Smash or pass thread

Smash or pass thread

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Would smash

Tough I'll say pass but not sure really.

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Probably pass unless drunk

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Have a better picture?

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Lean smash


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pick one

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Every girl in this thread is a 7+ they are all smashes...

at least make it a little questionable...

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Far right for sure

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smash or pass

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>Doing Wakanda gang signs.

No thanks, I don't appreciate coalburners.

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Lets see the tits

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Smash right

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SMASH! any moar?


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She looks crazy. Smash for sure.
Have to see body

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Here ya go

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Crazy how so?

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Hard pass

For sure smash right. Probably smash left.

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Hard to put my finger on but she just has that bat shit crazy look in her eyes that I love in a woman.

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Pass left, smash right

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smash or pass?

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More coffey county girls

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You got any?

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even have to ask?

Hard smash

You didn’t take your own advice, definite smash

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Ask about the crazy look? Yeah.

Smash or pass?

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smash, pass, smash the fuck out of her, pass, smash


For sure smash right

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Smash 3 and 4. Also moar

Can take it to kik if you have more CC or surrounding.

hard smash who tf would pass on that hot milf


pass both


Smash, pass


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Not a milf tho. No kids....

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holy shit this is getting even better

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how would you go about doing it?

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definitely smash. Any cleavage pics?


3 and 4

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no, just no.

Any others? I know this one.

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who wouldn't smash her? I would fuck those lips


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Wow they cute

now we're talking. Mmm, I'd enjoy ripping that bra off her and stripping the slut down

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Some have said pass bc she's a muscular chick.

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Smash or pass

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You wanna see her completely naked or being stretched out?

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If you knew this chick.

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let's see some frontal nude first, man. Will fap

smash hard. More of her cleavage

First initial J? I think I know her. Just pic isn't great. Yours all older pictures?

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any ass?


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Yes! more?

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J yes. I have some newer ones. Younger than these girls.

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does she ever take that top off? Loving these so far

S or p?

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Would drop multiple loads inside her

not really

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her face doesn't fit with her body type, but smash!

mmm moar frontal nude. how old in these?

Have kik? Otherwise keep going man. Haven't seen chicks from our neck of the woods much.

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Is this B. C.?

Fuck. More from 2

I guess they never pass huh

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that's okay, more like these or in dresses?

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18 here

Love her legs

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keep going, man. Enjoying these

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Yep. Yours JW and JG?

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they really are cute

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Right seems to have a great ass. I'd bet

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I'd smash

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Smash 2 and 5

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Before she sucked my cock

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Her tender mouth sucking my cock

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very nice. She makes a good slut

17 here though

would love to trade places with you. Get balls deep in that throat. More of her body

Gf s or p?

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Me fucking. Sorry bad angle for shot

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Smash or pass

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Pass drop 10lbs we'll talk
No face no rate

Number 2 ! Would love to cum buckets in that tasty pussy twice a day

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smash, gotta see those tits

she does

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Just found a fuck ton on my phone hold up

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Smash that throat

worst thread ever.

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def post 'em man. Enjoying that body

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the blonde latina on the right. she's mentally disabled from a car accident when she was an infant. she has a limp, a slight speech impediment, the mind of a child, but is high functioning and gives a mean blowjob.

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top needs to come off

This one

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strip her more

Love her pussy

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Great ass total smash

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oof, tight

would look even better after a gangbang

S or p

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Love girls in uniform

Ass in panties or more cock in mouth?

3 looks really hot

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unfortunately don't have more of that

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she is

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Her body is amazing

damn she can really take it. Any more bra/lingerie?

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Damn. That's what i call tight


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Great legs

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Hmmmm...who think was him...?!!

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Imagine having a dick this tiny.

Looks incredibly fuckable

A man needs a sauce

That body needs a cock inside

wtf is this bullshit!?!?!?!?!?


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Holy shit, more?


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>gotta use my whole arm
smash smash smash

She's hot

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Sold smash

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Smash, but I wouldn't brag

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Wife OC

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destroy. thoughts?

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I'd wreck her pussy

How about her?

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definitely. her?

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Why the he'll did you think it was going to be a good idea to stand your "wife" on the shitty scuffed coffee table and take a pic with the flash on

Are you seriously retarded, nothing about this pic, including your "wife" is good.

Don't ever post it again

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Meh. I'm not into fat chicks.

So... smash?

pass. she looks too stuck up.

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you go on Yea Forums no you wouldnt lol

Smash, sucker for freckles

How about her?

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Lowkey looks like the kid form the jungle book. Need more pics

Lol she’s not

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Id fucking rape her

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i don't blame you

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pass on her and her fucked up mouth.

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would nut in

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smash both
smash the blonde
smash hard


pass because of that fucking horrendously trashy tattoo

holy fuck is she in a fucking gang or something jesus christ lol

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fuck yeah