This slut is going to be whited by me

This slut is going to be whited by me

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-211735_Badoo.jpg (1440x2960, 899K)

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Heres more of her

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-211127_Badoo.jpg (1440x2960, 997K)

Are you worried about the HIV virus?

No but are we okay she is fucking hot for a nigger ?

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-211905_Badoo.jpg (1440x2960, 1.57M)

Its called colonized

I hate snap chat filters tryin make ugly bitches bang able usually by making them look like animals, or in this case intelligent

Ya got nudes fam

Not rn but soon for sure did someone here ever whited one ?

Go for it user
>Not rn but soon for sure did someone here ever whited one ?
Yes, pretty much the same as being with any other woman.

post her feet

Pussy smell ? Ahaha
You have pic of the whited one ? Ive never done this before

Dont have bro

bet she has yellow nigger feet

>Pussy smell ? Ahaha
Literally the same as any other woman, they all smell pretty much the same unless you are just with a girl that has no hygiene. All the black women i have dated typically take a long time showering and getting ready first and they have all smelled pretty good
You have pic of the whited one ? Ive never done this before
This is one of my exs that i dated for almost half a year

forgot pic

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carry on OP

I certainly would. Good gettin man.

More user ? Would bang !

Not really any nudes but this is an old pic from before christmas, also me in it as well

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Nice pic bro why does it end ? Serious relation or just fun ?

very cute face, would dump loads and loads of thick cum on that faceā€¦

also, charge your battery, especially before filming her swallowing cum

It was a serious relationship but i basically fucked it up by acting crazy while getting drunk, i really cant complain much about her other than she was sort of naive being 22 and fresh out of college. Definitely wanted a real/long term relationship with me and constantly told me she wanted to get married and have a family with me.

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No pics of feet, never really was a footfag
Only had a shirt on in pic related since it was the morning after spending a night at her house and she would leave her bedroom door open for her shitty little dog, meanwhile her mother would walk around the house. Still fucked her with the door open and ignored the risk lol

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Lol i will not forget that sir

This finally was a good experience and mariage affraid me too good job

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>This finally was a good experience and mariage affraid me too good job
Wasnt really afraid of marriage but she wanted to rush into it and basically demanded it in less than a year, actually wanted to get married within the first few months we were dating and i told her i wanted to live together for a while first. She had actually never lived away from her parents/mother though except a brief time on a college campus and kept being indecisive whenever i mentioned living with me but at the same time kept wanting to immediately get married, even coming up with lists of rings.

Pic unrelated, a different black girl i dated before her but i wasnt quite as serious that time

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I think she was young and affraid by loosing you so mariage is a way to keep you beside her

moar ?

Its bleached or colonized moron

>I think she was young and affraid by loosing you so mariage is a way to keep you beside her
Same girl as in (she wore a lot of wigs). This one was a lot of fun and definitely had a much more interesting personality, but was slightly too big for my tastes (i like chubby/bbw girls but there is a certain limit) also she was an ex-meth user and constantly wanted to do a lot of other drugs, mostly ecstasy/beans and coke which got to be expensive quickly. She actually did live with me for a while btw, also was only 21 but was way more emotionally damaged than most girls her age.

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The most important question a person could ask here is, what in the actual FUCK is wrong with you for fucking a nasty nigger? Do you have any self respect?

can u post moar tits and ass?

Wtf is wrong with whited niggers ?

When did you first realize that you were into bestiality?

Its called not being a faggot virgin. Turning down any woman who is interested in you simply because of other peoples opinions is literally letting other people mentally cuck you.

Niggers are niggers. You can't polish a turd.

If you're not colonizing these savages and showing them their place, you are a beta cuck who using his white male privlidge in any meaningful way.

Now if you're some mud race animal (btw who's actions will always 100%, objectively, no matter what, bring zero to the advancement of humanity), then disregard, this message isn't for you.

Op here top kek moar like this

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