shows me a notebook with a list of names of my male friends and the length of their dicks
>she has a ruler and everything
>"what do you think user, want to show us?"
>at this point i had barely kissed a girl, wasn't ready to show my dick to a room full of chicks
>"uhhh no not really" I can feel the blood rushing to my face
>she gets all pouty, "aw come on everyone else is doing it..."
>two other girls step up "come on user, it's okay"
>they start trying to put hands down pants
>autism.exe initiated
>basically pulling their hands away while they both try and get in my pants
>the leader steps up again "okay stop girls...your basically raping him..."
>we never talk about this again and continue being friends
>looking back I should have done it, i would have been near the top of the chart...

*Farts for a minute straight*
Sniff that one baby

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i read this before

>nearing the end of 8th grade
>still maintain friendship with two circles of friends, group of mostly girls and a group of all guys
>I am like an ambassador introducing them to each other
>one of the girls is dating one of the boys, no babies tho
>she is moving from California to Florida, everyone is sad
>she breaks up with boyfriend because obviously it won't work
>last day of her there she's crying a lot everyone trying to be nice
>she keeps wanting a lot of hugs from me and saying she will miss me...
>even i'm not so retarded to know what that means
>during lunch i tell her i always liked her but never made a move because of bro code
>it was a lie but she was cute, had a great ass and I could tell I could get some action
>end of the school day, shes dragging her feet to leave
>last chance, I make a move
>go for a kiss, she goes for tongue
>grab a double handfull of her ass
>seems to last forever was probably 5 minutes
>her parents blowing up her phone
>crying says goodbye again
>hold her hand and walk her to her parents car
>next day
>group of my male friends see me
>"user you bastard i saw you making out with Stacy! I'm going to kick your ass!"
>my group of male friends betray me, three of them tackle me, beat me up and then insult to injury, the one who's ex it was spit in my face
>oh well the ass was fat

Continue pls

same here, exact same story.